
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Gurnee Village Board met September 10.

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Gurnee Village Board met September 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order:

Mayor Kovarik called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Other Officials in Attendance:

Patrick Muetz, Village Administrator; David Ziegler, Assistant Village Administrator/Community Development Director; Bryan Winter, Village Attorney; Scott Drabicki, Village Engineer; Brian Gosnell, Finance Director; Christine Palmieri, Director of Human Resources; Tom Rigwood, Director of Public Works; John Kavanagh, Fire Chief; Kevin Woodside, Police Chief; Ellen Dean, Economic Development Director, Jack Linehan, Assistant to the Administrator

Roll Call:

Present: 5- Thorstenson, Ross, Garner, Balmes, Hood

Absent: 1- Jacobs

Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kovarik led the Pledge of Allegiance.

A. Public Comment

Mayor Kovarik:

Mayor Kovarik said Village Engineer Scott Drabicki has submitted his resignation and his last day will be September 21st. She said Mr. Drabicki did a very good job for the Village of Gurnee and he will be missed. She wished him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

Otto Wimpffen 218 Hickory Haven Dr. Gurnee, IL:

Mr. Wimpffen read a prepared statement regarding the proposed youth sports complex and his concerns. He then provided a copy of his statement to the Village Board.

Donald Tremper 220 Hickory Haven Dr. Gurnee, IL:

Mr. Tremper read a prepared statement that was also sent to the Mayor regarding the proposed youth sports complex and his concerns. Mayor Kovarik confirmed receiving the letter and stated a copy would be provided to each Trustee.

Brian Waala 5663 Buttercup Lane Gurnee, IL:

The resident stated he moved to the neighborhood 3.5 years ago. He then stated he had questions and concerns about the logistics, tax impacts and planning process going forward and requested he receive a response within 30 days.

B. Approval Of Consent Agenda

It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Thorstenson to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Roll call,

Aye: 5- Thorstenson, Ross, Garner, Balmes, Hood

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 1- Jacobs

Motion Carried.

C. Consent Agenda / Omnibus Vote

The Village Administrator read the consent agenda for an omnibus vote as follows:

1. Approval of the minutes from the August 20, 2018 Village Board meetings.

2. Approval of request for Police Detective Brian Carey to attend the Law Enforcement Driver Instructor Training Program in Cheltenham, MD from September 10 – 21, 2018 at an estimated cost of $1,500.00.

3. Approval of Engineering Division’s recommendation to award the Village Hall Roof Replacement project to the low bidder, Master Project Inc. at a cost of $127,000.00.

4. Approval of Engineering Division’s recommendation to award the FY 2019 & FY 2020 Landscape Restoration project to the low bidder, Buss Landscape Company at a cost of $115,257.20.

5. Approval of Staff Accountant Gerson Molina’s request to participate in the Village’s tuition assistance program in pursuit of a Master’s Degree in Accounting and Financial Management from the Keller Graduate School of Management.

6. Approval of the following bid dates:

a. September 11, 2018: Chelsey Crossing Drainage Improvement Project; and

b. September 12, 2018, 2018: Almond Road Delivery Station Storm and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project.

7. Approval of Payroll for period ending August 31, 2018 in the amount of $811,248.07.

8. Approval of Bills for the period ending September 10, 2018 in the amount of $1,639,622.88.

It was moved by Trustee Ross, seconded by Trustee Garner to approve the Consent Agenda for an omnibus vote as read.

Roll call,

Aye: 5- Thorstenson, Ross, Garner, Balmes, Hood

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 1- Jacobs

Motion Carried.

D. Petitions And Communications

1. Approval of a Proclamation designating September 23 - 29, 2018 as Child Passenger Safety Week in the Village of Gurnee.

It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Ross to approve of a Proclamation designating September 23 - 29, 2018 as Child Passenger Safety Week in the Village of Gurnee.

Voice Vote: All Aye: Motion Carried.

2. Approval of a Proclamation designating September 15 – October 15, 2018 as Hispanic Heritage Month in the Village of Gurnee.

It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Thorstenson to approve of a Proclamation designating September 15 - October 15, 2018 as Hispanic Heritage Month in the Village of Gurnee.

Voice Vote: All Aye: Motion Carried.

E. Reports:


F. Old Business:


G. New Business

1. Approval of Ord. 2018 – 66 authorizing execution of a Professional

Services Agreement with Clark Dietz Inc. for Professional Services for the Pressure Zone 5 Improvements.

Mr. Muetz said the Capital Plan includes the construction of a new water tower and water pressure zone on the west side of town. Construction contracts for this work have been awarded and the IEPA loan was approved by the State of Illinois in August. Oversight of the construction phase of this project will consist of daily inspections, testing, and documentation required to satisfy the requirements of the IEPA loan. Gurnee Engineering staff is currently planning to oversee the day-to-day inspection duties however we do not have all of the technical expertise or experience in-house to manage all aspects of this project. During design of the Hunt Club Road Watermain Replacement Project another consultant, Clark Dietz Inc., indicated that they had hired an individual with over 40 years of experience who could assist if necessary. Staff estimates that approximately 20 hours per week on average of consulting time will be needed for the duration of the project through December 2019. While the Village will be billed for actual work performed, the contact is capped at $250,000. The flexibility of the contract allows staff to complete as much or as little of the inspection load as in-house resources allow. That appropriate funding has been included in the FY 18/19 Budget.

It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Ross to approve of Ord. 2018 – 66 authorizing execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Clark Dietz Inc. for Professional Services for the Pressure Zone 5 Improvements.

Roll call,

Aye: 5- Thorstenson, Ross, Garner, Balmes, Hood

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 1- Jacobs

Motion Carried.

