
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Waukegan City Council met February 18

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City of Waukegan City Council met Feb. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Opening Items

A. Roll Call

B. Invocation by Pastor Dr. Wade A. Stevenson of Gideon Baptist Church located at 1500 Ridgeland Ave, Waukegan, IL 60085 / Pledge of Allegiance

C. Mayor's Comments

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

A. Motion to adopt Resolution 20-R-08: "The Underground Railroad in Waukegan"

3. Audience Time

A. Audience Time

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)

A. Motion to approve the Regular Meeting minutes from Monday, February 3, 2020

B. Motion approving a Resolution reallocating 2020 volume cap to the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois to allow for the City of Waukegan’s participation in the Private Activity Bond Clearinghouse Pool facilitated by the Lake County Partnership for Economic Development Inc. This matter was heard before Finance & Purchasing Committee.

C. Motion Fire Chief to apply for and then, if accepted, for the Mayor to execute a grant agreement with the State Fire Marshal to provide $21,180.00 in funding for thermal imaging cameras. This grant is 100% reimbursable with no local match requirement. This matter was heard before Finance & Purchasing Committee.

D. Motion to authorize the Fire Chief to apply for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) grant to provide funding for a fire pumper truck. This grant is 90% reimbursable, and requires a local match. This matter was heard before Finance & Purchasing Committee.

E. Motion to authorize the Fire Chief to apply for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) grant to provide funding for self contained breathing apparatus. This grant is 90% reimbursable, and requires a local match. This matter was heard before Finance & Purchasing Committee.

F. Motion to authorize the Police Chief to apply for the 2020 COPS grant to provide funding for police officers. This grant is 75% reimbursable in the first three-years, with no federal funding in the fourth year. This matter was heard before Finance & Purchasing Committee.

G. Motion to affirm the Building and CDBG Directors' execution of a contract(s) to Express Employment Professionals for a total combined amount not to exceed $75,000 in the 2019/2020 fiscal year, and further to grant a good faith waiver to the bidding process pursuant to Sec. 2-458(i)(7). This matter was heard before Finance & Purchasing Committee.

H. Motion to affirm the Public Works Director and Fire Chief's execution of contracts with Lechner and Sons for a total combined amount not to exceed $40,000 in the 2019/2020 fiscal year, and further to grant a good faith waiver to the bidding process pursuant to Sec. 2-458(i)(7). This matter was heard before Finance & Purchasing Committee.

I. Motion to authorize the Mayor to execute a contract with Waukegan Tire in an amount not to exceed $30,000 in the 2019/2020 fiscal year for the purposes of vehicle tires and related parts, pursuant to City of Waukegan Code Section 2-458(i)(3) Government Joint Purchasing bid waiver, reference State of Illinois General Service Master Purchase Order 18-416CMS-BOSS4-P-5995. This matter was heard before Finance & Purchasing Committee.

J. Motion to approve vendor payments dated February 17, 2020 in the total amount of $1,930,929.12.

K. Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated February 14, 2020 in the total amount of $1,558,748.45.

L. Motion to approve Elected Officials and Civil Service Stipend dated February 14, 2020 in the total amount of $6,866.66.

M. Motion to approve PBLC Holiday Buyback dated February 14, 2020 in the total amount of $1,753.90.

N. Motion to approve all raffle sale applications

5. Reports and Communication

A. Treasurers Monthly Report

6. Finance & Purchasing Committee

A. Motion to approve an Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of Waukegan and Elite Motors Works Inc.

B. Motion to approve a Resolution expressing official intent regarding the potential establishment of a redevelopment project area, the potential establishment of a business district, the potential negotiation of agreements and the potential reimbursement of certain expenditures in connection therewith by the City of Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois.

7. Old Business

8. New Business

9. Ordinances

10. Closing Items

A. Aldermen Time

11. Adjournment

A. Motion to Adjourn

12. Committee Times

A. 5:10 PM Finance & Purchasing Committee
