
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Wauconda Village Board met June 18.

Webp meeting41

Village of Wauconda Village Board met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

Mayor Knight called the Regular Village Board Meeting to order in the Village Hall at 7:00 PM.

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Knight.

3. Roll Call

Upon roll call by Clerk Falk-Novak, the following Trustees were present: Trustees Starkey, Arnswald, Black, Howe, Schlick, Morino.

Quorum Present

Also present: Kevin Timony (Village Administrator), Brad Fink (Director of Public Works), Chief Wermes and Rudy Magna (Village Attorney)

4. Presentation – Wauconda Area Pageant

Sheryl Ringel (Pageant Director) Sara Jakubek (Miss Wauconda) Eva Martin (Little Miss Wauconda)

Sara’s platform is called “Hope for the Children” which she started in October of 2017 and ran through Thanksgiving and she collected coloring books, color pencils, crayons and markers for the children who are patients at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago. She was able to go and visit and distribute these, along with monetary donations, the day after Thanksgiving.

Eva discussed how they participated in Arbor Day and did face painting and will also be helping out at Wauconda Fest.

Sheryl mentioned that the Wauconda area Pageant has been around for 53 years and the first Miss Wauconda was Miss Marge who is a 1st-grade substitute teacher at Robert Crown. Some actives that the Pageant is involved in are:

• Tierras for Toiletries (they collect toiletries for the Wauconda/Island Lake Food Pantry)

• The Pageant will take place on August 2, 2018 at Westridge Banquet Hall.

• They assist at the:

o Historical Society o Food Pantry o Community Events o Parades o Service Projects o Bernie’s Book Bank o Feed My Starving Children

• She also mentioned that they are self-funded and their program includes the communities of Wauconda, Island Lake, Lakemoor, Volo and Port Barrington.

5. Public Comment:

No public comment.

6. Approval Of Agenda

(Last Ordinance No. was 2018-O-13) (Last Resolution No. was 2018-R-08)

Motion to Approve the Agenda made by Trustee Morino, second Trustee Schlick.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 

Motion Declared Carried

7. Motion To Approve Consideration Of Consent Agenda By Omnibus Vote

Motion to approve consideration of Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote made by Trustee Schlick, second Trustee Howe.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 

Motion Declared Carried

8. Consent Agenda

• Approval of the Bills for Payment from May 26, 2018 through June 7, 2018 in the Amount of $360,152.24

• Minutes of the June 5, 2018 Regular Village Board Meeting

• Approval of an Ordinance Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Workmen and Mechanics Employed in Public Works of the Body

(Ordinance No.2018-O-14)

• Approval to Adjust the Village Board Meeting Schedule to Accommodate the July 3rd Fireworks

• Approval of a Resolution Indemnifying and Holding Harmless the State of Illinois and Its Department of Transportation and the County of Lake and Its Department of Transportation From All Claims and Liability Arising from the Activities Associated with Traffic Control and

Traffic Control Devices at the Intersections of State Route 176 and Main Street, Bonner Road and Fairfield Road, and North Old Rand Road and Bonner Road in Wauconda, IL for the Purposes of Holding a Triathlon from 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM on July 22, 2018 (Resolution No.2018-R-09)

9. Motion To Approve Items A Through E On The Consent Agenda

Motion to Approve Items A through E on the Consent Agenda made by Trustee Howe, second Trustee Black.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 

Motion Declared Carried

10. New Business

A. (Discussion) Water/Sewer Rates

Kevin Timony:

As a follow-up to conversations that took place at the Budget Workshop held back in April and at the June 5th Village Services Committee meeting, they were instructed to present options that would accomplish:

• Consolidate the residential, commercial and industrial water/sewer rates into one uniform rate by July 2019.

• Fall within the $43/month ($47.91 adjusted for inflation) figure provided at the time of the 2012 referendum

• Stay within the Target Cash Balance that was established at the previous Village meeting.

Three options which were listed in the Agenda Supplement:

Option 1: Conservative Target – This option reflects a conservative rate adjustment that exceeds the Target Cash Balance in each year 1 through 5, with a year 5 (2022/23) cash balance that exceeds the Target Cash Balance by $211,861. This option reflects the largest water/sewer rate increase of the three options over the 5-year period.

Option 2: Middle Target – This option reflects a mid-range rate adjustment that exceeds the Target Cash Balance in years 1 through 3 (2018/19 - 2020/21), but does not meet the Target Cash Balance in years 4 and 5 (2021/22 & 2022/23). The cash balance in year 5 (2022/23) falls short of the Target Cash Balance by $44,611.

