
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Wauconda Village Board met May 7

Webp meeting 02

Village of Wauconda Village Board met May 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Knight called the Regular Village Board Meeting to order in the Village Hall at 7:00 P.M.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop 90.


Upon roll call by Clerk Falk-Novak, the following Trustees were present: Trustees Starkey, Arnswald, Black, Howe, Schlick, Morino


Also present: Kevin Timony (Village Administrator), Brad Fink (Director of Public Works), William Richart (Village Engineer), Police Chief Wermes, Rudy Magna (Village Attorney)


A. National Safe Boating Week

Mayor Knight presented the National Safe Boating Week Proclamation

Commander Lee Zimmerman and Robb Calabro, with the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, spoke regarding their initiative to train boaters on how to be safe on the water. They just recently conducted training in Wauconda in which there were 20 residents who participated. He mentioned that 75% of boating accidents are as a result of human error. He stressed the importance of wearing a life jacket. They will continue their efforts in training the public, and since the first of the year, they have trained 120 individuals.


No public comment.


(Last Ordinance No. was 2019-O-08) (Last Resolution No. was 2019-R-04)

Motion to Approve the Agenda made by Trustee Starkey, second Trustee Arnswald.

Ayes 6 Nays 0



Motion to approve consideration of Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote made by Trustee Arnswald, second Trustee Black.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 



A. Approval of the Bills for Payment from April 9, 2019 through April 26, 2019 in the Amount of $347,767.85 

B. Approval of the Minutes of the April 16, 2019 Regular Village Board Meeting 

C. Approval of an Ordinance Amending Section 119.29 of the Village Code of Wauconda by Adjusting the Number of Authorized Liquor Licenses (Ordinance No. 2019-O-09) 

D. Approval of a Resolution Approving and Releasing Certain Executive Session Minutes and Preserving Classified Status of Certain Meetings of the Village Board and the Committee of the Whole (Resolution No 2019-R-05)


Motion to Approve Items A through D on the Consent Agenda made by Trustee Black, second Trustee Howe.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 



A. Acknowledgement of Lake County Canvass Board April 2, 2019 Municipal Election Results

Village of Wauconda Trustee (3)   Votes Received 

Chuck Black                                        386 

Thomas Shaw                                     384 

Jeff A. Sode                                        362

Mayor Knight acknowledged the results of the April 2, 2019 Municipal Election.

B. Recognition of Outgoing Village Trustees Linda Starkey and Ken Arnswald

The Mayor stated that the time has come where we are saying goodbye to two of our current trustees and friends. He thanked Trustee Starkey and Trustee Arnswald for all they have done not only for the village, but for everyone in town. They have given not only of themselves, but time away from their families, businesses and other obligations and it is deeply appreciated. Wauconda is definitely a better place with what they have helped accomplish over the last eight years. They have helped businesses in town, residents, re- organized ordinance manuals, developed a strategic plan, welcomed new staff members, and helped get us back on track with Lake Michigan water. He thanked them for everything and wished them both the very best in the future.

The Mayor presented Trustee Arnswald and Trustee Starkey with plaques recognizing them for their dedication and service.

Trustee Starkey

Trustee Starkey’s final comments:

