
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Village of Wauconda Village Board met June 5.

Village of Wauconda Village Board met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

Mayor Knight called the Regular Village Board Meeting to order in the Village Hall at 7:00 PM.

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop 90.

3. Roll Call

Upon roll call by Clerk Falk-Novak, the following Trustees were present: Trustees Starkey, Arnswald, Black, Howe, Schlick, Morino.

Quorum Present

Also present: Kevin Timony (Village Administrator), Brad Fink (Director of Public Works), Bill Rickert (Village Engineer), Chris Miller (Director of Building, Planning, and Zoning), Chief Wermes and Rudy Magna (Village Attorney)

4. Recognition – State Championship - Grace Daun

Mayor Knight recognized Grace Daun for recently winning the state championship in the Class 3A high jump during the girls track and field state finals.

5. Presentation – Lake County Underage Drinking And Drug

Prevention Task Force – E-Cigarettes Danielle Ryan with Lake County Health Department - Lake County Underage Drinking and Drugs Prevention Task Force along with several students from Wauconda High School’s Reality/Youth Advisory Board presented on the dangers of E-Cigarettes and discussed what communities can do to mitigate the risks by passing ordinances regulating E-Cigarettes use indoors.

Chief Wermes stated that they have a draft ordinance ready to go that incorporates E-Cigarettes which will be presented to the board once finalized.

6. Public Comment:

No public comment.

7. Approval Of Agenda

(Last Ordinance No. was 2018-O-10) (Last Resolution No. was 2018-R-08)

Motion to Approve the Agenda made by Trustee Morino, second Trustee Schlick.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

8. Motion To Approve Consideration Of Consent Agenda By Omnibus Vote

Motion to approve consideration of Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote made by Trustee Schlick, second Trustee Howe.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

9. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of the Bills for Payment from May 5, 2018 through May 25, 2018 in the Amount of $1,018,636.34

B. Minutes of the May 15, 2018 Regular Village Board Meeting and May 22, 2018 Special Village Board Meeting

C. Approval of an Ordinance Amending Section 119.29 of the Village Code of Wauconda by Adjusting the Number of Authorized Liquor Licenses in the Class C Category From Six (6) to Seven (7) (Ordinance No.2018-O-11)

D. Consideration for Approval of a Request from the Village Attorney for a 2.5% Rate Adjustment for Legal Services to the Village

E. Consideration for Approval of Pay Request No. 5 from Manusos General Contracting Inc. for the Lake Michigan Water Internal Improvements – Phase 3B

10. Motion To Approve Items A Through E On The Consent Agenda

Motion to Approve Items A through E on the Consent Agenda made by Trustee Howe, second Trustee Black.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

11. New Business

A. (Action) Consideration for Approval of Mayor Knight’s Appointment of Julianna Somers to the Zoning Board of Appeals/Plan Commission

All were in favor of the Approval of Mayor Knight’s Appointment of Julianna Somers to the Zoning Board of Appeals/Plan Commission.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

Clerk Falk-Novak administered the Oath of Office to Julianna Somers for her appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals/Plan Commission.

B. (Action) Consideration for Approval of a Proposal from RHMG Engineers Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Phosphorus Removal Feasibility Study and Phosphorus Discharge Optimization Plan

Brad Fink:

The Village recently received its operating permit to operate our wastewater treatment plant. As part of a special condition within this permit, it is required that the Village perform a Phosphorus Removal Feasibility Study and Discharge Implementation Plan. This is an unfunded mandate which is required of the Village. RHMG submitted a proposal for this study and the cost of this study is $76,816. The key components are to evaluate the methods to reduce phosphorus limits, look at minor facility modifications, operational changes as well as the cost associated with these changes. This will also help guide the Village with making a decision on the Bio Towers.

