
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Round Lake Committee of the Whole met September 17.

Webp city

Village of Round Lake Committee of the Whole met Sept. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:


The Committee of the Whole Meeting of the Village of Round Lake was called to order by Mayor Dan MacGillis at 7:07 p.m.


Present: Trustees Foy, Frye, Kraly, Mandelman, Newby, Patel Absent: None


2.1 Approve the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of September 4, 2018 Motion by Trustee Frye, Seconded by Trustee Mandelman, to approve the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of September 4, 2018. Upon a unanimous voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.



 Community Development  Police

o Warning Siren Purchase

Police Chief Michael Gillette requested permission to purchase a storm & emergency warning siren to be erected at the Emerald Bay Subdivision on Jade Lane in Round Lake, IL. Funding was provided by the builder of the subdivision, and with the closing of the construction project, the warning siren project is set to begin. This siren requested will provide coverage for the entire Emerald Bay site and strengthen other areas of the Village siren coverage. Three price quotes were acquired for the Whelen Engineering WPS-4004 Electronic Rotating Warning Siren and installation and it is recommended to approve the purchase from JS Communications Technologies LLC of Antioch, IL for $29,470.00. $30,000 was budgeted for this item. Site Restoration, Permits, and/or additional Electrical work if needed, are not included in this quote.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

 Human Resources and Finance

 Public Works, Facilities and Capital Assets, and Engineering o Revised Urban Forest Management Program

Public Works Director Adam Wedoff recommended that the Village Urban Forest Management Plan be updated with adding the following Oak species to the list of approved parkway trees: Burr Oak, Chinquapin Oak, Shingle Oak and White Oak. The revised plan also includes an update on the progress to date with the Urban Forest Program. Between the fall of 2017 and the spring of 2018, the Village has planted approximately 400 parkway trees. These trees were mainly planted in the Parkview and Valley Lakes subdivisions. At this rate, staff expects to complete the replanting work in four to five years.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

 Administration Engineering

o Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding Regional 911 Consolidation

Administrator Steve Shields recommended approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding Regional 911 Consolidation. The IGA outlines a basic understanding between all partners in the project on how those funds will be spent and outlines a governance structure for developing recommendations that will be placed in the Regional 911 Consolidation Implementation and Migration Plan. The agreement allows the county to act on behalf of all the partners to hire and manage a project manager and to hire and manage a contract or contracts for any additional services needed for the project.

Additional services the group may need to seek consulting expertise are financial planning, 911 technology, etc. All funds expended will be for activities directly related to the Regional 911 Consolidation Project and the county will regularly report to the Governance Committees on those expenditures. The IGA has been reviewed by the Operations and Policy Committees and is recommended for approval.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

o Community & Operational Action Plan Update

Administrator Shields stated that on August 23, 2018 a strategic plan review meeting was held. For the planning session a binder was presented that included a plan that combined the Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan, MOVE Memo, and the Financial Strategies documents. The plan, titled Community and Operational Action Plan includes the lead department, priority, status, start & end date, and notes per objective. At the meeting the overall plan was discussed along with the need for additional feedback from the Village Board pertaining to the format, objectives prioritization, and any other information that may be included to support or explain the objectives. It should be noted that the plan is fluid. There were also a few items not in the original documents as such developments had not occurred at that time.

Examples include the Village’s involvement with the 911 regional consolidation and the recent shared services efforts. These items and any future endeavors will need to be included in the plan.

It was suggested that two meetings be held annually; a meeting in May to kick off the new fiscal year setting the priorities for the upcoming year and another meeting in December to review the objectives and priorities and to be sure budget resources are allocated appropriately. Both meetings would also include and an assessment of objective accomplishments.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION


Motion by Trustee Newby, Seconded by Trustee Foy, to adjourn the Committee of the Whole Meeting at 7:24p.m. Upon a unanimous voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.
