
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Gurnee Village Board met August 27.

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Gurnee Village Board met August 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order:

Village Administrator Muetz called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Other Officials in Attendance:

Patrick Muetz, Village Administrator; David Ziegler, Assistant Village Administrator/Community Development Director; Scott Drabicki, Village Engineer; Brian Gosnell, Finance Director; Christine Palmieri, Director of Human Resources; Tom Rigwood, Director of Public Works; John Kavanagh, Fire Chief; Kevin Woodside, Police Chief; Ellen Dean, Economic Development Director, Jack Linehan, Assistant to the Administrator

Roll Call:

Present: 4- Hood, Thorstenson, Ross, Balmes

Absent: 2- Jacobs, Garner

Mr. Muetz asked the Board for a recommendation for a President Pro- tem to lead the meeting.

It was moved by Trustee Hood, seconded by Trustee Ross to have Trustee Balmes lead the meeting.

Voice Vote: All Aye: Motion Carried.

A. Discussion Items

1. Presentation: Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2017 – 2021: Progress Report #5.

Administrator Muetz stated tonight staff would review the Strategic Plan Progress Report #5. He stated twice a year, staff reports on progress related to Strategic Initiatives; one report is in conjunction with the annual budget book, while the other takes place in the fall. Muetz stated regular reports keep it at the forefront of daily operations. He continued to say it will also be shared on social media and emailed to those that participated in the initiative. He concluded by saying the format remains the same from previous reports. He then turned it over to Village staff who used a PowerPoint presentation to review each of the twenty-four Strategic Plan Initiatives, giving the Board information on progress to date and next steps. Staff presented the following review:

A. Exceptional Villages Services

1.1: Improve Communication Opportunities with Stakeholders

Project Leader Jack Linehan

Asst. to the Village Administrator Jack Linehan informed the Board that the Action Steps were completed earlier in the year and staff continues to make strides. Communications tools include our website, Facebook, YouTube, Keeping Posted Newsletter and the Weekly Announcements.

B. Exceptional Village Services

1.2: Develop A Workforce/Succession Plan With a Focus on Diversity

Project Leader Christine Palmieri

Human Resources Director Christine Palmieri informed the Board that creating workforce planning models, developing worksheets to analyze future workforce needs including identifying pending staff changes and drafting succession planning for pending vacancies due to retirements and other possible staffing changes have been completed. She stated that development and implementation of recruitment plans remain an ongoing process to re-evaluate the best methods to reach the target audience and to evaluate best use of Village resources in considering alternative staffing methods when possible. The Human Resources Director spoke about the every changing workforce and the need to reevaluate best methods to reach the target audience, to evaluate best use of Village resources, consideration of alternative staffing methods when possible, and to look to the future for anticipated staffing vacancies.


Trustee Thorstenson asked about the Junior Police Academy and how it’s working out. Police Chief Woodside clarified stating the response was excellent and all indications is that it will be an annual program.

C. Exceptional Villages Services

1.3: Refine Performance Measures to Improve Village Service Delivery

Project Leader Jack Linehan

Asst. to the Village Administrator Jack Linehan informed the Board that Village departments were assigned Initiatives identified through the Strategic Plan update process. Associated with each Initiative are Success Indicators. Departments are required to develop performance measures related to these indicators. The goal is to present the plan into actions and report the progress to the Board. This includes process improvement, success indicators, and taking advantage of ICMA Open Access Benchmarking Data which benchmarks statistics in over 80 categories to other comparable sized communities.

D. Exceptional Village Services

1.4: Improve Business Processes Village-wide

Project Leader Jack Linehan

Asst. to the Village Administrator Jack Linehan informed the Board that staff is looking at processes that can be improved upon such as building maintenance, customer relationship management (CRM) and paper/printed forms procurement. This included meeting with various work groups to analyze current processes and the differences between departments. The groups will reconvene in the Fall to review the program and determine if recommended improvements have impacted work operations.


Trustee Thorstenson asked for clarification regarding the customer relationship management (CRM) as it relates to benchmarking and its cost. Mr. Linehan clarified stating the that the staff is looking at a cost significantly less expensive than comparable communities and the benchmarking would specifically look at how the Village handles workflow requests via website comments and service requests. Staff is looking into a village-wide tracking CRM system which could manage all service requests. An RFP is currently under technical review.

