
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Big Hollow School District 38 Board of Education met met February 10

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Big Hollow School District 38 Board of Education met Feb. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2020 at the Big Hollow Middle School Library.

Roll Call:

The following members were in attendance: Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Pedersen, Cernuska

The following members were absent: Mazur, Plescia

The following administration were present: Gold

2. Motion to move to Closed Session:

A motion was made by Kueter and seconded by Pedersen to move to closed session.

Motion carried.

Aye: Kueter, Pedersen, Cernuska, Enters, Lyons

Nay: None

3. Resume to Open Session:

Open session began at 7:03 p.m.

The following members were in attendance: Cernuska, Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Pedersen

The following members were absent: Mazur, Plescia

The following administration were present: Gold, Arndt, Pittman, Hetrovicz, Janusz, Whipple, Biancalana, McCulley

4. Pledge of Allegiance:

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

5. Added Items/Approval of the Agenda:

A motion was made by Pedersen and seconded by Kueter to approve the agenda.

Motion carried.

Aye: Pedersen, Kueter, Cernuska, Enters, Lyons

Nay: None

6. Recognition

Raidon Uy, 8th grader, was recognized for being the 2020 Big Hollow Middle School Spelling Bee Champion. Raidon has been the champion for 3 years in a row.

The Big Hollow 7th Grade Boys Basketball team was recognized for being the 2019-2020 Conference Champions.

Kyrell Nodora, 6t h grader, was recognized for being Big Hollow SD38 January Student of the Month. Kyrell was nominated by a number of teachers and staff, a few were present to share what a wonderful, positive role model Kyrell is for all students and staff alike.

Ms. Phyllis Smith, Primary School Librarian, was recognized for being the Big Hollow SD38 January Employee of the Month. Ms. Smith was nominated by a number of primary staff members, many of which were present to share why they nominated Ms. Smith.

7. Academic Spotlight :

Mrs. Prostka, 4t h grade teacher, and a few of her students shared how they are utilizing Kagan Strategies in her classroom. There are over 60 strategies to help provide learning breaks that also encourage communication, listening to peers and it ensures that all students participate. These strategies generate conversation amongst students.

8. Board member “Code of Conduct” Review :

The Board reviewed Item #2: “I will avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety which could result from my position, and will not use my board membership for personal gain or publicity.”

9. Approve Consent Agenda Items :

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Kueter to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Pedersen, Cernuska 

Nay: None

10. Public Comments :

No public comments were received.

11. Superintendent’s Report :

a. Monthly Board Policy review

Sections 4:55-4:90 were reviewed.

b. Additional Press Plus Policies from issue #102 were reviewed, no changes needed to be made. A motion was made by Pedersen and seconded by Enters to approve the Press Plus Policy 102 recommendations.

Motion carried.

Aye: Pedersen, Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Cernuska 

Nay: None

c. An update on Strategic Planning Goals 1 and 3 were shared by the administration team with the board. Partnerships with our community, how we are welcoming new parents and staff, enrichment opportunities, academic success, minority support from our parents, and many more were shared in detail.

d. 2020-2021 School Calendar

A proposed 2020-2021 school calendar was shared. It was discussed how input from administrators, union leaders, staff and parents was considered when determining a start date. Along with the calendar the 2020-2021 Board meetings were provided. Note was made that an additional teacher institute date may be needed at the beginning of the year, pushing the start date one day later, this will be re-visited at a later date.

A motion was made to accept the 2020-2021 school calendar as presented was made by Cernuska and seconded by Enters.

Aye: Cernuska, Enters, Lyons, Pedersen, Kueter

e. January 31, 2020 Enrollment Update

Mr. Gold shared a comparison of enrollment numbers by grade level from the beginning of the year and the end of January. We currently show an increase in enrollment.

f. Black History Month

The agenda from the most recent African American Advisory Committee meeting, held on January 16, 2020 was shared, along with a detail of the events and activities that each building has planned for Black History Month.

12. Other Action Items :

a. Approve the Certified and Support Staff Seniority Lists

Current seniority lists for both Certified Staff and Support Staff were shared with the board. A motion was made by Pedersen and seconded by Cernuska to approve the 2019-2020 seniority lists.

Motion carried.

Aye: Pedersen, Cernuska, Enters, Kueter, Lyons 

Nay: None

b. Contract for Custodial Services

A copy of the bid results showing 10 qualifying bid candidates was shared. Mr. Gold explained the difference between Bid Option 1 and Bid Option 2. He also detailed cleaning, maintenance and supervisor responsibilities. A proposed contract with Emeric Facility Services for bid option 2 was presented as the recommended bid.

A motion was made by Cernuska and seconded by Pedersen to accept the proposed contract with Emeric Facility Services for cleaning services outlined in the agreement for the 2021-2024 school years.

Motion carried.

Aye: Cernuska, Pedersen, Enters, Kueter, Lyons

Nay: None

c. School Fees for 2020-2021

A motion was made by Cernuska and seconded by Enters to approve the submitted school fees for the 2020-2021 school year as presented.

Motion carried.

Aye: Cernuska, Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Pedersen 

Nay: None

d. Recommendation for additional exterior security cameras

Mr. Gold presented a proposal for the installation of exterior cameras which will be added to the current network of interior surveillance cameras. Additional updates to door entry surveillance is also included in the quote presented.

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Cernuska to accept the proposal for the installation of exterior cameras.

Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Cernuska, Kueter, Lyons, Pedersen 

Nay: None

e. Approve the January Employment Recommendations The January Employment Report was exhibited.

A motion was made by Kueter and seconded by Cernuska to approve the January Employment Report.

Motion carried.

Aye: Kueter, Cernuska, Enters, Lyons, Pedersen 

Nay: None

13. Resignations Accepted :

Resignation/Retirement request was accepted for Maria Finn, 4t h grade teacher, effective the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

Resignation/Retirement request was accepted for Lisa Russell, 2n d grade teacher, effective the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

Resignation/Retirement request was accepted for Deb Coolidge, 4t h grade teacher, effective the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

Resignation was accepted for Doug Erickson as Middle School Track and Field Coach effective for the 2019-2020 season.

14. Informational Items :

a. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

Two FIOA requests were received in January. No questions/comments.

b. Monthly Reports for the Board

The Administrator, Meal Program, Attendance and Discipline Reports were presented.

c. Administrator Meeting Agendas

The January Administrator meeting agendas were exhibited.

d. The Board will meet on March 5, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. to complete the Superintendent evaluation.

e. The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will take place on Monday, March 9, 2020 with closed session beginning at 6:00 p.m.

15. Motion to move to Closed Session : Not needed.

16. Return to Open Session : Not needed.

17. Take any necessary action following closed session regarding minutes, employment of personnel, resignations, terminations or leaves of absence :


18. Adjournment :

A motion was made by Kueter and seconded by Cernuska to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Motion carried.

Aye: Kueter, Cernuska, Lyons, Pedersen, Enters

Nay: None
