
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Warren Township Board met September 10.

Webp meeting 10

Warren Township Board met Sept. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:


Suzanne Simpson; Bill Gill; Mike Semmerling; Ken Echtenacher; George ller

Also present: Business Manager Diane Sarver, Accounting Manager Nick Kron, Highway Commissioner Amy Sarver, Assessor Charlie Mullin and visitor Nicholas Jensen, CLC student.

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Supervisor Simpson.

Pledge of Allegiance Supervisor Simpson led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call Present: Suzanne Simpson, Supervisor; Bill Gill, Trustee, Mike Semmerling, Trustee and Ken Echtenacher, Trustee. Trustee Donna Radke, excused absence.

Motion to Approve the Agenda. Trustee Gill motioned. Seconded by Trustee Echtenacher to approve the agenda. The motion was approved unanimously by a voice vote.

Board Minutes of August 27, 2018. Trustee Semmerling motioned, seconded by Trustee Gill to approve the minutes of August 27, 2018. The motion was approved unanimously by a voice vote.

Public Comment

Unfinished Business. None

Supervisor's Report. Supervisor Simpson provided the Board with a letter of commendation for Jamaal Malone and Jean Smuda regarding their excellent support provided for the Senior's Odyssey boat cruise. She also informed the Board the budget for the new addition has been modified to provide additional drainage capacity. Other actions included elimination of the SHARPS container located near the West entrance. The current Waste Management contract will be reexamined to facilitate cost reductions in coordination with other municipalities. We are also examining possible grant funding for upgrading/purchasing new defibrillators and an upgraded Thor Guard system.

Treasurer's Report. Trustee Gill motioned, seconded by Trustee Echtenacher to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote.

New Business

A. Pay Bills. Trustee Gill motioned, seconded by Trustee Echtenacher to pay the bills with an additional $2745.00 to meridian IT for WLAN augmentation. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote.

B. Supervisor Simpson and Highway Commissioner Sarver advised the Board the estimated 2018 Highway levy will be $6,717,917. Final action will be taken at the October 8th Board Meeting.

C. Walgreens Contract for Flu Shots. Additional funding will be provided to cover employees w/o comprehensive medical coverage.

D. Tyler Inc. Accounting Contract. Resolution NO. 2018-R-20 was presented. (Attached). The Board Adopted the resolution by roll call vote – 4 Ayes, 1- Absent.

D. Park Bans. None

Supervisor Simpson inquired if guest Jensen had any questions about the meeting and topics that surfaced. He indicated he did not fully understand the tax levy concept. She explained the levy & how it was derived. She also provided board documents used at the meeting. He expressed his thanks to the board.


There being no further business, Trustee Echtenacher motioned, seconded by Trustee Gill to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 PM. The motion was approved unanimously by a voice vote. Next scheduled meeting is Monday, September 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