E. Exceptional Village Services

1.5: Update the Fire Department’s Reporting & Record Keeping Systems

Project Leader Chief John Kavanagh

Fire Chief Kavanagh informed the Board that training on the Image Trend Electronic Patient Care Reporting system began in June and will continue through September. The fire personnel are also working with the new Village approved Andres Medical Billing Ltd. System with a ‘go live’ date of September 1st.

F. Fiscal Sustainability

2.1: Develop a Plan for Economic Development

Project Leader Ellen Dean

Economic Development Director Ellen Dean reiterated to the Board that the initiative behind the action steps is to execute a plan that connects existing businesses to the Village, encourages them to expand, and to attract new and vacant spaces. Retail and industrial manufacturing continue to be the Village’s area of strength. Successes include expansion activity of companies such as Nypro, Weiman Products, Abbott Laboratory Credit Union, Tablecraft, Kenall Building, and Centerpoint Development. The vacancy rate in both retail and industrial manufacturing is down from a year ago and significantly lower than Lake County as a whole. Regarding the Rt 21 sidewalk installation, success of the past year included PACE bus service to the Six Flags Employee Entrance, pouring of the concrete pad at Washington & Rt. 21, and the shelter installed by PACE. A new shelter is also planned for Grand Avenue west of Hunt Club. In addition, the vanpool and employer shuttle programs, as well as the Lake County Shuttlebug Program, are continually promoted to major employers. Regarding the filling of existing vacant properties, staff routinely generates property searches using CoStar data. CoStar is the most common source utilized by commercial brokers, and listings are free to any property owner with property for lease or sale. Finally, Ms. Dean stated that Village is represented each year at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Idea Exchange in Chicago in March; RECon in Las Vegas in May; the Chicago Retail Connection in August; and the Midwest Dealmaking Trade Show in October. These events are attended by retail developers, brokers, and retailers’ real estate teams. Village participation ensures awareness of the current retail market.

G. Fiscal Sustainability

2.2: Update the Village Financial Policies

Project Leader Brian Gosnell

Finance Director Brian Gosnell informed the Board that the updates have been made to the Financial Policies Manual meeting the goal of consistent formatting. The Financial Policies and Procedures Manual was formally adopted at the August 20, 2018 Village Board meeting via ordinance No. 2018-64.

H. Fiscal Sustainability

2.3: Develop a Multi-Year Financial Plan with Contingency Scenarios

Project Leader Brian Gosnell

Finance Director Brian Gosnell informed the board that the Multi- year Financial Plan was already in place; however, a contingency plan was added in conjunction with the Multi-Year Financial Forecast on November 28, 2016.

I. Fiscal Sustainability

2.4: Continue to Conservatively Fund Pension Liabilities

Project Leader Brian Gosnell

Finance Director Brian Gosnell informed the Board that the Pension Funding Policy was adopted by the Board at the July 11, 2016 Village Board Meeting and is an ongoing process. The next policy update will be presented at the October Village Board meeting.


Trustee Ross asked if the state’s current financial crisis would affect Village pensions. Mr. Gosnell stated that unless there is a change in how the pension fund is allowed to invest the pension dollar, hopefully not.

J. Well-Maintained Infrastructure

3.1: Redevelopment of East Grand

Project Leader Ellen Dean

Economic Development Director Ellen Dean highlighted the successes including the Merchants Committee formed in 2017, the remodeling of U-Haul for a climate controlled self-storage facility, the U-Haul recent closing on the purchase of two vacant motel properties which will now be included in the plans and significant expansion of Habitat Re-Store. She also stated that the Village’s investment in landscaping, as well as the Farmers & Artisans Market, has been well received by property owners, tenants and area residents.


Trustee Balmes asked for an update regarding the railroad bridge. Village Engineer Scott Drabicki stated that phenomenal progress has been made. He anticipates the new bridge will be installed by the end of the year.

K. Well-Maintained Infrastructure

3.2: Provide Solutions for Improved Pedestrian and Bicyclist

Project Leader Scott Drabicki

Village Engineer Scott Drabicki informed the Board that the Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC) met for one year to develop a plan to improve walkability. The final report was presented in July, 2017 and can be viewed on the Village’s website. Work on the IL 21 sidewalk gap was completed in November 2016 and the BRC presented final recommendations to the Board on July 24, 2017. The presentation included ranking of proposed mobility improvements. The report has been made available on the Village’s website and is being shared with surrounding governmental partners. The FY19 Capital Improvement Plan included over $100,000 for pedestrian improvements, and included the installation of a multi-use path along Knowles Road. Plans have been submitted to LCDOT for review for Washington Street east of Hunt Club and Hunt Club south of Washington for additional connections.

