
Lake County Gazette

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Lake Bluff Board of Trustees met June 11.

Webp meeting 11

Village of Lake Bluff Board of Trustees met June 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order And Roll Call

Village President O’Hara called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Lake Bluff Village Hall Board Room, and Village Clerk Joy Markee called the roll.

The following were present:

Village President: Kathleen O’Hara

Trustees: Barbara Ankenman

Mark Dewart

Eric Grenier

Paul Lemieux

William Meyer

Aaron Towle

Also Present: Joy Markee, Village Clerk

Peter Friedman, Village Attorney

Drew Irvin, Village Administrator

Bettina O’Connell, Finance Director

David Belmonte, Police Chief

David Graf, Fire Chief

Jeff Hansen, Village Engineer

Mike Croak, Building Codes Supervisor

Glen Cole, Assistant to the Village Administrator (A to VA)

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

President O’Hara led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Consideration Of The Minutes Of The May 14, 2018 Village Board Meeting

Trustee Ankenman moved to approve the May 14, 2018 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Trustee Lemieux seconded the motion. Village Administrator Irvin noted one minor correction had been made regarding the meeting end time since the original copy was distributed to the Board. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

4. Non-Agenda Items And Visitors

President O’Hara stated the Village President and Board of Trustees allocate fifteen minutes for those individuals who would like the opportunity to address the Village Board on any matter not listed on the agenda. Each person addressing the Village Board of Trustees is asked to limit their comments to a maximum of five (5) minutes.

Ms. Ines Morroni (resident) came forward to address the Board regarding stormwater issues affecting her residence on Park Lane. She stated that she had been in contact with Village Engineer Hansen regarding flooding in her backyard. She distributed photographs showing standing water in her backyard to the Board. Village Engineer Jeff Hansen came forward and presented photographs, storm sewer maps, and topographical maps concerning the vicinity of Ms. Morroni’s backyard. He discussed the failure of an existing pump system preventing a low spot from draining, as well as the practice of neighboring properties using pumps to drain their yards in this area. He noted that there is a programmed Village capital project to increase the sizing of storm sewers in this area. Trustee Ankenman and Village Engineer Hansen discussed the neighboring pump systems and alternatives in this area. Trustee Dewart discussed the Village’s strategy for dealing with these types of stormwater issues. In response, Village Engineer Hansen estimated that there are about 50 homes in Lake Bluff with similar standing water problems but that the subject property is among the most affected. Trustee Towle asked if these problems threatened the home; Village Engineer Hansen responded that they did not. In response to a question from the Board, Village Engineer Hansen noted that one solution would involve a gravity drain and a six-inch stormwater pipe. He stated that a Village project would survey the larger area and look to solve problems for more than one home. Village Administrator Irvin stated that there were funds available for a surveying project. Village President O’Hara thanked Ms. Morroni for her comments.

Ms. Mary Duckworth came forward to address the Board on behalf of Lake Forest College. She presented the College’s “Home For Dinner” program to connect students with local families and support. She provided information regarding the program and asked for additional volunteers to serve as hosts for students.

There were no further requests to address the Board.

5. Village Board Sets The Order Of The Meeting

The Board did not adjust the order of business from the published agenda.

6. Item #6A – Warrant Reports For May 16-31 And June 1-15, 2018 And May 2018 Payroll Expenditures

President O’Hara reported the expenditure of Village funds for payment of invoices in the amount of $788,751.03 for May 16-31, 2018; the expenditure of Village funds for payment of invoices in the amount of $234,368.69 for June 1-15, 2018; and the expenditure of Village funds for payroll in the amount of $250,479.45 for May 2018. Village Administrator Irvin noted that these numbers were larger than normal due to the conclusion of the fiscal year as well as the Board not holding its second regular May meeting.

As there were no questions from the Board, Trustee Meyer moved to approve the Warrant Report. Trustee Dewart seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: (6) Meyer, Towle, Ankenman, Dewart, Grenier and Lemieux

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

7. Item #7 – Village Administrator’s Report

Village Administrator Irvin had no report.

8. Item #8 – Village Attorney’s Report

Village Attorney Friedman had no report.