“Tonight, I’m happy to be wrapping up my second term as Trustee, and reflecting back, there are two areas that I’m grateful for and want to say thanks. First, to all of the amazing volunteers that make up the fabric of our community. And not just those in Village government, Police, Fire, and Public Works, but also those from our service organizations, and all of the volunteers at the many events throughout town. The examples that come to mind are endless, but I’ll highlight just a few. We have Ed Lochmayer who has been a steward for Bangs Lake and Joe Nichele at Wauconda Boat raising money so that Veterans can enjoy a day on the lake. Mark Knigge has collected and recycled shoes for almost two decades, and Michael Casey Jungles who has raised over $100K for children’s cancer research during Shamrock the Block. And here is an image. it’s Thanksgiving morning, and Glenn, Chris, and Katy Rueb and I are managing 1000 people while Maria Weisbruch drives the bus for the naval recruits to enjoy their first Thanksgiving away from home, and Don Kutniac marches in with them as the Turkey Trot participants await their arrival. People don’t believe the wonderful things happening in our town. I mean.you can’t make this stuff up! Thank you to all who have also volunteered on campaigns, walked neighborhoods, put up signs and attended campaign fundraisers. I think they are the happiest ones tonight! There is never a dull moment in this town, and I’m grateful for all of the tireless volunteers who do the heavy lifting day to day, year after year.Thank you. Secondly, I’m grateful to the voters of Wauconda. I have been lucky to serve as Village Trustee for eight years and have also been involved as the chair for several campaigns for Village Board, all of them victorious. That’s important because if voters choose someone who is not in tune with the spirit of the community, it can throw a town off its axis. We have honored the voter’s choice by speaking truth to power when it has been needed, built out committees and involved more residents, and now I ask the new Board to continue to move forward with fresh ideas and the addition of new people. This will give our voters the best choices available for board leadership in the future, and that’s what our residents deserve. To the voters now, and in the future. Thank You. What next for me? With other stakeholders, I will continue to work to make Main Street the best choice around to shop, dine, and play. I also look forward to making our events grow and raise money for people and organizations in need. Finally, I’ll soon be appointed by Lake County to serve on the Lake County Zoning Board. Over twenty years ago, I saw how a developer tried to pit one town against another for the use of unincorporated land, and know the regional impact that zoning and development has. The majority of unincorporated land is here in western Lake County, and Wauconda is not represented by a Village resident.until now. I look forward to reviewing developments and their immediate impacts, but also what our region’s 30-year plan is for the future. Speaking of the future.Let’s get to it! Thanks to the staff and my fellow board members now and from past years, thanks to all of my friends who have allowed me to twist their arms for help, thanks to Glenn and my family who have always supported me and my causes, and most of all thanks to Wauconda! It’s time for us to move onward and upward. because.We love this town! Thank you!”

Trustee Arnswald

Trustee Arnswald’s final comments: He made several references to the last Village Meeting and his final comments which were included again below. He thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve as Trustee for the last eight years. He thanked Brad and the Public Works as well as Chief Wermes and the Wauconda Police Department along with the Wauconda Fire Department for all their work. He thanked Village Administrator Timony and staff as well as Trustee Starkey and stated it has been a pleasure working with her. He referenced the current board and asked that they all keep up the good work and also thanked our Village Attorney, Rudy Magna. He also thanked Bill Richart, our Village Engineer, for everything he has done with Lake Michigan water and all our engineering needs.

