
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Village of Fox Lake Board of Trustees met March 10

Village of Fox Lake Board of Trustees met March 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

A. Pledge of Allegiance

B. Roll Call

2. Approval of Minutes

A. Village Board Meeting Minutes – February 25, 2020

3. Approval of the Warrant

A. Approval of Warrant March 10, 2020

4. Special Business (Appointments, Swearing In Ceremonies, Proclamations)

5. Village President’s Report

6. Village Administrator’s Report

7. Village Attorney Report

8. Village Treasurer’s Report

9. Preliminary Audience Comments (on Agenda Items Only)

10. Motion to Recess to Committee of the Whole Meeting

A. Questions Regarding Strategic Planning Team Reports

1. Public Outreach and Technology

2. Economic Development

3. Infrastructure 4. Recreation

11. New Business

A. Resolution 2020-R-01: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the Village of Fox Lake to Sign and Thereby Accept the Proposal from Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc. for the Reconstruction of Frontage Road from Route 134 to Approximately 200 Feet South of Bayview Drive.

B. Resolution2020-R-08:AResolutionAuthorizingtheMayoroftheVillageofFox Lake to Sign and Thereby Accept the Proposal from Thomas Engineering Group for Phase III Engineering for the Reconstruction of Frontage Road from Route 134 to Approximately 200 Feet South of Bayview Drive.

C. Resolution 2020-R-10: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the Village of Fox Lake to Accept the Quote from Burris Equipment Company for the Purchase of a Kubota RTV Utility Tractor.

D. Resolution 2020-R-11: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the Village of Fox Lake to Sign and Thereby Accept the Proposal from Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc. for the Construction Improvements at Millennium Park.

E. Ordinance2020-05:AnOrdinanceAmendingChapter2A-8(MunicipalCannabis Retailers Occupation Tax) of Title 3 (Business and Licensing Regulations) of the Fox Lake Village Code.

F. Ordinance 2020-06: An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Fox Lake by Granting a Special Use Permit to JMC Enterprises to Operate a Craft Grow Facility, Recreational Cannabis Dispensary with on-site Consumption and Cannabis Infuser at 90 S. Route 12.

G. Ordinance 2020-07: An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Fox Lake by Granting a Variation to Olson Service Co. at 139 Industrial Avenue.

H. Ordinance 2020-08: An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Fox Lake by Granting a Special Use Permit to Cecil Sharma to Operate a Daycare at 498 S. Route 12.

I. A Motion to Approve the Raffle License Request from the Sons of the American Legion to Conduct their Annual Gun Raffle and to Waive the Bond Requirement.

J. A Motion to Approve the Request from the Homeowners of the Forest Hills Subdivision to Dissolve the Forest Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association.

K. A Motion to Approve the Façade Improvement Program Application for Los Magueyes Mexican Grill, 7221 State Park Rd.

L. AMotiontoAcceptthePlanningandZoningCommission’sRecommendationto Reclassify Property on Cora Avenue to R2 PUD.

12. Old Business

13. Motion to Adjourn from Committee of the Whole and reconvene Village Board Meeting

14. Items to be Removed from Consent Agenda

15. Consent Agenda

All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Trustee so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered under the Approval of Exceptions.

A. Resolutions

1. Resolution 2020-R-01: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the Village of Fox Lake to Sign and Thereby Accept the Proposal from Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc. for the Reconstruction of Frontage Road from Route 134 to Approximately 200 Feet South of Bayview Drive.

2. Resolution 2020-R-08: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the Village of Fox Lake to Sign and Thereby Accept the Proposal from Thomas Engineering Group for Phase III Engineering for the Reconstruction of Frontage Road from Route 134 to Approximately 200 Feet South of Bayview Drive.

3. Resolution 2020-R-10: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the Village of Fox Lake to Accept the Quote from Burris Equipment Company for the Purchase of a Kubota RTV Utility Tractor.

4. Resolution 2020-R-11: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the Village of Fox Lake to Sign and Thereby Accept the Proposal from Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc. for the Construction Improvements at Millennium Park.

B. Ordinances

1. Ordinance 2020-05: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2A-8 (Municipal Cannabis Retailers Occupation Tax) of Title 3 (Business and Licensing Regulations) of the Fox Lake Village Code.

2. Ordinance 2020-06: An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Fox Lake by Granting a Special Use Permit to JMC Enterprises to Operate a Craft Grow Facility, Recreational Cannabis Dispensary with on-site Consumption and Cannabis Infuser at 90 S. Route 12.

3. Ordinance 2020-07: An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Fox Lake by Granting a Variation to Olson Service Co. at 139 Industrial Avenue.

4. Ordinance 2020-08: An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Fox Lake by Granting a Special Use Permit to Cecil Sharma to Operate a Daycare at 498 S. Route 12.

C. Motions

1. A Motion to Approve the Raffle License Request from the Sons of the American Legion to Conduct their Annual Gun Raffle and to Waive the Bond Requirement.

2. A Motion to Approve the Request from the Homeowners of the Forest Hills Subdivision to Dissolve the Forest Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association.

3. A Motion to Approve the Façade Improvement Program Application for Los Magueyes Mexican Grill, 7221 State Park Rd.

4. A Motion to Accept the Planning and Zoning Commission’s Recommendation to Reclassify Property on Cora Avenue to R2 PUD.

16. Approval of Exceptions

17. For the Good of the Order

18. Audience Comments

19. Executive Session

20. Possible Motion Coming out of Executive Session

21. Adjournment
