
Lake County Gazette

Monday, December 23, 2024

Village of Mundelein Village Board will meet June 11.


Village of Mundelein Village Board will meet June 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call To Order

II. Attendance

III. Pledge Of Allegiance

IV. Approval Of Minutes

A. Motion to approve the Committee of the Whole meeting minutes from May 14, 2018 6:00 pm.

B. Motion to approve the Board of Trustees Regular meeting minutes from May 14, 2018 7:00 pm.

V. Public Commentary

VI. Presentations/Awards

A. Introduction of New CERT Members

VII. Public Hearings

VIII. Mayor's Report

A. Repeal Ordinance No. 15-08-39 Creating the Position of Public Safety Director

Motion to pass An Ordinance to Repeal Ordinance No. 15-08-39, An Ordinance Creating the Position of Public Safety Director of the Village of Mundelein.

B. Resolution Appointing William Lark as Village of Mundelein Fire Chief

Motion to adopt a Resolution Appointing William Lark as Village of Mundelein Fire Chief.

C. Negotiating Team Appointment

Motion to appoint Trustees Meier and Semple to the Oak Creek Plaza Negotiating Team.

D. Commission Appointments

Motion to rescind the reappointments of Wendy Frasier, Gary Gunther, John Gannon, Ray Mullen, and Bob Stadlman to the Old #1 Fire Truck Preservation Committee.

IX. Trustee Reports

A. Community and Economic Development Committee (Abernathy, Russell, Meier)

1. 538 Morris Avenue Term Sheet

Motion to adopt a Resolution Approving Term Sheet for 538 Morris Avenue between the Village of Mundelein and K. Hovnanian Homes.

2. Garage Condominiums Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments

Motion to authorize the Village Administrator’s signature on Planning and Zoning applications for Zoning Ordinance text amendments.

3. Original Sundance Saloon Sign Variation

Motion to pass an Ordinance Extending the Expiration Date of a conditional sign variation for the Original Sundance Saloon at 2061 West Maple Avenue, Mundelein.

4. Lake Ridge Townhomes - Fifth Amendment to Development Agreement

Motion to adopt a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Fifth Amendment to Development Agreement for Lake Ridge Townhomes.

5. Lake Ridge Townhomes - Fourth Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions

Motion to adopt a Resolution Approving the Fourth Amendment of Declaration of Party Wall Rights, Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Lake Ridge Townhomes.

6. Lake Ridge Townhomes - Amendment to Planned Unit Development

Motion to pass an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 06-01-07, Ordinance No. 06-11-85, Ordinance No. 10-02-07, and Ordinance No. 17-10-44 for Planned Unit Development for Lake Ridge Townhomes.

7. Maple Hill Subdivision Special Service Area Number 1

Motion to pass an Ordinance Proposing the Establishment of Special Service Area Number 1 within the Village of Mundelein and Providing for a Public Hearing and other Procedures in connection therewith for the Property Commonly Known as the Maple Hill Subdivision.

B. Public Works Committee (Russell, Meier, Black)

1. Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation

Motion to approve a purchase order and payment to RJN Group Inc., for a sanitary sewer system evaluation in the not-to-exceed amount of $86,212.60 and authorize the Director of Public Works and Engineering to sign the proposal.

2. Proposal Award - 538 Morris Avenue Facility Deconstruction

Motion to Adopt a Resolution Accepting Bids for Facility Deconstruction at 538 Morris Avenue and Authorizing the Director of Public Works and Engineering to sign a contract between the Village of Mundelein and Signature Demolition Services Inc. and Approve Subsequent Purchase Orders for Such Service.

3. Authorization to Advertise for Proposals - Public Works and Engineering Facility

Motion to authorize the Department of Public Works & Engineering to solicit proposals for a guaranteed energy savings contract and construction management services on the construction of the Public Works and Engineering facility.

C. Finance Committee (Semple, Abernathy, Rekus)

1. AT&T Separated Bills for Approval

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated on the Disbursement

Pending Report for:

Dated Vendor Name Invoice Totaling

06/11/18 AT&T $4,083.53

06/11/18 AT&T Mobility $3,646.64

2. Governing Body Bill Approval June 11, 2018

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report for the period between May 15, 2018, and ending June 11, 2018, in the amount of $774,695.77.