2. Approval of Ord. 2018 – 67 amending the Gurnee Municipal Code to add Section 78-62(c) to regulate the use of roundabouts at Village intersections.

Mr. Muetz said with Almond and Dada transitioning from a 4-way stop to a roundabout it is appropriate that the Municipal Code is updated. This ordinance removes Almond/Dada and Ferndale/Grandville from the Stop section and adds them to a new section, Section 78-62(c) which provides regulations for the Operation of Vehicles within Roundabouts. The new section covers definitions, executing turns in a roundabout, exceptions to the provisions, penalties and lists roundabout intersections in the Village.

It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Thorstenson to approve of Ord. 2018 – 67 amending the Gurnee Municipal Code to add Section 78-62(c) to regulate the use of roundabouts at Village intersections.

Roll call,

Aye: 5- Thorstenson, Ross, Garner, Balmes, Hood

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 1- Jacobs

Motion Carried.

3. Approval of Ord. 2018 – 68 approving a Service Agreement between the Village of Gurnee and Blackboard Connect Inc. related to the Connect automated telephone notification system.

Mr. Muetz said the Village uses Blackboard CTY as its automated telephone notification system. The Village has used CTY since 2007. With the contract nearing expiration, staff reached out to discuss a renewal. Concurrently, a committee reviewed alternate service providers. Following this process and discussions with Blackboard, staff is recommending a 3 year renewal of the CTY contract. Staff was able to negotiate a lower annual cost ($14,125 vs. $22,600) thru these efforts. We have been pleased with the service and features. The reduction in price is also a positive.

Trustee Thorstenson said good job on the negotiations.

It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Garner to approve of Ord. 2018 – 68 approving a Service Agreement between the Village of Gurnee and Blackboard Connect Inc. related to the Connect automated telephone notification system.

Roll call,

Aye: 5- Thorstenson, Ross, Garner, Balmes, Hood

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 1- Jacobs

Motion Carried.

4. Approval of request from Barberry Lane for relief from Gurnee Municipal Code Section 66-135 which limits commercial driveway width to 34 feet at the right-of-way.

Mr. Muetz said the Village has received a request from the Petersen Excavating at 35801 Barberry requesting relief from the width limit of the Gurnee Municipal Code. Per the Municipal Code, commercial driveway widths are restricted to 34’ at the property line. A permit was issued for a new commercial driveway at this location at a width of 30’. Upon inspection it was found to exceed this width. It subsequently failed the inspection and the owner was advised to remove the excessive driveway width to obtain conformance or request relief. The owner has stated the driveway needs to be 40’ wide to allow semi-trucks with trailers enough room to enter and exit the construction yard. Administratively staff can not approve this request, therefore it must be considered by the Village Board.

Mayor Kovarik asked for the record the permit submitted was for how wide of a driveway at the right of way.

Mr. Muetz said 30 feet.

Willie Petersen Petersen Excavating 35801 Barberry Gurnee, IL:

Petitioner Mr. Petersen said the have to use a special type of concrete for the driveway that cured in 48 hours so he could be open on Monday. He stated they framed up the entrance at 30 feet and it was not wide enough. As a result, Mr. Peterson said at the last minute he took the liberty to widen the entrance to 40 feet at a cost of $27,000. He said the decision was made to allow trucks to make the turn in and out without running off the edge of the road and damaging it. He further stated he takes responsibility for the decision.

Trustee Ross stated she would like the Village Engineer’s opinion.

Mr. Drabicki stated his consistent recommendation is to not approve anything that is not within compliance of the Municipal Code however the impact of this negligible.

Attorney Winter said this is a very rare situation and doesn’t recommend modification of the Municipal Code.

Mr. Drabicki said 34 feet was reasonable at the time the Code was drafted however on occasion staff has had to get creative to make it work.

Mayor Kovarik said 34 feet is the max according to Municipal Code but the Board can vote to allow 40 feet.

Trustee Garner asked what kind of precedence we set by passing this.

Attorney Winter said generally the Board should consider each request individually. He said however the Board should be consistent should another property owner have the same request. He said he is not concerned about the negative binding effect this might have on future Boards.

Trustee Garner asked if 34 feet is adequate given the size of the trucks the Petitioner is using.

Mr. Drabicki said every lot is different and it will vary site by site.

Trustee Garner asked if 40 feet would extend the life of the driveway.

Mr. Drabicki said it will prevent trucks from falling off the driveway.

Trustee Garner said what happens if they drive off the road and damage it.

Mr. Drabicki said we would enforce the Code if it damaged the edge of the Village’s roadway.

Mr. Muetz said from his perspective he would rather allow the extra 6 feet than have to deal with the damage to the edge of the road and any litigation that may result.

Trustee Balmes asked if the information on the roadway being narrower was accurate.

Mr. Drabicki stated yes.

Trustee Ross said the property in in unincorporated and therefore the decision is less impactful as it relates to future decisions.

It was moved by Trustee Hood, seconded by Trustee Garner to approve of request from Barberry Lane for relief from Gurnee Municipal Code Section 66-135 which limits commercial driveway width to 34 feet at the right-of-way.

Roll call,

Aye: 5- Thorstenson, Ross, Garner, Balmes, Hood

Nay: 0- None

Absent: 1- Jacobs

Motion Carried.

H. Public Comment

Scott Drabicki Village Engineer:

Mr. Drabicki wanted to thank the Board and the Department Heads for the last 15 years. He said Gurnee is a great community and has been like family to him.

Closing Comments:



It was moved by Trustee Balmes, seconded by Trustee Thorstenson to adjourn the meeting.

Voice Vote: All Aye: Motion Carried.

Mayor Kovarik adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
