
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Beach Park Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met August 29

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Beach Park Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met Aug. 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of the Beach Park Community Consolidated School District No. 3, Lake County, Illinois met for Special Meeting held at Kenneth Murphy School, in said District on August 29, 2019.

ROLL CALL: 6:04 P.M.

The Special meeting was called to order and the roll call was requested. Upon the roll call being had, there were present Ms. Gembarski, Mr. Luther, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Lenzi, Ms. Jesiel and Mrs. Coletta. Ms. White arrived at 6:07 P.M.

Administrators Present: Dr. Craig Doster, Superintendent and Mr. Medina, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.

Also Present was: Ms. Adams, Secretary of Record to the Board of Education. A list of others that attended this meeting is in the district office.

AGENDA A motion was made by Mr. Luther and seconded by Mr. Lenzi to approve the Agenda.

The President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, those members present voted as follows:

Mr. Lenzi, aye; Ms. Gembarski, aye; Mrs. Johnson, aye; Ms. White, aye; Ms. Jesiel, aye; Mrs. Coletta, aye; and Mr. Luther, aye.

Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.


Mrs. Coletta started off the meeting stating the reason why everyone was there. Dr. Doster would like to confirm an amount that the Board of Education will use to go out for referendum in order to improve all of the buildings in the district.

Dr. Doster is recommending $25 million. The district has been given rough estimates of what it will cost to do the work in all of the buildings. The current rough estimate is $22.1 million. It will also cost an estimated $4.1 million to fix all of the parking lots.

Conversation was had amongst all board members regarding how the money would be spent, what tax savings the taxpayers would have and if there was money leftover from the $25 million bond, how that would or would not be spent. Ms. Gembarski, Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Jesiel would like to see specific language with the referendum question regarding how any unspent monies would be handled. There was also discussion around the levy and what they would vote on should $25 million be what is voted on.

There was discussion with the Board about building improvements. A large part of the monies would be spent at Oak Crest School as they need the most improvements. These improvements would include air conditioning, hot water, bathroom renovations, water fountains replaced, bringing the building up to code as far as railings, ceilings and entry ways. Kenneth Murphy would be next and there are minor fixes and upgrades at the rest of the elementary buildings. 

The schools should be looked at as individual projects but the more projects that are done at once, gives the school more buying power. More work can be done at the same time for the same amount of money as opposed to doing them as separate projects. The Board would continue to vote on how the money gets spent on which projects and long range planning would oversee all of the projects along the way. Dr. Doster mentioned that it would be possible school would need to start after Labor Day should everything get approved. Dr. Doster also mentioned looking into installing handicapped doors in 2 of the buildings. In addition, work done to facilities is less expensive now compared to future years.

Conversation continued around where things would be stored over the summer, accountability of the projects, how extra/unforeseen expenses would be handled, material delays, etc. Some would could potentially start before school is out to help with the tight timeline should this all be done over the next summer.

Final communication revolved around EBF, reliability of money from the state, fund balances, effects of tapping into the reserves, and the financial status of the district. Mrs. Coletta thanked Dr. Doster for thinking outside of the box and that all schools can be addressed instead of just one.

The referendum amounts came down to either $20 million or $25 million. Ms. Jesiel and Ms. Gembarski would like to have further conversation with Dr. Doster about further safeguards on money that might not be spent if there was money leftover. An RFP will be brought to the September board meeting.

ADJOURN – 7:47 P.M.

A motion was made by Mr. Lenzi and seconded by Mrs. Johnson to adjourn the meeting

The President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, those members present voted unanimously.

Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