Motion to Approve Proposal from RHMG Engineers Inc. for the Wastewater Plant Phosphorus Removal Feasibility Study and Phosphorus Discharge Optimization Plan made by Trustee Black, second Trustee Arnswald.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

C. (Action) Consideration for Approval of the Purchase of One (1) New Elgin Crosswind Regenerative Air Street Sweeper from Standard Equipment Company Utilizing NJPA Contract #122017-FSC with Trade-In of the Existing Village Street Sweeper for an Amount Not-To- Exceed $259,803.00

(Ordinance No.2018-O-12)

Brad Fink:

This is a piece of equipment that has been budgeted for replacement in this year’s budget. This was extensively discussed at the 5/1 and 5/15 Village Services Committee meeting. The consensus that came out of these meetings was to proceed with the replacement of this piece of equipment. They had initially estimated the trade in value of the existing sweeper at $40,000, however, it came in considerably lower at $18,000 which will result in more cash outlay to the Village. Trustee Arnswald asked if the Village was to sell it outright, how would this compare. Brad explained that Elgin has intimate knowledge of the repairs required which is why the trade came in lower. Trustee Arnswald also asked Brad what would it take to make the necessary repairs to the existing sweeper to get it road ready. Brad responded that last year we were quoted $50,000 for all repairs to be made and Brad was not comfortable with this and proceeded with approximately $20,000 in repairs. Therefore, it would take an additional $30,000 to complete all the repairs necessary. Issues have been identified with the motor that drives the brooms and the hopper box. Although the sweeper is currently usable, it broke down as recently as when it was used to clean-up after the Memorial Day parade. Trustee Arnswald also asked about another piece of equipment which is in the budget for $45,000 for the purchase of a pick-up truck. He asked if this was needed and if this purchase could be deferred to next year to help offset the sweeper purchase. Brad responded that this vehicle is needed but it could be deferred. Trustee Schlick stated that the potential savings incurred by contracting out is hard to ignore and he feels this should be further explored. Trustee Black suggested possibly getting another year out of our existing sweeper and log the uses, purposes and time to gather additional data that could be utilized for a future decision. Trustee Morino stated that the analysis that was provided at the committee meetings was spot on. He mentioned that after he made the necessary adjustments to the analysis and then weighed in on the contracting versus keeping in-house, he was able to make his decision. Trustee Howe stated he does not see a good reason to put more money into the sweeper. We could put $25,000-$35,000 into it and it could break down again and then that money is gone. He recommends that the Village explores IGA opportunities with the township and surrounding communities to help offset the expense of the purchase of the new sweeper. This is a core service and he believes the savings from outsourcing is not going to be as high as the numbers he has seen. He is supporting taking action and approving this budget item. Trustee Starkey stated Kevin and Brad presented some pretty compelling arguments. This is a core service and contracting out seems it will save the Village money. She feels we should go this route for one or two years and use our existing for back-up and then review again down the road. She stated she will not be supporting this purchase as our budget is very tight.

Motion to Approve Purchase of One (1) New Elgin Crosswind Regenerative Air Street Sweeper from Standard Equipment Company Utilizing NJPA Contract #122017-FSC with Trade-In of the Existing Village Street Sweeper for an Amount Not-To-Exceed $259,803.00 made by Trustee Arnswald, second Trustee Starkey.

Ayes 4 Nays 2

Motion Declared Carried

D. (Action) Consideration for Approval of an Ordinance Amending Title XI of the Village Code of Wauconda Related to Massage Therapy Establishments

(Ordinance No.2018-O-13)

Chief Wermes:

Since the beginning of 2016, the Wauconda Police Department has received multiple complaints of illegal activities at several of our massage establishments. In order to combat this, they utilized their Gang Task Force in an undercover capacity to make multiple arrests. Since this didn’t seem to be enough, they decided to implement a Massage Ordinance in an effort to help combat these illegal activities.

Motion to Approve Ordinance Amending Title XI of the Village Code of Wauconda Related to Massage Therapy Establishments made by Trustee Starkey, second Trustee Morino.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

12. Mayor’s Report

The Mayor again congratulated Grace Daun on her state Championship. With regards to the discussion on the street sweeper, we saw a dedicated board, staff, and employees all working together and sometimes it doesn’t always go quick and easy but that is part of the process. He is proud of the board and staff for doing the work and proud of the employees for stepping up for what they believe in. We are making decisions based on 14,000 residents and businesses and that is who we have to look out for as they are who put us all here. The Mayor thanked Ricardo Vega for serving on our Zoning Board of Appeals/Plan Commission. He will be presenting him with a certificate in the near future expressing our gratitude. He mentioned we have many people sitting in positions and the board couldn’t do their jobs without them. He welcomed Julianna and thanked her for stepping up. He mentioned if you have recently seen the Village’s electronic sign, the landscaping has been completed and it looks great. Since the budget has been approved, the Mayor and staff have been working on the State of the Village address and it is almost complete. It is going to be a bit different this year as it will be in the form of a video that will be posted on YouTube and shared via the Village Website and social media so a larger audience can be reached. The Big Bang golf outing is this Friday and he hopes to see everyone there to support the Wauconda fireworks. He thanked Alise and the staff for their work on putting this event together.

