
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Waukegan City Council met February 3

Webp meetingroom04

City of Waukegan City Council met Feb. 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

1. Opening Items

A. Roll Call

Present: Ald Bolton, Ald Seger, Ald Moisio, Ald Kirkwood, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Rivera, Ald Florian, Ald Taylor.

Absent: None.

Information: B. Invocation by Apostle Dr. Michael Hargett Sr. of Loving Arms Church, in Waukegan / Pledge of Allegiance

Information Mayor's Comments: C.

At this time, Mayor Cunningham shared his opening comments. A representative from Khol's Children's museum also spoke at this time.

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

3. Audience Time

Bro Blanks: He opened up with a quote, from Fredrick Douglass, and stated that B.A.M.M demands a memorandum of understanding when working with other entities, such as the State's Attorney's Office, outlining how the City of Waukegan will move forward with more independence free of the Lake County State's Attorney, and in the best interest of the protection of the Waukegan citizens, constituents, and their rights. He stated that having a paramedic on hand when search warrants are issued, is a good idea to start with, for preservation of life. He also stated that, although not legally obligated, when the situation advances from criminal to life saving, handcuffs should be removed, because it is the sensitive, sensible, responsible thing to do, particularly when victims fall unconscience, and after they tell you they cannot breathe. He continued, demanding that all officers be trained/retrained in CPR, and that it is immediately and effectively applied to all victims and suspects, alike, as needed and required by law. He expressed that well trained officers should not be found just waiting when paramedics arrive. He continued to explain B.A.M.M's reasoning behind this request, and the efforts that should be made to make it possible, including reaching into a victims mouth, if needed, with latex gloves. He concluded his comments, quoting a January news article with a statement from the Mayor. He explained that he would like to see the city take this situation a step further with a town hall meeting. He also requested the city draft a Resolution for these changes, to present to the Cotton family. He shared how IGA explained the body camera footage will be handled.

Dylan Burdett: He shared that he is speaking on a more personal reason, in support of Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Cornell Ford: She spoke in support of Stretch's Bar & Grill, and explained her reasoning for support, and explained police activity, and that the city needs to leave the business alone, and should be helping them and not bully them.

Kim Ford: She explained that she supports Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Jessica Barnett: She explained that she supports Stretch's Bar & Grill, and the goals they have to be a positive influence in the community and to give to the community. She asked the City of Waukegan to stop what they are doing.

Patricia: She shared her support for Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Eugene Banks: Shared his support for Stretch's Bar & Grill, and explained that Stretch and him are one of the only black men that he knows, who own a business. He explained that he has a tee shirt company, and that the City of Waukegan does not give him any business. He asked that officers not take this situation any further.

Lisa Casey: She spoke in support of Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Paul Adams: He spoke in support of Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Robert: He spoke in support of Stretch's Bar & Grill. He explained that he moved to North Carolina and then moved back. He explained that the bar is opened to him with friends and family, and that it is a place he doesn't mind being on his day off. He explained his support, again, for Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Erick: He spoke in support of Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Hon. Rita Mayfield: She explained that she supports Stretch, and is hoping this issue can be resolved, and that she can help in any way possible. She talked about an upcoming event with herself, and Lake County Treasurer Holly Kim, at the Waukegan Library on Feb 18 from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM, for an interactive drum circle.

Kirstin Barnett: She explained her support for Stretch's Bar & Grill, and stated that she prays this issue gets resolved. She explained that he is not the enemy he is only beneficial to the city.

Dimond Coleman: He spoke in support of Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Waukegan JROTC: They extended an invitation to the community, with Lucy L, Waukegan School Board Member. They distributed a flyer with information. She also explained they support Stretch's Bar and Grill.

Rico Edwards: He shared his support for Stretch, and explained what he has done to help him after he lost his son a couple of months ago.

Yashin Phillips: She shared her support for Stretch, and explained that she wants to know what is going on. She thanked Stretch for his work in the community.

Carolyn Barnett: She introduced herself as Stretch's mother, and explained her support for her son, and his business, and what she would like to see resolved.

Jack Wheaton: He explained his experience with Waukegan's Building Department, when inquiring about a business. He explained that he went to Winthrop Harbor, instead. He shared his support for Stretch's Bar & Grill.

Ashanti Barnett: She introduced herself as the daughter of Stretch. She asked that the city stop looking at him as the enemy, and she asked the city to listen to him, and to stop the harassment.

Quanisha Branch: Spoke in support of Stretch's Bar & Grill - she explained that Stretch is her uncle, and has been a rock to many people. She continued to share her support.