Trustee Arnswald’s comment from the April 16, 2019 Village Board Meeting: “Thank you for the opportunity to serve as Trustee for the Village of Wauconda for the last 8 years. A big thank you goes out to the Voters of Wauconda for having the foresight and approving the referendum for us to move forward and bring Lake Michigan Water to the Village. This was a decision that will benefit the Village for many, many years to come with a sustainable water source. When we started, there were several empty storefronts on Main Street. Now Main Street Wauconda is a destination place for many from within Wauconda and our friends from outside the Village. Many of the well-attended functions on Main Street include the Turkey Trot, the Bunny Hop, Holiday Walk, Trick or Treat on Main Street and the ever-popular Cruise Night. All of these events have brought many people to downtown Wauconda and as a result, have discovered what Wauconda really has to offer. Thank you to Star Charities for everything they have done to get some of these functions up and running. A big thank you to the Park District for providing the best Summer Festival around. Also, for getting Phil’s Beach up and going again. The previous Main Street items had little to do with the Village Board, other than approving some permit requests. I mention this because this Village is a good Village not just because of the actions of the Village Board, but as a result of the many volunteers here. It would be very hard to mention all of the volunteers, but I would like to single out two individuals. Mark Knigge for his time spent on the Village Board. Mark was very instrumental in getting the Lake Michigan water process going. He was also the Mayor that got Trustee Starkey, Trustee Black and myself to run for the Village Board in 2011. Mark has given many volunteer hours in countless areas of Village programs. Too many to mention. If there is any function happening in town, Mark is probably involved somehow. Thank you, Mark. Secondly, I would like to give a big thank you to Maria Weisbruch. It is my feeling that Maria is very instrumental in getting Main Street to what it is today. From getting the businesses on Main Street working together, to Main Street Beautification to now all of the hard work with the Wauconda Area Chamber of Commerce. Maria, I thank you. I would also like to thank the Administrative Staff at the Village Hall and Building & Zoning. Through their dedication to the Village and by wearing several hats, things have run quite smoothly through some lean times. Also, all of the staff at Public Works and our Police Department. Thank you very much for your dedication and professionalism to the residents and businesses of our fine Village. When speaking of your dedication and professionalism, you are all second to none. Thank You! I also want to thank Village Administrator, Kevin Timony, Public Works Director Brad Fink and Police Chief Dave Wermes for taking a chance by continuing your careers in Wauconda. Kevin, I know it’s early in your Administrator career, but in a short time, you have proven that you definitely have what it takes to be a fine Administrator. Keep it up, in Wauconda! Brad, thank you very much for ‘coming home’ to run our Public Works Department. Your knowledge and experience show in the service that our Public Works perform day in and day out for our residents and businesses. Also, the work you have done along with CLCJAWA and all of the logistics in getting Lake Michigan water to our Village is exemplary. Chief, with your experience in Law Enforcement, you have brought the level of professionalism to our Police Department that Wauconda deserves. It shows in our men and women when you see them out there protecting us. With the many different facets that have been introduced in the department, I commend you. Now, the Board. Rich, Adam, Tim, Chuck and Linda, it has been a pleasure working with all of you. There were some pretty stressful times, but for the most part, it was good. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but I feel we were able to do what was best for the people of Wauconda. Thank you all. For those staying on the Board and the addition of Tom and Jeff, I have all the confidence in the world that you will continue doing what’s good and right for Wauconda. Cheryl, thank you very much for your professionalism as Clerk. Thank you also for keeping things on task and also for getting us to laugh at the perfect moment. Your ability to take minutes and have them to us so quickly is amazing. Thank you! Mayor Knight. Where do I start? The voters of Wauconda got it right when they elected you to take over this ship. We’ve hit some rough waves, but for the most part, it has been smooth sailing. We’ve got the right person at the helm. Keep her going! Rudy Magna, our Village Historian. You are a true professional in your field. Also, your knowledge of Wauconda history is amazing. It’s a good thing you aren’t retiring! Thank you to Bill Rickert for all of the engineering needs for the Village and very important engineering assistance with the Lake Michigan project. Thank you. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention our favorite news reporter. Thank you, Russell, for the fine job of reporting you have done over the years. There were times when people may have not agreed with what was printed, but what you put in print is what actually transpired. Thank you and keep up the fine work. And last, but definitely not least, my family. Nancy, Tracy, Beth, Keith, Brandon, Maddie, Corbin, Carly, Lauren, and Annie. Thank you for letting me sit up here and serve the people of Wauconda. Now it’s time to make room for Tim, work on my golf game and collect that big pension! Thank You!”

C. The Honorable Judge Henry Tonigan to Administer Oath of Office to Village Trustee-Elect Chuck Black, Tom Shaw, and Jeff Sode

Judge Henry Tonigan administered the Oath of Office to Village Trustees Elect Chuck Black, Tom Shaw, and Jeff Sode. He also administered the oath of office to Greg Anderson, who has been appointed as Director of Building, Planning & Zoning as well as Building Commissioner. He administered the Oath of Office to Michael Metrick, who has been appointed as Board of Fire and Police Commissioner.

D. Seating of Newly Installed Village Officials


Mayor Knight motioned for a 10-minute recess at 7:24 PM.


Mayor Knight called the Regular Village Board Meeting back in session at 7:37 P.M.


Upon roll call by Clerk Falk-Novak, the following Trustees were present: Trustees Black, Howe, Schlick, Morino, Shaw, Sode


Also present: Kevin Timony (Village Administrator), Brad Fink (Director of Public Works), William Richart (Village Engineer), Police Chief Wermes, Rudy Magna (Village Attorney)


A. Consideration and Approval of Mayor Knight’s Appointments for: 1) Director of Building, Planning, & Zoning – Greg Anderson 2) Building Commissioner – Greg Anderson 3) Administrative Hearing Officer – Hon. Henry C. Tonigan 4) Village Engineer – William Rickert (RHMG Engineers Inc.) 5) Village Attorney – Rudolph F. Magna (Law Offices of Rudolph F. Magna) 6) Ethics Officer – Rudolph F. Magna 7) Emergency Management Agency Coordinator – Michael Wahl 8) Fire Marshall – David Geary 9) Deputy Fire Marshall – Michael Davalle 10) Deputy Liquor Commissioner – Chuck Black 11) Chairman of the ZBA/Plan Commission – Rob Fosness

12) Vice Chairman of the ZBA/Plan Commission – Dave Jakubek 13) Board of Fire and Police Commissioners – Joseph Altmann and Michael Metrick 14) Police Pension Board – William Glade 15) Bangs Lake Advisory Committee – Ed Lochmayer and John Lambert