L. Well-Maintained Infrastructure

3.3: Improve Efforts to Mitigate Flooding & Storm Water Mgmt.

Project Leader Scott Drabicki

Village Engineer Scott Drabicki informed the Board that no significant rain events took place in the last year. He also stated the Village was not awarded a 2017 funding grant; however, a new grant funding program has opened up for 2018 and a new request for funding will be submitted.


Trustee Thorstenson asked if there are any contiguous properties that need to be put on flood watch list as it relates to the Foxconn Project. Mr. Drabicki stated that the impact to our community is not large and the priority is focused on Village residents who are impacted by river flooding.

M. Well-Maintained Infrastructure

3.4: Enhance Multi-Year Capital Improvement Plan

Project Leader Scott Drabicki

Village Engineer Scott Drabicki informed the Board that due to the construction season, creating key metrics to identify infrastructure measurements for each system has not been completed. As the construction season slows down, more emphasis can will be placed on completing that action step.

N. Well-Maintained Infrastructure

3.5: Develop a Parkway Program for Public Works Operations

Project Leader Tom Rigwood

Public Works Director Tom Rigwood informed the Board that Public Works is currently completing all traffic control sign upgrades in Snow & Ice Control routes. The crew has completed sign inspections with replacement of traffic control signs in progress. Other successes include completion of Emerald Ash Bore (EAB) treatment of 1,008 Ash trees in the Village west of Hunt Club Road, tree planting, hydrant replacement and painting, flow testing/hydrant flushing of the Village’s 2,553 fire hydrants.

O. Well-Maintained Infrastructure

3.6: Explore Enhances Communications via Public Wi-Fi/Open Data/Fiber

Project Leader Chris Velkover

On behalf of IS Director Chris Velkover, Asst. to the Village Administrator Jack Linehan informed the Board that enhanced communication has been completed for Police Station, Fire Station 1, Fire Station 2, Public Works, and Village Hall. Future additions may include Mother Rudd & Welton Plaza. Design work has been completed to complete a fiber link between Fire House #1 and the Village Hall. Warren Township High School will be participating in the project with a conduit connection from the main building to the football field. Network switching equipment was replaced at both Public Works and Fire Station 1. 10Gb network connections on Village owned fiber are now active between the Police Station, Village Hall, Fire Station 1, and Public Works. Staff is currently working with the Zion Police Department for improved connections.

P. Safe & Livable Community

4.1: Identify Ways to Increase Public Safety Presence in Retail Districts

Project Leader Chief Kevin Woodside

Police Chief Kevin Woods informed the Board that since June, 2016, two additional sworn officer positions have been added to the Department. In June 2017, employment offers were made to two qualified lateral police officer candidates. The candidates were hired and when they complete field training, staffing will be sufficient to assign an additional officer to the Visitor Oriented Policing (V.O.P) Unit. Officers Shawn Torre and Derek Kay joined the team in 2017. In 2018, staffing has allowed the assignment of Officer Jon Savage and Travis Hitzelburger in January, and Officer Delante Greer in February. With a fully staffed V.O.P. unit shift coverage overtime has been reduced by 47% from last year. (1/1/18 to 7/22/18, has required 660 fewer hours to maintain minimum patrol coverage for an estimated savings of $43,500).

Q. Safe & Livable Community

4.2: Update the Village Comprehensive Land Use and Subdivision Plans

Project Leader David Ziegler

Assistant Village Administrator/Community Development Director David Ziegler gave a history of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the selection of Camiros, Ltd. as the consultant, kick-off meeting held July, 2018, implementation strategy, final draft presentation, and final vote before the Board in the Spring of 2019.