Carlos Smith: He shared his support for Stretch's Bar & Grill. He explained that he spoke to Zion School Board Members about using MLK Day as a make up day for a snow day, and explained that it looks crazy, and that it is crazy. He asked the City to look at this situation with Stretch, and explained how crazy it looks. He explained that a conversation needs to take place, he continued to share his support for Stretch.

Mary Blair Moore: She shared her support for Stretch's Bar & Grill, and explained what he has done for the community.

Maurice Barnett: He opened up about what is going on in his establishment between the City of Waukegan, and Waukegan Police Department. He shared his story, and his side.

Clyde McLemore: Introduced himself as the founder of Black Lives Matter in Lake County. He explained that he does not frequent Stretches, although he has been there for fundraisers, and explained. He talked about signs he is putting up throughout Lake County, and that he has about 100 more to put up. He talked about a town hall meeting, going on at the Waukegan Library, taking place between 1:30 - 4:00 PM, he asked that everyone attend, and that they did a similar meeting in North Chicago. He talked about a state bill, and the co-sponsors, and left information for the City of Waukegan archives.

Margaret Carrasco: She talked about Stretch's Bar & Grill, and all the supporters. She talked about the situation that took place between her and Ald Turner during audience time, and she explained that she doesn't have time, or respect, for ignorant men. She continued to share information. She talked about a situation between a Waukegan Officer and Lake County Sheriff Deputy on June 23rd, during a traffic stop. She talked about 4368 W. Hill Ave, which she states the Mayor bought. She stated that Waukegan has never experienced as much disrespect, corruption, and harassment, as they have under this mayor.

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)

Motion by Ald Moisio, second by Ald Taylor to approve Consent Agenda items 4. A-F, & 4. I-M. Items 4. G, and 4. H were removed at the request of Ald Newsome, as the Special Finance Committee did not meet.

Action (Consent), Minutes: A. Motion to approve the Regular Meeting minutes from Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Action (Consent): B. Motion authorizing the proper City Officials to settle Police Department Workers Compensation Claim 201802070001 for a total of $140,000.00. This matter was heard in the Government Operations & Oversight Committee.

Action (Consent): C. Motion to authorize proper City officials to execute a Dedication Agreement for that section of George Avenue located between the 500 block of S. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and the 500 block of Oak Street. This matter was heard by the Community Development Committee.

Action (Consent): D. Motion to adopt as presented, an Ordinance amending Chapter 21 "Handicapped Persons' Parking." This matter was heard by the Community Development Committee.

Action (Consent): E. Motion to adopt as presented, an Ordinance amending Chapter 21 "Limited Parking Two Hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m." on Washington Park, both sides, at Belvidere Road south, to a point 124 feet south. This matter was heard by the Community Development Committee.

Action (Consent): F. Motion to approve A Resolution Declaring Surplus Property including specified parcels of real property identified by City staff as obsolete for City of Waukegan use, and to authorize the proper City officials to conduct the necessary activities to identify and negotiate their transfer. This matter was heard by the Community Development Committee.

Action: G. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to apply for, and then if accepted execute a grant agreement with the State Fire Marshal to provide $21,180.00 in funding for thermal imaging cameras. This grant is 100% reimbursable with no local match requirement. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.


Action: H. Motion to authorize the proper City Officials to apply for the 2020 COPS grant to provide funding for police officers. This grant is 75% reimbursable in the first three-years, with no federal funding in the fourth year. This matter was heard before the Finance & Purchasing Committee.


Action (Consent): I. Motion to approved vendor payments dated February 03, 2020 in the total amount of $2,380,653.10.

Action (Consent): J. Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated January 31, 2020 in the total amount of $1,606,337.28.

Action (Consent): K. Motion to approve Retro - Garcia, Juan dated January 17, 2020 in the total amount of $699.72

Action (Consent): L. Motion to approve PBLC Holiday Buyback dated January 31, 2020 in the total amount of $1,163.59.

Action (Consent): M. Motion to approve Retro - Stern, Quinten dated January 31, 2020 in the total amount of $48.53.

Consent Agenda Vote:

AYE: Ald Bolton, Ald Seger, Ald Moisio, Ald Kirkwood, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Rivera, Ald Florian, Ald Taylor.

NAY: None.




5. Reports and Communication

6. Government Operations & Oversight Committee

7. Community Development Committee

Action: A. Motion to adopt, as presented, an Ordinance Increasing the Number of Allowable Licensed Video Gaming Terminals from 5 to 6 at any One Location

Ald Moisio explained that the discussion to table this item, was had during the committee, and that this item will be tabled for a later date. Ald Moisio went into detail about what he would like to see done, regarding this matter.