Motion to Approve Mayor Knight’s Appointments made by Trustee Sode second Trustee Shaw.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 


B. Approval of an Ordinance Providing for a President Pro Tem During Temporary Absences

or During the Temporary Disability of the Village President (Ordinance No. 2019-O-10)

Motion to Approve Ordinance Providing Trustee Howe as President Pro Tem During Temporary Absences or During the Temporary Disability of the Village President made by Trustee Shaw second Trustee Morino.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 


C. Approval of a Resolution Appointing the Village of Wauconda’s Representatives to Serve as Director/Alternate on the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO) Board of Directors (Resolution No. 2019-R-06)

Motion to Approve Resolution Appointing Brad Fink as the Village of Wauconda’s Representatives to Serve as Director/Alternate on the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO) Board of Directors made by Trustee Morino second Trustee Schlick.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 


D. Approval of a Resolution Appointing the Village of Wauconda’s Representatives to Serve as Director/Alternate on the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) Board of Directors (Resolution No. 2019-R-07)

Motion to Approve Resolution Appointing Trustee Howe as the Village of Wauconda’s Representatives to Serve as Director/Alternate on the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) Board of Directors made by Trustee Schlick second Trustee Howe.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 



The Mayor once again thanked Linda and Ken for their years of service to the Village. He stated he knows they will still be around and active in our community, and for that he is grateful. He congratulated and welcomed Trustee Sode and Trustee Shaw and welcomed back Trustee Black. He thanked them all for stepping up to help out the Village. He thanked the board for approving all the appointments that were recommended tonight and mentioned it takes many people working together and that we do pretty well. He appreciates their efforts and looks forward to the next two years. The Mayor stated, as most of us know, much of the villages work doesn’t get done at the board meetings, but at the committee meetings. That is where most of the discussions, debates, and fact-finding come into play and then it is brought to the Board. With the addition of the new Trustees, the new committee structure will be as follows:

NATURAL RESOURCES: Chaired by Trustee Black with members Trustees Shaw and Sode ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Chaired by Trustee Howe with members Trustees Black and Schlick LICENSE & ADMIN: Chaired by Trustee Morino with members Trustees Howe and Shaw VILLAGE SERVICES: Chaired by Trustee Schlick with members Trustees Morino and Sode

In addition to the above, we will continue to include community members, residents, and business owners on these committees as well as we believe it’s valuable to obtain other opinions in addition to the Committee members which we have done for the last several years.


Trustee Black

He congratulated the new Director of Community Development Greg Anderson. He is looking forward to the direction we are headed and looking forward to working together. He also congratulated Trustees Shaw and Sode and welcomed them to the team and is looking forward to working with them over the next four years. The District #118 Reuse a Shoe Contest ran last week and this year’s winner is the Wauconda Grade School. They have put together a three-peat as they have also won the two previous years. This year’s overall shoe total of 1372 shoes was the third highest total since we have been running the contest. Another amazing fact is that the number of shoes that we collect in this one week is 33% of the shoes that are collected for the year. We are the number one shoe collection group in SWALCO. The Wauconda Grade School ended up collecting 564 shoes which works out to.9 shoes per student. In the six years that we have been running the contest, we have collected a total of 8762 shoes. He thanked the United Partnership and Mark Knigge for picking up all the shoes every year, the District #118 School District and Public Works whom we could not do this without their help and storage. With regards to Trustees Starkey and Arnswald, eight years ago he remembers meeting Linda and Ken the first time at Mark Knigge’s house. Trustees, at the time, Knight and Barbini were also there. He knows Linda, Ken and himself were all looking at each other and probably thinking the same thing.what are we doing? He said that after the week following that first meeting, he ran into both of them in and around town and they went from faces in the crowd to part of his daily life. Over the past eight years, there have been a lot of fun times such as golf outings, celebrity grilling, parades and the such. There were also some trying times as we worked through some tough issues, tough challenges and worked with some tough people. I believe Trustee Arnswald called those years “the lean years”. He is proud to say that throughout the entire eight years our determination, dedication, and respect never waned. He feels these two have helped to set the tone of what a trustee is and what is expected. He is proud to have served with them, and he thanked them for their service to the community. He also wanted to say that he was proud to call them his friends. Although he has no doubt that the current group of trustees will also work and grow together as a team, he will miss Linda and Ken and wishes them all the best.

