
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Wauconda Village Board met October 1

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Village of Wauconda Village Board met Oct. 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Knight called the Regular Village Board Meeting to order in the Village Hall at 7:00 P.M.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop 90.


Upon roll call by Clerk Falk-Novak, the following Trustees were present: Trustees Howe, Schlick, Shaw, Sode

Not present: Trustee Black, Trustee Morino


Also present: Kevin Timony (Village Administrator), Brad Fink (Director of Public Works), Dave Wermes (Police Chief), Rudy Magna (Village Attorney)


Mayor Knight presented the White Cane Awareness Day Proclamation

Mayor Knight acknowledged the Lions members that attended the meeting and thanked them for all their work and donations to the Village.


Nancy Burton (Executive Director – Wauconda Park District)

Nancy wanted to acknowledge and thank the Village Board for providing Emergency Management Services and CERT Team services along with Police and Fire services for their special events. She mentioned that this year was extremely challenging in terms of the weather for Wauconda Fest and the Triathlon. Emergency Management is a vital component of their events. It is a relief knowing that they are monitoring the weather and assisting them in making correct decisions at the right time. These are not always easy decisions, but they are always going to err on the side of safety. Sometimes these services are not recognized enough, and she wanted to thank all for their time and effort.

Scott Shuey (Wauconda Resident – Lake County Precinct Committeeman)

Mr. Shuey stated he realizes that the board is “still out” as far as any decisions on approving a Cannabis Dispensary in Wauconda, but one of the questions he has is pending the approval of the Cannabis dispensary, outside of what the State would do and impose, does the Village have the authority and would they use it to add taxation, regulations, laws, rules, or would the dispensaries be treated by the Village just as any other business.

Trustee Howe answered and stated that the State does give the Villages some leeway in imposing additional regulations via zoning and conditional use restrictions. These are some of the items that they have been discussing in committee. There are some things that the Village can’t do and some things that the Village can do. The Act is complex and very detailed with 600 and some pages, and he stated that they continue to work through this. The applications were released by the State

today and on time, and he encouraged people to read the article in the Sun-Times that has the information the Department of Financial Professional Regulation has on the applications. You can take a look at them as well as the very, very stringent requirements that the state has imposed already just to get through the application process.

Minzhe Xu (14-Year Wauconda Resident)

Mr. Xu stated he loved his neighbors and the spirit of the town. His comments are regarding the sales of recreational marijuana, which is addictive, a gateway drug, and medical research shows that taking marijuana is harmful to brain development for people under the age of 21. Recreational marijuana usage will indirectly make it easier for children to access. He also feels it will increase the number of problems in our society along with safety and health risks. He shared that he solicited the opinion of many of his neighbors in Orchard Hill, and a majority of those he spoke to were opposed to a dispensary.


(Last Ordinance No. was 2019-O-13) (Last Resolution No. was 2019-R-11)

Motion to Approve the Agenda made by Trustee Sode, second Trustee Shaw.

Ayes 4 Nays 0



Motion to approve consideration of Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote made by Trustee Shaw, second Trustee Schlick.

Ayes 4 Nays 0



A. Approval of Bills for Payment from September 7, 2019 through September 20, 2019 in the Amount of $167,523.07

B. Approval of the Minutes of the September 16, 2019 Regular Village Board Meeting


Motion to Approve Items A through B on the Consent Agenda made by Trustee Schlick, second Trustee Howe.

Ayes 4 Nays 0



A. Approval of an Ordinance Imposing a Municipal Cannabis Retailers’ Occupation Tax

(Ordinance No. 2019-O-14)

Administrator Timony:

We have been talking about the new Cannabis Regulations and Tax Act for the past couple of months now, and as we all know, one of the authorities granted to the municipalities is the authority to adopt an additional maximum allowable sales tax rate of 3% on the sale of cannabis in the community. He wanted to verify that by passing this ordinance tonight does not allow for the sale of cannabis in Wauconda. This is simply just adding the tax, in the instance that we do eventually add or legalize the sale of cannabis in Wauconda.

Motion to Approve Ordinance Imposing a Municipal Cannabis Retailers’ Occupation Tax made by Trustee Howe, second Trustee Sode.

