
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, January 26, 2025

City of Highland Park the Plan and Design met June 5.

Webp meeting808

City of Highland Park of the Plan and Design met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

I. Call To Order

At 7:30 p.m. Vice Chair Reinstein called the meeting to order and asked Director Fontane to call the roll.

II. Roll Call

Members Present: Glazer, Leaf, Reinstein, Waxman

Members Absent: Hecht, Kutscheid, Pearlstein

Director Fontane took the roll and declared a quorum present.

Staff Present: Cross

Student Rep.: Cortes

Council Liaison: Blumberg

III. Scheduled Business

A. Design Review - Consideration for a New Awning Located at 1835 Second St.

Planner Cross made a presentation for the above item including existing storefront, awning proposal, signs, nearby awnings, review policy, design standards and recommendation.

Mr. Cory Hock, IC Signs, 417 Sheridan, Highwood, IL, Sign Contractor, stated the orange goes with the branding for Orange Fitness and is used at other locations. It can be either with or without the splat logo and this one is without. The sign was approved in the last few days and completes the look of the store.

Commissioner Leaf asked if the signs have been already been approved including backlit and halo.

Planner Cross stated yes and if a sign permit conforms to the sign code and does not require review by the Commission it will not cross his desk. It will go to the Building Div. for permit.

Commissioner Waxman stated they will have orange, black, blue and white on the street.

Commissioner Glazer stated the awning is going to be plain orange. He stated the splat did not offend him and understood the logo. He asked why the applicant would not want to maintain the splat.

Mr. Hock stated they would love to keep the splat and he was told it was a two-sign process and they removed on recommendation from the City.

Commissioner Glazer stated he did not know if the Commission would be adverse to it and they might want to consider it. They may have to fill out a separate application and pay a fee.

Mr. Hock stated he had communicated this to the applicant and they did not want to spend the extra $500.00. They were able to get the reverse lit sign which is a nicer look for their signage. Usually they have a front lit sign and this is a nicer look for the area.

Vice Chair Reinstein stated there is an example of the sign in the packet and that on the edge there was a return. He asked if there would be a return for this sign.

Mr. Hock stated yes because this is a reverse lit sign.

Planner Cross asked about the gap on the proposed awning and stated it is open in the presentation but closed in the example.

Vice Chair Reinstein asked which one it would be.

Mr. Hock stated it will be open but it can be closed. The modern look is open.

Vice Chair Reinstein stated he thought is helps to hide the frame.

Mr. Hock stated there are two different styles.

Vice Chair Reinstein stated he liked the returns on the sides and if they want to have the splat it breaks it up.

Commissioner Glazer stated he liked the return on the awning and thought it looked better not to have the frame visible.

Mr. Hock stated he understood and the awning next door is open on the side.

Commissioner Leaf stated he thought most awnings in Highland Park are open.

Planner Cross stated that is the more typical style. One option for the Commission is to give that as a point of advisement or a note of recommendation as part of the motion.

Vice Chair Reinstein asked about the color of the frame.

Mr. Hock stated it is silver.

Commissioner Leaf asked if it was aluminum.

Mr. Hock stated yes.

Commissioner Glazer stated he was not inclined to make it a condition and they were just expressing their preferences.

Vice Chair Reinstein asked about an international awning critique relating to how far it is from the building.

Planner Cross stated it is the Intl. Building Code. It is not part of the building code but a prospective amendment. The question has arisen in the past about the recommended height from the sidewalk. It also includes the projection from the building itself.

Vice Chair Reinstein stated it was 20”.

Planner Cross stated it was pretty tight. The amendment has not been adopted but has been considered.

Vice Chair Reinstein entertained a motion to approve the application. Commissioner

Glazer so motioned, seconded by Commissioner Waxman.

Ayes: Waxman, Leaf, Glazer

Nays: Reinstein

Motion passed 3-1.

Mr. Hock asked if the applicant wanted to spend the $500.00 for the splat would they have to go through this process again.

Commissioner Glazer stated yes.

Planner Cross stated it is a separate hearing.

B. Design Review - Consideration for a New Awning Located at 716 Central Ave.

Planner Cross made a presentation for the above item including existing storefront, proposed awning, black color, conforms to code, nearby awnings, review policy, design standards and recommendation.

Mr. Hock stated it will have closed sides to match the awning next door. It will be lower as they did not want to go over the decorative portion of the trim and it will be black canvas with white text.

Vice Chair Reinstein asked about the size of the letters.

Mr. Hock stated they will be 6” and the valance will be 8”.

Vice Chair Reinstein asked if the signage on the storefront was theirs as well.

Mr. Hock stated yes.

Commissioner Leaf stated in the packet the artwork is approved. He did not know how it could be approved with a dummy phone number.

Planner Cross stated this was not a City designation, it is between the client and the applicant. It is a proof for the client.

Commissioner Leaf asked about parking and requirements for moving into an area like this.

Planner Cross stated the land use is considered a health club and is a permitted land use in the B5. Article VIII says if you are replacing a permitted use with another permitted use you are not required to provide supplemental parking.

Commissioner Waxman stated there is a public lot behind.

Mr. Hock stated there is parking right behind the store.

Vice Chair Reinstein stated he went back and forth with the phone and website and his personal preference was that they go on the window but had no real objection.

Vice Chair Reinstein entertained a motion to approve the application. Commissioner

Waxman so motioned, seconded by Commissioner Leaf.

Ayes: Leaf, Waxman, Glazer, Reinstein

Nays: None

Motion passed 4-1.

IV. Other Business

A. Administrative Design Review Approvals - Informational items only, no approval required.

Planner Cross stated there was a change of color for the awnings for Chipotle for a rebranding.

Planner Cross stated Trinity Church is installing a new egress that has a low visual impact.

B. Next Regular Meeting - June 19, 2018

Two design review items and a public hearing for a new zoning text amendment for a new land use under consideration for downtown.

C. Case Briefing

Vice Chair Reinstein asked about the Klairmont project in Ravinia.

Director Fontane stated it is in review by HUD and they have had conversations with HUD this week. They are hoping to get it closed out this month. The sale cannot go through until they sign off.

Commissioner Waxman asked if they will have to come before the Commission again with new plans.

Director Fontane stated not all new plans and certain aspects will have to be amended to account for the sale of the property and it becoming a planned development. There will be zoning relief considerations that need to happen before the sale closes with regard to the Ravinia Housing Assn.

Commissioner Glazer asked how long the approval lasts.

Director Fontane stated it is good for a year and it was extended once by Council.

Klairmont has submitted construction documents and permits can be pulled for the project because they do have a development approval as it stands regardless of the sale of the parking lot.

Commissioner Leaf asked about the canopy for Lake City Cleaners.

Director Fontane stated they will check on this and they have done some exterior work.

Planner Cross stated the Beelow Steak House vents are now black.

V. Business From The Public


VI. Staff Report


VII. Adjournment