9. Item #9A – Appointment Of Tim Callahan To The Architectural Board Of Review.

Village President O’Hara reported that, recently, Jill Danly was appointed to serve on the Joint Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals creating a vacancy on the Architectural Board of Review. The Village President appoints members with the consent of the Board. She recommends the appointment of Tim Callahan to fill this vacancy, with a term expiring April 30, 2020. Village President O’Hara described Mr. Callahan’s qualifications.

Trustee Dewart moved to approve the appointment. Trustee Grenier seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

10. Item #9 – Village President’s Report.

Village President O’Hara reported that school has dismissed. She asked everyone to be careful for children while driving. She had no further report.

11. Items #10 And #11 – Consent Agenda

President O’Hara introduced the following Consent Agenda items for consideration:

10. Correspondence Delivered in the June 15 and 22, 2018 Informational Reports; and

11. Second Reading of an Ordinance Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Mechanics, and Other Workers for Lake Bluff Public Works Projects for 2018

Trustee Ankenman moved to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Towle seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

12. Item #12 – A Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of A Construction Contract With Matrix Coating Solutions, Inc Of West Chicago, Illinois, For The Epoxy Floor Coating In The Fire Station Garage

President O’Hara reported that four bids were received upon a bid opening conducted in the Village Hall Board Room for the Epoxy Floor Coating in the Fire Station Garage at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday May 22. She stated that Staff recommends award to Matrix Coating Solutions in the amount of $39,104.00 as the lowest responsive and qualified bid, and noted the grounds for disqualification of one bidder (Tuff Kote Flooring, LLC). She noted that the Village’s FY2019 Budget includes a total of $101,000 for work on the Public Safety Building of which $40,000 was expected to be for this project. Trustee Meyer and Village Administrator Irvin briefly discussed the disqualified firm. Trustee Grenier and Building Codes Supervisor Croak discussed the existing floor coating.

Trustee Grenier moved to adopt the resolution. Trustee Dewart seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: (6) Ankenman, Dewart, Grenier, Lemieux, Meyer and Towle

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

13. Item #13 – A Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of A Construction Contract With Great Lakes Property Logistics Of Antioch, Illinois, For The Fire Station Exterior Lighting Improvement Project

President O’Hara reported that two bids were received upon a bid opening conducted in the Village Hall Board Room for the Fire Station Exterior Lighting Project at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 23 22. She stated that Staff recommends award to Great Lakes Property Logistics in the amount of $28,088.46 as the lowest responsive and qualified bid. She stated that the Village’s FY2019 Budget includes a total of $101,000 for work on the Public Safety Building of which $40,000 was expected to be for this project. She noted that this project has been recommended for approval by the Architectural Board of Review, as well as requested by the Fire Department to allow for their outdoor training.

Trustee Lemieux discussed his concerns regarding light pollution that may be introduced by this project. Building Croak Supervisor Croak stated that they could modify the installed lighting to allow for more control over brightness. Trustee Meyer stated that responding volunteers would benefit from the additional light when responding to a call. Trustee Meyer discussed LEED requirements encountered during the school renovations. Building Supervisor Croak noted that this light design was recommended by Brian Rener. Trustee Grenier noted Mr. Rener’s extensive professional experience with dark sky lighting practices and his support for this design layout.

Trustee Dewart moved to adopt the resolution. Trustee Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: (6) Ankenman, Dewart, Grenier, Lemieux, Meyer and Towle

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

14. Item #14 – A Resolution Approving An Intergovernmental Agreement And Membership In The Northern Illinois Police Alarm System (NIPAS)

President O’Hara reported that the Village of Lake Bluff has been a member of the Northern Illinois Police Alarm System since 1983. NIPAS provides essential mutual aid support to the Village during times when a police emergency exceeds the Village’s capability. She stated that NIPAS has requested its member agencies approve amendments to the NIPAS Bylaws that would, among other things, expand NIPAS membership to non-municipal law enforcement agencies; simplify an agency leaving NIPAS; and reduce liability risk for members.

Trustee Meyer asked the Police Chief to explain how the chain of command functions when NIPAS is employed. Chief Belmonte reported that NIPAS resources remain under the control of the ranking Lake Bluff officer and discussed NIPAS deployment procedures. Trustee Ankenman asked about the changes in risk management proposed; Village Administrator Irvin noted that the agency requesting assistance would bear the risk incurred by the response.