13. Committee Reports & Trustee Comments

Trustee Starkey

The Plan Commission/ZBA will have a meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday 6/6) at 7:00 PM in the Village Board Room. The Economic Development Committee has a meeting next week, Tuesday 6/12 at 5:30 PM. The Business Recognition Program got some great press earlier this week and she thanked Russell from the Daily Herald who was in attendance. She stated the Village will be doing their job as well promoting and recognizing local businesses. She also mentioned the upcoming events:

• Big Bang Golf Outing this Friday 6/8

• Kids Fishing Derby this Saturday 6/9

• The first Wauconda Cruise Night is Tuesday 6/19 (Village Board meeting has been moved to Monday 6/18

Trustee Arnswald

He congratulated Grace Daun and welcomed Julianna to the Zoning Board of Appeals/Plan Commission Committee. He stated the Reality/Youth Advisory Board did a good job tonight. They had a very good presentation and it was evident that they really did their homework. There was a Village Services Committee meeting tonight and he wanted to thank Kevin and Brad along with the Trustees for all their input. He stated he was in agreement with what Trustee Howe mentioned in getting some IGA’s going to help offset the sweeper expense. At the meeting tonight, they discussed water/sewer rates. They will begin to educate the public based on the referendum that was passed in 2012 for Lake Michigan Water. They want to bring the residents up to speed as the water will be turned on next year.

Trustee Black

He offered his congratulations to Grace and Julianna. The Township held their Recycling Extravaganza and he doesn’t have the final numbers yet but he did mention that another 600+ shoes were brought in. He will share the final numbers at the next Village Meeting. On Saturday, 6/16 from 8 AM – 2:30 PM, the household chemical waste collection event will take place at the Wauconda High School. You can visit www.swalco.org to find out what they will accept. The Wauconda Cruise night will be in two weeks and if you are interested in volunteering, there are spots available. You can reach Trustee Black at chuckblack@comcast.net. He spoke to Trustee Howe who has agreed to change the Natural Resource Committee meetings to the 4th Tuesday of the month. With regards to the street sweeper, he thanked Kevin and Brad for all the information that they provided which helped them make their decisions. He also stated he hopes to see everyone at the Big Bang Golf Outing on Friday.

Trustee Howe

He stated that he appreciated all the work that was done in regards to the street sweeper. He knows it was hard work and a hard decision for everybody to make but for him, it was really a tie. If it wasn’t a core service he might have gone the other way but when it’s a tie and a core service, you go with maintaining in-house which has always been his philosophy. He thanked everyone who participated in the Memorial Day Parade and said it was outstanding as always, a great turn out and perfect weather.

Trustee Schlick

He added his congratulations to Grace and welcomed Julianna. He mentioned he couldn’t say enough for everything Kevin and Brad did for the Village Services Committee with regards to the street sweeper and although there were some contentious meetings, it reflects the nature of the board that they can disagree but continue to all worked together. He stated he was able to participate in the Wauconda Chamber Golf Outing last week and looking forward to attending the Big Bang Golf Outing this Friday.

Trustee Morino

He stated that he thought the message that the Reality/Youth Advisory Board relayed to them was very informative but more so than that, he was impressed with their poise and speaking ability. He thought they really did a great job. He thanked the Chief for his efforts taken with the massage establishments. He stated people notice these things in our town and the fact that we are taking an active lead in shutting these places down sends a very positive message. He congratulated Grace and offered her a kudos on her State Championship. With regards to the street sweeper, he appreciated everyone who reached out to him to offer their opinions for him to take into consideration. He likes to view the data and take into consideration other’s opinions so he can formulate his own. He hopes that this practice continues for future decisions.

14. Executive Session (If Needed)

A. (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(1)) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body.

Motion to move into Executive Session made by Trustee Morino, second Trustee Schlick at 7:44 PM.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

15. Return To Session

Motion to reconvene from Executive Session at 8:45 PM

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

16. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by Mayor Night, second by Trustee Schlick.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

Adjourn Time 8:45 PM
