
Lake County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Waukegan Township Board met May 10.

Webp meeting 05

Waukegan Township Board met May 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Waukegan Township, County of Lake, of the State of Illinois was held at Waukegan Township’s Supervisor’s Office located at 149 South Genesee Street, Waukegan, Illinois on Thursday May 10, 2018.

The Board Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Supervisor Patricia Jones. Clerk Rose M. Staben led the Members in the Pledge of Allegiance and Trustee Opal Rice led the Members in prayer.

Roll Call: Trustee Opal Rice, Trustee Sylvestre Castellanos, Trustee Nathaniel Hewitt, Clerk Rose M. Staben, Highway Commissioner Arthur Craigen and Supervisor Patricia Jones. Also Present: Juan Hernandez/HR Assistant/Deputy Clerk. Excused: Trustee Percy L. Johnson, Assessor Mark Stricklin and Township Attorney Torrie M. Newsome.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion to approve the Agenda for the May 10, 2018 Waukegan Township Board Meeting as presented. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion to approve the Minutes for the April 26, 2018 Waukegan Township Board Meeting as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Rice. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion to approve the Cash-on-Hand as May 04, 2018 as presented. Motion by Trustee Castellanos, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Citizen Participation: None.

Supervisor’s Report:

Supervisor Jones mentioned that Trustee Johnson and Mrs. Johnson are home resting and wished them well with recovery.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that the Township Attorney Mr. Newsome is not in attendance because he is attending a workshop on Township Government Law. Supervisor Jones distributed the Township Scholarship applications for Kennedy N. Brown/Major, Recreation Sport & Tourism and Katrice Rhyan/Licensed Practical Nurse. She said all applicants must be attending an Illinois school asked the Board Members to review the applications.

Supervisor Jones distributed a letter from Glenn Swanson/President-Wauconda Township Supervisor addressed to Lake County Township Officials, dated May 06, 2018. The letter mentioned of an up-coming LCTO meeting and listed the various House Bills and an up-date.

Supervisor Jones distributed the Waukegan Township Assistance Program SSI Reimbursement Figures. The reimbursements were as follows:

• $20,875.00 for fiscal year 03/01/16-02/28/17

• $17,990.00 for fiscal year 03/01/17-02/28/18

• $9,685.00 for fiscal year 03/01/18 to present

The grand total was $48,550.00. She said once the individuals start to receive SSI, they are removed from our payroll.

Supervisor Jones distributed the 2018 EWC/Staben House Golf Outing budget sheet. The sheet showed the 2018 revenues total of $30,000.00 and expenses with a total of $10,550.00. The sheet listed the 2017 revenues of $26,760.00 with expenses of $9,861.31.

Supervisor Jones distributed a letter, dated May 10, 2018 with a proposal from Nancy Netherton/Financial Manager regarding a new copier for 149 S. Genesee St., for a price of $15,534.00 from Office Plus. Trustee Castellanos recommend leasing a copier from HP with services, repairs and products as needed. Supervisor Jones said she would look into a leasing option.

Supervisor Jones mentioned the Annual Lunch with the Mayor. She said it is scheduled for May 14th and asked Board Members to check in if they will be attending.

Supervisor Jones distributed the FY 2018 Outside Agency Funding Requests for U of I Extension, United Belizeans of Northern Illinois, the Link Foundation and YouthBuild Lake County. She mentioned the importance of each program and their efforts.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that Dr. Keller will be departing from the C2RR and a brunch will be held in his honor. She invited Board Members to attend the celebration on Friday, May 11th @ 8:30 am at the Supervisor’s Office.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that the film Milwaukee 53206 was shown on May 9th at Park Place and explained the concept of the film and its importance. Around 40 people attended.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that the Waukegan Historical Society will be celebrating their 50th anniversary and encouraged a continuance support.

Highway Commissioner’s Report:

Highway Commissioner Arthur Craigen mentioned that one of his employees resigned and he will be seeking a replacement.

Assessor’s Report: None.

Executive Session:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of Personnel-5ILCS 120/2 (C1) at 5:38 p.m. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Open Session resumed at 5:43 p.m.

Action on Payroll:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #13, Payroll period ending April 27, 2018 in the amount of $97,270.81 as presented. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Action on Invoices:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #14, approval of the following invoices for bills submitted for the May 10, 2018 Board Meeting: Invoices for Town Fund in the amount of $7,219.89; Invoices for G/A Fund/Eddie Washington Center in the amount of $1,444.92; Invoices for G/A Fund/Staben House in the amount of $2,069.18; Invoices for Town Fund/Assessor’s Office in the amount of $3,432.90; Invoices for Road and Bridge/Highway Department the amount of $1,094.38; Senior Fund/Park Place in the amount of $3,348.03; Senior Fund/Gift Shoppe in the amount of $69.50; Invoices for Home Sweet Home in the amount of $1,269.42; Invoices for Fundraisers in the amount of $0; as presented. Motion by Trustee Castellanos, second by Trustee Rice. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Action on Paid Bills:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #15, Paid Bills submitted after April 26, 2018 Board Meeting in the amount of $85,514.30 as presented. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice,

Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Emergency Bills: None.

Action Items:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of the Personnel/Employee Hiring as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of the 2018 Golf Outing Budget of $30,000.00 goal as presented. Motion by Trustee Castellanos, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of the Township Scholarships for two students as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of the Outside Agency Request for U of I Extension/$2,000.00, United Belizeans of Northern Illinois/$500.00 and the Link Foundation/$500.00 as presented. Also, Investing In Our Youth for YouthBuild Lake County/$1,000.00 as presented. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

New Business: None.

Old Business: None.

Announcements: None.

Comments/Concerns-Trustees: None.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Supervisor Jones adjourned the May 10, 2018 meeting at 5:52 p.m.