D. Public Safety Committee (Rekus, Semple, Abernathy)

1. Village of Mundelein Emergency Operations Plan

Motion to authorize the Mayor and the Department Heads to sign the updated Emergency Operations Plan for the Village of Mundelein that has been approved by the Lake County Emergency Management Agency.

E. Building Committee (Meier, Black, Russell)

1. 2015 Property Maintenance Code

Motion to pass an Ordinance Amending the Village of Mundelein Property Maintenance Code.

F. Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (Black, Rekus, Semple)

1. Public Improvement Acceptance - Fairhaven Crossing Subdivision Motion to Adopt a Resolution Accepting the Public Improvements in the Fairhaven Crossing Subdivision.

2. Fairhaven Crossing Reimbursement

Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the reimbursement request by Mundelein Apartments, LP, and Verigreen Development, LLC for costs relating to the Anthony Avenue Extension and Hawley Street Sidewalk (Fairhaven Crossing).

3. Fairhaven Crossing Tax Increment Allocation Revenue Note

Motion to pass an Ordinance providing for Issuance of Tax Increment Allocation Revenue Note for Fairhaven Crossing, 407 East Hawley Street.

4. Division Street and Lake Street Drainage Improvements

Motion to award a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for the Division Street and Lake Street Drainage Improvements in the amount of $228,398.49 to HR Green Inc.

G. Other Reports

X. Scheduled Business

Omnibus Vote Items

1. Tree Maintenance Service

Motion to approve purchase order for tree removal services from Sawvell Tree Service in the amount of $30,000 for FY2019.

2. Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions Purchase Order

Motion to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $20,000.00 Fireworks for 2018 Mundelein Community Days.

3. Concentric Integration Purchase Order

Motion to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $23,000.00 for Repairs to 6 Rotorkvalves and 1 flowmeter due to lightning strike that occurred on May 9, 2018.

4. USALCO, LLC Purchase Order for $130,000.00 & Payment for $8,958.60

Motion to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $130,000.00 & Payment in the amount of $8,958.60 for Liquid Phosphorus Removal.

5. Al Warren Oil Co. Purchase Order

Motion to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $250,000.00 for FY19 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel.

6. FY19 Crack Sealing

Motion to approve purchase order for Crack sealing services from Patriot Maintenance Inc. in the amount of $27,000.00.

7. Custodial Service - FY2019

Motion to approve purchase order and payment for Custodial Services from Perfect Cleaning Company in the amount of $64,500.00.

8. Weed Control and Fertilization--FY2019

Motion to approve purchase order and payment for weed control and fertilization services from Rosborough Partners in the amount of $25,496.00.

9. Landscape Maintenance Service

Motion to approve purchase order and payment of landscape services from Rosborough Partners in an amount not to exceed $133,344.00.

10. BKD CPA's & Associates Purchase Order

Motion to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $29,900.00 for FY18 Audit.

11. Equipment Purchase--Water Reclamation Equipment

Motion to adopt a Resolution to Waive Formal Bidding, Accept a Proposal from EJ Equipment Inc., and Approve a Purchase Order for the Purchase of Sewer Televising Equipment in the amount of $40,819.36.

12. GIS Consortium Membership

Motion to approve a purchase order and payment and authorize the Village to enter into a one-year contract with the GIS Consortium Service Provider, Municipal GIS Partners Inc., in the amount of $122,880.50.

XI. Village Staff Reports

A. Village Administrator

1. Offer for Sale 927 Tower Road - Lot 30 as Surplus Real Estate

Motion to adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Offer For Sale 927 Tower Road - Lot 30 as Surplus Real Estate.

B. Village Attorney

C. Village Clerk

XII. Executive Session

A. Motion to recess into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(11), land acquisition or sale of property pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(5), personnel pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(1), and minutes pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2 (c)(21).

B. Motion to reconvene Village Board Meeting.

C. Attendance.

D. Action from Executive Session:

XIII. Other Business

XIV. Adjournment

A. Motion to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting.
