
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Waukegan City Council met December 16

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City of Waukegan City Council met Dec. 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Opening Items

A. Roll Call

B. Invocation by Rev. H Lee Jordan, Jr - Greater Faith Baptist Church, located at 565 Powell Ave, Waukegan / Pledge of Allegiance

C. Mayor's Comments

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

3. Audience Time

A. Audience Time

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)

A. Motion to approve an Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of Waukegan and Elite Motors Works Inc. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

B. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to approve a change order in the amount of $2,247.00, increasing the contract awarded to Data Management Inc for Time Clock Plus approved on October 21, 2019 to a total revised amount of $40,007.00. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

C. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to approve a change order in the amount of $48,120.00, increasing the contract awarded to The Owens Group for insurance policy agreements approved on June 17, 2019 to a total revised amount of $1,164,355. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

D. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to approve a change order in the amount of $50,930.00, increasing the contract awarded to Kluber Architects & Engineers for facility improvement project oversight services approved on August 19, 2019 to a total revised amount of $210,930.00. This project utilizes 2018B GO Bond funds. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

E. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to execute an agreement with Kunes County Ford in an amount not to exceed $86,382.00 for the purpose of purchasing three (3) Ford Explorer SUV's, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Government Joint Purchasing (Section 2-458(i)(3)), Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Contract #191. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

F. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to authorize purchases of $75,000 from GHA Technologies Inc. for the purpose of information technology supplies and services, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Good Faith Waiver (Section 2-458(i)(7)). This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

G. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to approve a change order to the Andres Medical Billing, Ltd. contract approved by City Council on December 18, 2017. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

H. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to approve a change order in the amount of $312,000.00, increasing the contract awarded to Campanella & Sons for storm, sewer and water main emergency repairs approved on July 15, 2019 to a total revised amount of $412,000. This project utilizes 2018C Water & Sewer Bond funds. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

I. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to approve a change order in the amount of $57,864.00, increasing the contract awarded to Campanella & Sons for emergency repairs due to Rugby Court watermain approved on October 21, 2019 to a total revised amount of $205,312.00. This project utilizes 2018C Water & Sewer Bond funds. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

J. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to execute an agreement with Fer-Pal Construction USA, LLC in an amount not to exceed $189,596.00 for the purpose of watermain lining, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of High Degree of Skill (Section 2-458(i)(5)). This project utilizes 2018C Water & Sewer Bond funds. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

K. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to award a contract to Mississippi Valley Pump Inc. in the amount of $572,048.00, the lowest responsible bidder, for Lift Station Pump repairs. This project utilizes 2018C Water & Sewer Bond funds. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

L. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to execute a contract with Webs Excavating in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 for the purpose of an emergency demolition, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Bona Fide Emergency Waiver (Section 2-458(i)(2)). This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

M. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to execute an agreement with Industrial Systems in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing winter road treatment chemicals, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Sole Source (Section 2-458(i)(1)). This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

N. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to execute an agreement with Cargill Inc. in an amount not to exceed $460,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing road salt, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Government Joint Purchasing (Section 2-458(i)(3)), State of Illinois CMS Bid # 20-416CMS-BOSS4-B-9023. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

O. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to execute an agreement with Graybar Electric in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 for the purpose of electrical and lighting products and solutions, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Government Joint Purchasing (Section 2-458(i)(3)), US Communities Contract #EV2370. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

P. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to authorize purchases of $26,000 from Midwest Aggregates for the purpose of street and alley operating supplies and materials, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Good Faith Waiver (Section 2-458(i)(7)). This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

Q. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to execute an agreement with Vector LLC for an amount not to exceed $100,000 for the purpose of electrical and solar inspections, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Professional Services Waiver (Section 2-458(i)(4)). This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

R. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to execute an agreement with Tredroc in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00 for the purpose of tire services, and to waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances exemption of Government Joint Purchasing (Section 2-458(i)(3)), Bridgestone/Firestone State of Illinois pricing 7583 and Continental / General State of Illinois pricing GILG3AA9. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

S. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to approve a change order in the amount of $1,812,000.00, increasing the contract awarded to Baxter & Woodman / Boller LLC for water plant improvements approved on December 17, 2017, and then revised approval on January 22, 2019, to a total revised amount of $5,999,000.00. This project utilizes 2018C Water & Sewer Bond funds. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.

T. Motion to authorize the appointment of Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L.C. as the City of Waukegan's bond counsel, and further to accept the fee schedule as attached in their proposal dated October 30, 2019.

U. Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated December 6, 2019 in the total amount of $1,611,852.34.

V. Motion to approve PBLC Holiday Buyback dated December 6, 2019 in the total amount of $7,796.08.

W. Motion to approve PBLC & MAP Comp Time Cash Out dated December 6, 2019 in the total amount of $91,215.45.

X. Motion to approve Non-Union & SEIU Vacation Sell Back dated December 6, 2019 in the total amount of $55,054.09.

Y. Motion to approve Final Payout - 1352 Thomas, L. dated December 6, 2019 in the total amount of $12,802.35.

Z. Motion to approve vendor payments dated December 16, 2019 in the total amount of $3,463,906.00.

AA. Motion to adopt as presented the attached 2020 proposed annual meeting schedule

BB. Motion to Approve all Raffle Sales Applications

5. Reports and Communication

A. Monthly Treasurer's Report

6. Finance & Purchasing Committee

7. Old Business

8. New Business

A. A Resolution approving the Purchase and Sales Contract providing for the Conveyance of the Carnegie Library, 1 North Sheridan Road, Waukegan, PIN 08-21-420-017, to the Waukegan Park District, directing Corporation Counsel to prepare all necessary documents, and authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk, and Corporation Counsel to execute such documents and perform such actions as necessary to close the conveyance.

9. Ordinances

A. An Ordinance Granting Distance Waivers for Sunset House and Approving up to Five Video Gaming Terminals, pursuant to Section 3-77 of the City Code. (Requires 6 votes to pass).

B. An Ordinance Adding One Class C, Retail Package Sale, Liquor License for Veera, LLC.

C. An Ordinance Adding One Class E Restaurant Liquor License for La Fondita.

10. Closing Items

A. Aldermen Time

11. Committee Times

A. 5:00 PM Finance & Purchasing Committee

12. Adjournment

A. Motion to Adjourn