Trustee Howe

He gave a shout-out to the Coast Guard Auxiliary for stepping up with boating safety week. We have learned over the years that although the lake is a fun place, it also can be dangerous and the more focused we are on being safe and staying safe, not just for ourselves but the people around us, the better off we will all be. He thanked the Coast Guard Auxiliary for reminding us of this. He thanked all the new and returning appointees because we cannot run the Village without all these people stepping up as it is critical to have this support from the bottom up to the top down. He addressed Linda and Ken who said they have been friends, colleagues, mentors and he learned most importantly from both of them how to step up and do the hard work when it’s necessary and also how to have fun and enjoy the opportunity we have to serve our community. He stated being up here and knowing you are contributing is the most rewarding and satisfying thing that you ever get to do in life. He welcomed Trustees Shaw and Sode and explained to them how they are going to find out just how rewarding and wonderful this job can be. He stated that there are a lot of things that Trustees would like to do and might think it would be a good idea for the Village, but we also have to be good stewards of the tax payer’s dollars because in the end it’s not our money to spend and we have to make those decisions wisely. If you keep this in mind, the decisions often times are made a lot easier.

Trustee Schlick

He welcomed Trustees Sode and Shaw to the team and said he thinks they are going to be great additions. He said that a lot of hard work goes on up there, but we couldn’t have found two better people. He also thanked Trustee Black for coming back. He welcomed the new Director of Community Development, Greg Anderson and believes he is going to bring a lot of excellent things to the Village. He thanked all of those who stepped up to serve on the boards and committees. He thanked Mike Metrick, Board of Fire and Police Commissioner, which is a tough job trying to find quality people to put on our Police Department. He thanked Ken and Linda and mentioned that he is only sitting on the board because of Linda as she got him involved, she helped run the campaign he was on, and he can’t thank her enough for all that she has done. He is happy to hear that she will be appointed to Lake County Building and Zoning and thinks she will do an excellent job.

Trustee Morino

He said running a Village successfully requires a seasoned and professional staff. It also takes dedicated public service, and that is what this job is. This job sometimes requires a lot of effort and a lot of time, and requires you to address complex issues and a big commitment sometimes in the quiet and sometimes in the face of a lot of noise, but it is also very rewarding. The reward is not some great payday as it’s not the private sector, however, knowing you have done something well to contribute to Wauconda and making this a great place to live, work and play. He says this because he thinks Ken and Linda have been perfect examples of what public service is. In addition to passion, it takes time to learn how the Village operates and what is involved. Most importantly it’s imperative to listen to the citizens for their input and advice that they want to add and taking this into consideration when trying to deliver the best decision for the Village. This is what Ken and Linda have taught him, and he can’t think of two better examples of public servants and assets in our community.

Trustee Shaw

He thanked Ken and Linda for their many years of service. Their tireless efforts have made a huge and lasting impact on our community, and he definitely will have some big shoes to fill. He stated to his fellow Trustees, Mayor Knight, Cheryl, Linda, Ken, Kevin and Brad that he wanted to thank them all for their support and guidance over the last few months as he worked on getting up to speed with all the responsibilities as a Trustee in this community. He knows that we didn’t have a good voter turnout this past election, but he is thankful for everyone who considered voting for him. He is very honored and humbled to be sitting here right now and takes this responsibility very seriously and is looking forward to working with everyone. He will work with the community to continue to make Wauconda a place that you are happy to call your home. He thanked his friends, family and his wife Linda for their support as without their support he doesn’t think he would be sitting there right now.

Trustee Sode

He thanked Linda and Ken for their dedicated service to the Village of Wauconda, and he realizes it will be tough to fill their shoes. He thanked the Village Board and the Village staff for the warm welcome and all their support, and he really looks forward to serving the great Village of Wauconda.


A. (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body.

B. (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)) Litigation when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the

particular body has been filed and is pending in a court or administrative tribunal.

Motion to move into Executive Session made by Trustee Howe, second Trustee Black at 7:57 PM.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 



Motion to reconvene from Executive Session all in favor at 8:51 PM.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 



A. Motion Authorizing the Village President to Execute a Settlement Agreement Regarding

Case Number 16 L 722

Motion to authorize the Village President to Execute a Settlement Agreement Regarding Case Number 16 L 722made by Trustee Black second Trustee Sode.

Ayes 6 Nays 0 



Mayor Knight motioned to adjourn, second Trustee Shaw. Ayes 6 Nays 0 MOTION DECLARED CARRIED Adjourn Time 8:52 PM