Action: B. Motion by Ald Moisio, second by Ald Turner to adopt, as presented, an Ordinance Approving and Ratifying Video Gaming Licenses for BS Waukegan LLC d/b/a Lucky Bernie's

Ald Moisio explained this item, and gave clarification as to why this item is being presented today. Corporation Counsel Robert J. Long, also clarified, along with Mayor Cunningham.

AYE: Ald Bolton, Ald Seger, Ald Moisio, Ald Kirkwood, Ald Turner, Ald Taylor.

NAY: Ald Newsome, Ald Rivera, Ald Florian.




8. Special Finance & Purchasing Committee

Action: A. Motion to approve an Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of Waukegan and Elite Motors Works Inc.


Action: B. Motion approving a Resolution reallocating 2020 volume cap to the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois to allow for the City of Waukegan’s participation in the Private Activity Bond Clearinghouse Pool facilitated by the Lake County Partnership for Economic Development Inc.


9. Old Business

Action: A. Motion to authorize Corporation Counsel to finalize, and the Mayor to sign, an agreement with the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association (HACIA) for rental of an office at 100 N Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue

Ald Turner asked for clarification on the number of Aldermen needed to vote to approve this item. Corporation Counsel Robert J. Long, clarified, stating that this is a short term lease, and that 7 votes are not needed. Turner stated what he believed was needed, which he believes is 3/4 of the vote.


10. New Business

11. Ordinances

12. Closing Items

A. Aldermen's Time.

Ald Bolton: She thanked everyone for their comments, and stated that she prays we can get these things resolved.

Ald Seger: He mentioned the upcoming weather, with snow and rain coming. He asked that if you see plows coming, to slow down. He mentioned safety for kids when driving.

Ald Moisio: He shared that we as a society have either been desensitized or too sensitive. He talked about the acts of violence happening lately. He said we cannot allow that to continue to happen, and he talked about the great efforts that some of these students are accomplishing, such as the ROTC students that spoke tonight. He talked about behavior problems, and mentioned that he has never judged the chief of police based on our crime rates, and that he wouldn't want anyone to judge him on failure rate, he said that sometimes the states aren't what they really are.

Ald Kirkwood: He talked about 4th Ward Garbage Pick Up, and asked that residents take their cans in after their pick up. He talked about his upcoming 4th Ward meeting, on Feb 19th, at 5:30 PM, and that refreshments will be served, at Miguel Juarez Middle School. He mentioned that the city should sit down with Stretch to see exactly what is going on, and he said there are some untruths and that we need to get to the bottom of it, and make sure everything is being done. He mentioned there are three sides to the story, Stretches side, the City of Waukegan side, and the truth. He stated that all the facts are not laid out.

Ald Newsome: No Comment.

Ald Turner: He mentioned that with stretches, he has no clue what is going on, or why they are here. He read portions of the letter from the Attorney General, to Margaret Carrasco. He mentioned that audience members are here to address the City Council, not the other audience members. He continued to read the letter.

Ald Rivera: He shared that it was an emotional night for many, and that it is concerning, and explained why. He reminded everyone of the bad weather coming, and talked about plowing, and to look out for your neighbors, and to check on everyone to make sure they are fine.

Ald Florian: She stated that she agrees with Ald Rivera's comments regarding figuring out what happened with Stretch, and addressing it. She explained that the Aldermen do not run the police department, it would be a mess, and she stated that they can share their advice, but they do not run the department. She talked about some things that took place in the Month of January, including some work she did to help the homeless, with the Lake County Coalition group. She mentioned that she attended the Black Lives Matter event in North Chicago, and talked about an ordinance in Evanston, regarding cannabis, and stated that she plans on having a conversation with the Mayor. She talked about her upcoming 8th Ward Meeting at McCall School, on Thursday, February 27, 2020 starting at 6:30 PM.

Ald Taylor: She stated that she believes the City needs to sit down and talk with Stretch. She stated she would love to be there for that conversation, to talk about the issues. She talked about the 2020 Census, and the importance of it. She talked about cars being parked on front lawns, and how it is unnecessary. She talked about snow removal in the 9th Ward, and the efforts that need to be made to safety clear the roads.

At this time, Mayor Cunningham made a few closing comments.

13. Adjournment

Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Taylor to Adjourn at 8:52 PM

