
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Gurnee Village Board met August 20.

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Gurnee Village Board met August 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order:

Mayor Kovarik called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Other Officials in Attendance:

Patrick Muetz, Village Administrator; David Ziegler, Assistant Village Administrator/Community Development Director; Bryan Winter, Village Attorney; Brian Gosnell, Finance Director; Tom Rigwood, Director of Public Works; John Kavanagh, Fire Chief; Kevin Woodside, Police Chief; Jeremy Gaughan, Police Commander; Jack Linehan, Assistant to the Administrator

Roll Call:

Present: 6- Balmes, Hood, Thorstenson, Jacobs, Ross, Garner

Absent: 0-Nonw

Pledge of Allegiance:

Mayor Kovarik led the Pledge of Allegiance.

A. Public Comment

Terry Waddell- Moenter

Ms. Waddell-Moenter introduced herself to the Board as Post Commander for the American Legion. She said the Legion is here to serve the community as well as veterans. She then informed the Board of upcoming events at the Legion.

B. Approval Of Consent Agenda

It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Jacobs to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Roll call,

Aye: 6- Balmes, Hood, Thorstenson, Jacobs, Ross, Garner

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 0- None

Motion Carried.

C. Consent Agenda / Omnibus Vote

The Village Administrator read the consent agenda for an omnibus vote as follows:

1. Approval of the minutes from the Executive (Closed) Session meeting on April 2, 2018.

2. Approval for public release of minutes from Executive (Closed) Session meeting on April 2, 2018.

3. Approval of the minutes from the August 6, 2018 Village Board meeting.

4. Approval of Police Officer Delante Greer’s request to participate in the Village’s tuition assistance program in pursuit of a Bachelor’s Degree in General Studies from Eastern Illinois University.

5. Approval of Payroll for period ending August 3, 2018 in the amount of $832,366.08.

6. Approval of Bills for the period ending August 20, 2018 in the amount of $1,553,262.95.

It was moved by Trustee Garner, seconded by Trustee Jacobs to approve the Consent Agenda for an omnibus vote as read.

Roll call,

Aye: 6- Balmes, Hood, Thorstenson, Jacobs, Ross, Garner

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 0- None

Motion Carried.

D. Petitions And Communications

1. Introduction and recognition of 2018 Gurnee Queens:

• Miss Gurnee Emily Kellogg

• Junior Miss Gurnee Kirsten Sheppard

• Little Miss Gurnee Emma Casey

Mayor Kovarik introduced each queen and presented them with a photo album. Each queen then briefly told spoke about their achievement.

E. Reports


F. Old Business


G. New Business

1. Approval of Ord. 2018 - 63 removing one Class 1 Liquor License by amending Section 6-56 of Article II of Chapter 6 of the Gurnee Municipal Code entitled “Alcoholic Beverages” as last amended by Ordinance 2018-46 passed June 4, 2018.

Mr. Muetz said Uno’s closed in July of this year. As a result, it returned its Class 1 liquor license to the Village. In order to maintain consistency between the Municipal Code and the number of licenses issued its appropriate to reduce the number of Class 1 licenses available by one. With this change, there are no unallocated licenses available.

It was moved by Trustee Garner, seconded by Trustee Jacobs to approve of Ord. 2018 - 63 removing one Class 1 Liquor License by amending Section 6-56 of Article II of Chapter 6 of the Gurnee Municipal Code entitled “Alcoholic Beverages” as last amended by Ordinance 2018-46 passed June 4, 2018.

Roll call,

Aye: 6- Balmes, Hood, Thorstenson, Jacobs, Ross, Garner

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 0- None

Motion Carried.

2. Approval of Ord. 2018 - 64 amending the Village of Gurnee Financial Policies and Procedures Manual.

Mr. Muetz said the Village maintains numerous financial policies which guide decision-making and set parameters for Village operations. These polices have been developed over the past 20 years with input from numerous staff members. He stated Finance Director Gosnell has combined them all into one policy manual that will be treated similar to the Personal Policy Manual and updated on regular basis. Updates will be brought before the Village Board for consideration and approval.

Mr. Gosnell stated the Village has 11 polices and has proposed changes to six of them. He then reviewed the six policies and the proposed changes.

Trustee Thorstenson asked for clarification on the Fixed Asset Policy and annual inventory schedule/procedure.

Mr. Gosnell clarified that the timelines and thresholds had not changed.

It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Ross to approve of Ord. 2018 - 64 amending the Village of Gurnee Financial Policies and Procedures Manual.

Roll call,

Aye: 6- Balmes, Hood, Thorstenson, Jacobs, Ross, Garner

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 0- None

Motion Carried.

3. Approval of Ord. 2018 - 68 accepting proposal and awarding a contract to Armor Systems Corporation for Collection Services with the Village of Gurnee.

Mr. Gosnell said the Village recently approved a new vendor, Andres Medical Billing, for Ambulance Billing Services. Unlike our previous vendor, Andres allows its customers to contract with a collection agency of their choice and have full control of the relationship once the outstanding receivable is turned over to collections. Andres provided the Village a list of agencies it currently works with. The Village then requested quotes and checked references. Armor was the low bidder and quoted a fee of 19% of the amount collected. Mr. Gosnell stated reference checks came back clean and that he has worked with Armor at prior employers and was always impressed by the business.

It was moved by Trustee Thorstenson, seconded by Trustee Garner to of Ord. 2018 - 65 accepting proposal and awarding a contract to Armor Systems Corporation for Collection Services with the Village of Gurnee.

Roll call,

Aye: 6- Balmes, Hood, Thorstenson, Jacobs, Ross, Garner

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 0- None

Motion Carried.

H. Public Comment


Closing Comment:



It was moved by Trustee Garner, seconded by Trustee Jacobs to adjourn the meeting.

Voice Vote: All Aye: Motion Carried.

Mayor Kovarik adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m.