Ayes 4 Nays 0



The Mayor wanted to start off with, as it has been said many times but worth repeating, all of the work is done through the committees. All the trustees sitting up here participate in all the committee meetings and they can go on for an hour to an hour and a half, and there may be no decision made at that time. There have been three meetings through two different committees on this subject tonight with regards to recreational cannabis, so there is a lot of work that goes into it. All meetings are posted on the Village website, Village Hall, the Daily Herald as well as social media, so we try and get the word out every way that we can to make it easier for residents to participate. It is appreciated when the residents attend these committee meetings. This process works as all the work gets completed at the committee meetings and then it comes to the board for approval.

The Mayor, Administrator Timony, and Director Anderson attended Synergy Flavors ribbon- cutting ceremony for their new addition. They have a beautiful complex that just keeps growing and is one of our largest employers here in town, so it is wonderful that they picked Wauconda. It also seems to be the month for anniversaries. The Wauconda Library just celebrated 80 years, Wauconda Bowl just celebrated 70 years, and Fidelitone is celebrating 90 years. There are a lot of anniversaries a lot of good businesses in our town here, and we appreciate them being here. And finally, as we have been waiting for 13 years, Lake Michigan water is right around the corner. It should be flowing here within a few days, and next Friday we will have a brief ceremony that will be held at the receiving station on Gilmer Road. It has been a long work in progress, and we appreciate everybody from all 13 years. Many Trustees, Mayors, Village staff put a lot of heart and soul into this project, and it is finally coming to fruition, so we appreciate that.


Not present.

Trustee Howe

He thanked his fellow Lions for being out here today and thanked the Village for the Proclamation. The Wauconda Lions are in their 78th year of service right here in Wauconda, working on vision issues and serving the Wauconda community. White Cane Awareness Day is important, and they also have candy day coming up on the 11th and 12th and will be out there shaking the cans and giving out lollipops this year. The lions golf outing is this Friday, and he hopes to see folks out there. The Lions appreciate everything the village has done to support their work, and the Lions will continue to work to support various projects around the community.

He also wanted to thank residents who continue to reach out with their opinions on the cannabis- related businesses, and whether they should be allowed to locate in Wauconda. They have been doing their homework on this as the Mayor said, we have had three meetings, and we are going to have more meetings. They have been researching all of the information and the requirements the state has been issuing to make sure that if we do proceed with this, all the protections we need are in place. They have been consulting with our Police Department as well as consulting with zoning experts, and they are going to do their best to make the decision that is right for the Village. He thanked everyone for their patience and continued input. He said they could all be reached via email, phone or stop them on the street as they want to hear what the residents think.

Trustee Schlick

There was a Village Services Committee meeting tonight, and they discussed in-depth Police Department staffing. The Chief put together a proposal, and they think they have some exciting things coming down the pipeline including accreditation possibly. He thanked the Chief for a great presentation and believes they had a lot of great discussions. He thanked the Lions Club for everything that they do and also mentioned that he will be attending their golf outing this coming Friday. He said that since Trustee Black was not there, he offered his congratulations to the Wauconda Cruise Night on another great season, which went out with a bang with another new record. It is a great event for the community, and it is one of those events just when you think Wauconda couldn’t doing anything else, we find another event that is just off the charts and congratulated all involved. He also thanked Director Burton and Commissioner Starkey, who was in attendance, for recognizing the EMA folks as they often get forgotten.

Trustee Morino

Not present

Trustee Shaw

He mentioned how nice it was to see so many people attend the Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk last Saturday. There was a great turnout and more people than expected. He thanked the Lions Club for all that they do and also thanked the Park District because, as a CERT and EMA member they try to help as much as they can, and it is nice to hear that they are appreciated. He is looking forward to Lake Michigan water and turning down the water softener.

Trustee Sode

He thanked the Lions Club for all that they do. He also mentioned that this year’s Cruise Night, who had three events and broke two records. He thanked all the volunteers, Public Works, and the sponsors. He also wanted to thank our Marine Unit, especially Mike Aiardo for the higher number of boat safety inspections performed as well as the extremely low incident rate.


A. (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(2)) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

B. (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(5)) The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired.

C. (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(11) Litigation when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular body has been filed and is pending in a court or administrative tribunal.

Motion to move into Executive Session made by Trustee Sode, second Trustee Shaw at 7:23 PM.

Ayes 4 Nays 0



Motion to reconvene from Executive Session at 8:00 PM.

Ayes 4 Nays 0



Mayor Knight motioned to adjourn, second by Trustee Schlick, all in favor.

Ayes 4 Nays 0


Adjourn Time 8:01 PM