R. Safe & Livable Community

4.3: Research Opportunities for Shared Communications Dispatch Services

Project Leader Chief Kevin Woodside

Police Chief Kevin Woodside informed the Board of the following successes: The Village conducted an assessment of its 911 Center and its capacity to bring on new partners. Through this process partners were identified and discussions were held. The Village has entered into a five-year contractual agreement with the City of Zion. Additionally, the Village has entered into a five-year contract for services agreement with the Beach Park Fire Protection District to provide dispatch services. The Village was awarded a $554,167.00 grant by the State of Illinois in June 2017. The total amount sought for reimbursement by the Village was $487,455.33 (88% of grant award). The Village went live with dispatching for Beach Park Fire Protection District on May 1, 2017 and dispatching for the City of Zion Police and Fire on July 11, 2017. Police Chief stated that as an active participant in the Lake County Regional 911 Consolidation effort, opportunities for partnerships are ongoing.


Trustee Ross asked for clarification regarding Regional effort and feedback. Chief Woodside clarified stating there is an effort to consolidate communications throughout the county however; that is an ambitious vision with long term effect. Chief Woodside indicated that feedback has been very good, significant strides have been made, and the level of service is better than it has been.

President Pro-tem Balmes asked if the Village is actively looking for another community to buy into our system. Chief Woodside stated we are open to it.

S. Safe & Livable Community

4.4: Research Opportunities for Electronic Citation Technology

Project Leader Chief Kevin Woodside

Police Chief Woodside Kevin Woodside informed the Board that an e-Citation committee was formed and is headed by the Support Services Deputy Police Chief. This four-member committee includes the Police Records Supervisor, Information Systems Director and a Police Patrol Sergeant. The E-citation committee is evaluating the LCCPA recommended vendors and our current Records Management System provider against Village needs. Chief Woodside stated that Lake County Circuit Court Clerk has yet to approve a system for receiving e-citations. The e-Citation committee continues to monitor that process and to gather information from other police agencies regarding the risks/rewards of launching an e-citation program prior to the County’s implementation.

T. Safe & Livable Community

4.5: Research & Implement a Body Worn Camera Program in the GPD

Project Leader Chief Kevin Woodside

Police Chief Woodside Kevin Woodside informed the Board that this program has been fully implemented and has been very successful. All uniformed officers and detectives are wearing the body cameras without a glitch and the equipment is working well.

U. High Quality Lifestyle

5.1: Improve Public Transportation Opportunities

Project Leader Scott Drabicki

Village Engineer Scott Drabicki informed the Board that staff is currently working on getting bicycle racks installed at the PACE stops and Ellen Dean noted the next location for a PACE shelter is Hunt Club/Grand west of the Sam’s Club entrance.

V. High Quality Lifestyle

5.2: Attract and Retain Boutique and Small Business


Project Leader Ellen Dean

Economic Development Director Ellen Dean informed the Board that new outdoor dining procedures were promoted to all restaurants. Successes include an Independent Restaurant Guide, several user-friendly enhancements that were incorporated in the new website rollout, Gurnee’s Got It Facebook Page, Lake County Restaurant Week which has become an annual promotion, and Small Business Saturday which has been expanded with the assistance of the Gurnee Chamber.

W. High Quality Lifestyle

5.3: Build Welton Plaza

Project Leader Patrick Muetz

Village Administrator Patrick Muetz informed the Board of the successful completion and formal dedication ceremony of the Welton Plaza held on Saturday, June 30, 2018. He thanked committee members Trustee Cheryl Ross and Village Engineer Scott Drabicki for their efforts in completing the Plaza in honor of former Mayor Richard A. Welton’s great contributions to the Village.

X. High Quality Lifestyle

5.4: Encourage Deployment of Gigabit Speed Internet Services

Project Leader Chris Velkover

On behalf of IS Director Chris Velkover, Asst. to the Village Administrator Jack Linehan informed the Board that small cell tower deployment is beginning throughout the community as providers look to expand their reach via private sector. Staff has meet with an incumbent service provider to discuss plans for future offerings and how the Village can assist in fact-tracking this process. Continued growth activity has been seen in the private sector as custom fiber networks up to 15 gigs for large companies and private users can be built by Comcast. Wireless technology continues to grow faster than staff anticipated and staff will monitor growth in the community.

Village Administrator Muetz concluded stating that the next update will be in March, 2019 when the budget is presented.


It was moved by Trustee Hood, seconded by Trustee Ross to adjourn the meeting.

Voice Vote: All Aye: Motion Carried.

Mayor Kovarik adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m.