Option 3: On-Target – This option reflects the smallest water/sewer rate increase of the three options over the 5-year period. With this option, the Target Cash Balance is met in years 1 through 3 (2018/19 - 2020/21) but does not meet the Target Cash Balance in years 4 and 5 (2021/22 & 2022/23). The cash balance in year 5 (2022/23) falls short of the Target Cash Balance by $167,658.

Trustee Starkey stated we knew the rates would go up as a result of the Lake Michigan Water referendum and she supports Option 2 which seems most balanced and likes that this will be reviewed every year to ensure we are on target.

Trustee Howe mentioned we knew when this referendum was being discussed that there were two components to pay for it and one was the referendum itself which was general obligation bond borrowing and revenue bonds which was going to finance the internal improvement component which has been completed and it’s time to start paying for this. Option 2 creates the least amount of sticker shock as well as meets our target for getting this paid for. We are delivering what we promised to the residents.

Trustee Black thanked the staff for putting all the work into preparing the numbers and options. These options were discussed very thoroughly at the committee level and he supports Option 2 which will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

Trustee Arnswald thanked Kevin and Tom for their work on this. He supports Option 2 and said we need to re-educate the residents of the stipulations when the referendum passed and get the information out there so everyone is aware.

Trustee Schlick stated he is on-board with Option 2 as it will be less of a sticker shock and will be reviewed on a yearly basis

Trustee Morino mentioned that this has already been hashed out at the committee level and he supports Option 2 as it is the conservative path, will alleviate sticker shock and will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

11. Mayor’s Report

He is hoping we will get Cruise Night in tomorrow and Wauconda Fest is this weekend and he hopes that the weather cooperates.

12. Committee Reports & Trustee Comments

Trustee Starkey

She gave a shout out to the Wauconda Police Marine Patrol for their excellent work this past weekend and the past seasons. Bangs Lake was very busy this past weekend and their presence is appreciated. She even saw positive comments from residents on social media regarding the Marine Unit. The Marine Patrol has done a good job balancing safety while allowing people to have fun on the lake. She mentioned that the Jewel/Osco Grand Reopening celebration is this Thursday at 8:00 AM. The Village is pleased they have invested in upgrading their facility in our town, so let’s be sure to come out and support them. She also wanted to remind everyone of the upcoming events:

• Cruise Night –Tuesday, June 19th

• Wauconda Fest - Thursday-Sunday

• Fireworks on July 3rd

• Farmer’s Market starts Thursday, July 5th

Trustee Arnswald

There is no committee report. He offered a big thank you to Alise and committee for their efforts in setting up the Big Bang Golf Outing. He mentioned we have the Cruise Night tomorrow and then Wauconda Fest this weekend. He also mentioned that he will be out of town for the next Services Committee meeting on July 2nd and asked if Trustee Schlick could chair, however, Trustee Schlick stated he has a work conflict so this meeting will be rescheduled.

Trustee Black

The Natural Resources Committee will meet next Tuesday at 5:30 PM. He mentioned that there is the potential that there will be a rain-out for tomorrow’s Cruise Night. The committee will try to make the call as soon as they can and get the word out. He also thanked Russell from the Daily Herald, who was in attendance, for the recent Cruise Night article.

Trustee Howe

The version of the preliminary new Village code is up in PDF form with the final version going live later this summer. He also stated he is keeping is fingers crossed for the weather tomorrow night for the Cruise Night.

Trustee Schlick

There is no committee report this week. He stated he is hoping the weather holds out for the Cruise Night and mentioned the Wauconda Fest is this weekend and he will be out there most of the weekend volunteering and hopes to see everyone out there.

Trustee Morino

He talked about the item on the Consent Agenda regarding the upcoming Triathlon. He wanted to talk about this event and stated people don’t just show up to these Triathlons. There is a lot of work and training that goes into this ahead of time. He mentioned there is a group called “Team Swanee” that invites the public to meet every Saturday morning to get experience from a variety of triathletes. They have people who show up who have participated in the “Ironman”, people who are attempting their first triathlon and have kids as young as 14 and adults as old as 70 participate in this training to prepare and he wanted to reiterate that this is open to the public. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Trustee Morino at: rmorino@wauconda-il.gov.

13. Executive Session (No Action To Be Taken)

A. (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(1)) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body.

Motion to move into Executive Session made by Trustee Black, second Trustee Arnswald at 7:25 PM.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 

Motion Declared Carried

14. Return To Session

Motion to reconvene from Executive Session at 7:46 PM

Ayes 6 Nays 0 

Motion Declared Carried

15. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by Mayor Night, second by Trustee Arnswald.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 Motion Declared Carried Adjourn Time 7:47 PM
