Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 24.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance (if flag is present)
4. Added to Agenda Items
5. Deferred Matters
6. Other Business
6.1 18-0543
#000357-2018 On the petition of Clark and Karen Kramme, record owners, who seeks
the following variance from the requirements of the Lake County Code and any other
zoning relief as required: 1) Reduce the minimum lot width from 130 feet to 86 feet to
remedy a nonconformity created by an improper land division. The subject property is
located at 38944 N Lakeside Dr. Antioch, Illinois and is approximately 1.25 acres.
Attachments: Staff Recommendation 000357-2018
Var-000357-2018 Application File
Supplemental agenda reflects the correct attachments for agenda item.
7. Adjournment