Trustee Meyer moved to adopt the resolution. Trustee Towle seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

15. Item #15 – A Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of A Construction Contract For The Village Of Lake Bluff’s Water Tower Reservior Control Panel Project.

President O’Hara reported that one bid was received upon a bid opening conducted in the Village Hall Board Room for the Water Tower Reservoir Control Panel Project at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, June 8. She stated that Staff and the Village’s consultant (HLR Engineering) recommends award to Marc Kresmery Construction in the amount of $60,664.00. She stated that the Village’s FY2019 Budget includes a total of $68,500 for this work; that $4,800 would be used to replace the cathodic protection unit of the water tower; and that the remaining $3,000 would fund inspection of the work.

The Trustees asked for an explanation regarding the cathodic protection system; a typographical error in the memorandum was noted which caused some confusion regarding this system. The Village Engineer provided background on the project, the procurement process, and the improvements in logging water utilization data enabled by the project. Village Clerk Markee asked for information about the project timeline. Village Engineer Hansen described the project timeline, which should conclude by October. Trustee Dewart asked about the data logging system.

Trustee Lemieux moved to adopt the resolution. Trustee Grenier seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: (6) Ankenman, Dewart, Grenier, Lemieux, Meyer and Towle

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

16. Item #16 – A Resolution Approving A Professional Services Agreement With Passportparking Inc. For Parking Administration Services

President O’Hara reported that Staff recommends the Village enter into a professional services agreement with PassportParking Inc. to allow users to pay $3.50 by phone to park at the Train Station Parking Lot. She described the financial arrangements between the Village and PassportParking, and noted an error in a prior Finance Committee memorandum on this subject.

Trustee Lemieux asked how the Village would raise awareness about this service. Village Administrator Irvin responded that the Village would use its newsletter, e-newsletter, social media, and other channels; and that PassportParking would also provide advertising services. Trustee Grenier asked how levying the convenience fee compared to other municipalities; Village Administrator Irvin stated that other municipalities charge an additional fee to provide this service. Assistant to the Village Administrator Glen Cole described the need for the fee. Village Administrator Irvin described Staff’s predictions regarding adoption by users. Village Clerk Markee asked about purchasing multiple passes at once. Assistant to the Village Administrator Cole noted that some municipalities require purchasing a balance in blocks, and others provide a discount for voluntarily purchasing in blocks.

Trustee Lemieux moved to adopt the resolution. Trustee Dewart seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

17. Item #17 – An Ordinance Amending Title 1 Of The Municipal Code Regarding The Comprehensive Fee Schedule

President O’Hara stated that this Ordinance would amend the Municipal Code to allow collection of the convenience fee discussed under the previous item.

Trustee Meyer moved to grant first reading approval to the ordinance. Trustee Ankenman seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

Village Administrator Irvin noted that this item requires two readings, and asked if the Board had any interest in waiving second reading. Trustee Meyer stated that it would benefit residents to waive second reading. Trustee Dewart moved to waive second reading. Trustee Grenier seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: (6) Ankenman, Dewart, Grenier, Lemieux, Meyer and Towle

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

18. Item #18 – Trustee’s Report

Village President O’Hara asked that Village Clerk Markee report on the preparations of the Fourth of July Committee. Village Clerk Markee discussed the parade theme and book, and said that preparations were proceeding well. Trustee Dewart stated that the History Museum Auto Show would occur in two weeks, and noted that there would be street closures to accommodate the event.

19. Item #19 – Executive Session

At 8:02 p.m. Trustee Grenier moved to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Executive Session Minutes (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)), Collective Bargaining (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)), and Personnel (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)). Trustee Dewart seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: (6) Ankenman, Dewart, Grenier, Lemieux, Meyer and Towle

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Meyer moved to adjourn out of executive session. Trustee Lemieux seconded the motion and the motion passed on a unanimous voice vote at 9:05 p.m.

20. Item #20 – Consideration Of The Minutes Of The May 14, 2018 Village Board Meeting

Trustee Dewart moved to approve the May 23, 2018 Board of Trustees Executive Session Meeting Minutes as presented. Trustee Lemieux seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

21. Item #21 – Adjournment

Trustee Dewart moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Trustee Meyer seconded the motion and the motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.



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