
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Round Lake Committee of the Whole met September 14.

Webp chairs

Village of Round Lake Committee of the Whole met Sept. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:


The Committee of the Whole Meeting of the Village of Round Lake was called to order by Mayor Dan MacGillis at 7:11 p.m.


Present: Trustees Frye, Kraly, Mandelman, Newby, Patel Absent: Trustee Foy


2.1 Approve the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of August 20, 2018 Motion by Trustee Newby, Seconded by Trustee Mandelman, to approve the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of August 20, 2018. Upon a unanimous voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.



 Community Development

 Police

 Human Resources and Finance

o Annual Police Pension Report to the Village Board

Finance Director Wayde Frerichs explained that the Pension Board shall report annually to the Village Board on the condition of the pension fund at the end of its most recently completed fiscal year. The report shall be made prior to the board meeting held for appropriating and levying taxes for the year for which the report is made. The most recently completed fiscal year is 2017, which includes the audit of the Pension Fund, preparation of the Department of Professional Regulations – Division of Insurance Annual Statement (Annual Statement), along with the corresponding State actuarially determined tax levy. The State’s actuarially determined tax levy calculated for fiscal year end 2017 will be included in the 2018 tax levy that will be presented later this fall to the Village Board. The document was certified and approved at the July 19, 2018 Village of Round Lake Police Pension Board meeting. Director Frerichs recommended accepting the Annual Police Pension Report as Presented.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

 Public Works, Facilities and Capital Assets, and Engineering o Tree Pruning Contract

Public Works Director Adam Wedoff recommended accepting a bid from Sawvell Tree Service Inc. for parkway tree pruning, as well as approving spending up to the budgeted amount of $60,000 to prune trees in Village parkways. The proposed contract is for FYE 2019 but the contract can be extended for up to two additional years. The Village advertised this work for bids and those documents are on file at Public Works and the bid submittals are on file at Village Hall for public viewing. Sawvell was the lowest bidder and has completed work in the Village in the past doing parkway tree removals. Staff contacted their references who gave no reason to not award the contract to Sawvell.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

o Sidewalk and Curb Repair 2018

PW Director Wedoff Staff recommended accepting a bid from Suburban Concrete for the Sidewalk and Curb Repair 2018 project. The project was advertised for bids and three contractors responded. Suburban Concrete was the lowest bidder at $40,324.00. The repairs are for complete removal and replace of sidewalk or curb at various locations throughout the Village.

Since the time the project was let for bidding, staff has found several additional areas that need to be replaced and recommends approving the contract up to $45,000 to cover these additional areas. At the 05/21/18 Board meeting, the Board approved $40,000 to be used for sidewalk mud jacking leaving $35,000 for sidewalk and curb removal and replacement. Staff now recommends reducing the mud jacking budget to $30,000 and allowing $45,000 for the removal and replacement work. The mud jacking work has not progressed as quickly as anticipated and staff feels the removal and replacement work is a higher priority at this time.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

o 2018 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation

PW Director Wedoff recommended accepting a bid from Archon Construction Company to complete five sanitary sewer point repairs. The point repairs are the next items to be addressed on the list of improvements that was generated from the sanitary sewer cleaning and televising.

This work was advertised for bids and five contractors responded. Archon Construction was the lowest bidder at $81,000.00.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

 Administration



Motion by Trustee Newby, Seconded by Trustee Patel, to adjourn the Committee of the Whole Meeting at 7:24p.m. Upon a unanimous voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.
