
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Highland Park Plan and Design Commission met March 3

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City of Highland Park Plan and Design Commission met March 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


At 7:30 PM Chair Reinstein called the meeting to order and asked Director Fontane to call the roll.


Members Present: Glazer, Hainsfurther, Hecht, Kutscheid, Lidawer, Moore, Reinstein

Members Absent: None

Planner Cross took the roll and declared a quorum present.

Staff Present: Cross, Fontane, Jackson

Student Rep.: None

Council Liaison: None


February 18, 2020

Chair Reinstein entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the February 18, 2020 meeting with corrections. Commissioner Lidawer so motioned, seconded by Commissioner Hecht. On a voice vote, the minutes were approved unanimously.


1. Design Review - 418 Sheridan Rd. - New Fence and Landscaping at Ravinia Festival.

Planner Jackson made a presentation for the above item including application summary, project location, project details, previous consideration, fence color staff photos, previous approval, standards and recommendation.

Chair Reinstein asked if there was a fence sample.

Mr. Nick Pullia, Applicant, stated the fence cap is the same color as the fence and has been approved by the Commission previously. They want to maintain the consistency so everything matches.

Commissioner Lidawer thanked him for bringing the sample.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated he drove by Ravinia and the sample looks darker than in real life.

Mr. Pullia stated it is the same source and color.

Commissioner Lidawer stated she went by Ravinia and it looked deeper. She thought weathering made a difference.

Commissioner Hecht stated he drove by there and the chain link looks like barbed wire and thought this was definitely an improvement.

Mr. Pullia stated he spent an evening with the Lambert Tree residents during a concert to see from their point of view what it feels like. He never noticed the barbed wire until they brought it up and thought this was a great replacement.

Chair Reinstein entertained a motion to approve. Commissioner Hecht motioned to approve the proposal as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Lidawer.

Director Fontane called the roll:

Ayes: Moore, Lidawer, Hecht, Kutscheid, Glazer, Hainsfurther, Reinstein

Nays: None

Motion carried 7-0.

2. Design Review - 599 Roger Williams - New Awning on a Commercial Storefront.

Planner Cross made a presentation for the above item including application summary, existing awning and signage, contextual images, proposed awnings and signage, new and proposed on commercial storefront, no variations, general design standards and recommendation.

Commissioner Kutscheid asked if there were Christmas lights hanging and about the orange awning color.

Chair Reinstein stated the lights are coming down.

Ms. Dana Reed, Applicant, stated they had a sample.

Commissioner Lidawer stated the picture in the folder was washed out and thanked the applicant for bringing the sample. She thought it was appealing and a vast improvement. She asked about Wieland’s awning and it seemed to be 6” higher. She did not want it to appear disjointed.

Ms. Reed stated the existing framework is there and they are just recovering it.

Commissioner Glazer stated he liked it better where you can see more of the brick.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated the lack of uniformity did not bother him. These are separate buildings and it adds to the streetscape. The orange is great and there are two reasons to put an awning up: to attract business and to provide shade. He liked the variety of colors and shapes.

Ms. Reed stated the orange is part of their logo and brand recognition.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther motioned to approve the design as submitted consistent with the sample submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Lidawer.

Director Fontane called the roll:

Ayes: Moore, Lidawer, Hecht, Kutscheid, Glazer, Hainsfurther, Reinstein

Nays: None

Motion carried 7-0.

3. Design Review - 2099 Skokie Valley Rd. - Electric Vehicle Charging Station.

Planner Cross made a presentation for the above item including application summary, project location, different types of chargers, rendering of charging stations, on-site directional signs, equipment enclosure, two LED lighting fixtures, parking supply, limited visibility from Skokie Valley Highway and recommendation.

Commissioner Glazer asked if they needed a variance.

Planner Cross stated they did not.

Commissioner Lidawer asked about the masonry and if there was a sample.

Mr. Jordan Rhyne, Tesla, Applicant, stated there was no sample. They are working with Target and their specs and their intention is to match it. He was happy to get a sample, if possible. They want it to match and not be an eyesore. The equipment is tall and they want to cover it as best they can.

Commissioner Hecht asked the term of the agreement with Target.

Mr. Rhyne stated that was specific to Target and Tesla and preferred not to share this information.

Commissioner Hecht asked how long they would be staying and what happens if the agreement expires and Target decides they do not want it anymore.

Mr. Rhyne stated they are contractually obligated with Target to remediate the property. He stated the agreement was more than a decade.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated he was not concerned about matching the brick and they could make it a condition of approval to submit a sample prior to construction and staff have the ability to approve it. He mentioned the new lighting and if the color and intensity match what Target already has or will it be brighter or less bright.

Mr. Rhyne stated it would be more directional and would be smaller and lower.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated if it were cooler than Target it will stand out from the development. He would like to see all the lights be uniform in color and intensity. He wanted them to turn up the lighting so it matches lighting on the lot. He did not want it to be really bright as opposed to the backdrop. He asked if there would be any impact on current retail operations on Skokie Valley Hwy.

Mr. Rhyne stated no, this is a separate project.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated he would rather see a different mix of standard charging stations.

Commissioner Glazer stated he applauded the proposal and Highland Park is better off for having more of these charging stations. He asked where the other Tesla charging stations in Highland Park are located.

Mr. Rhyne stated they are overdue for Highland Park. There are existing sites in Rolling Meadows, Bolingbrook.

Commissioner Glazer stated but not in Highland Park.

Mr. Rhyne stated no, but the there is a small installation at their sales and service center.

Commissioner Glazer asked if there are other charging stations and how close they are to Target.

Planner Cross stated there are two others in town at each of the Walgreen’s locations.

Commissioner Lidawer asked if there was one in Ravinia.

Planner Cross stated yes.

Commissioner Glazer asked if those stations accommodate Teslas.

Planner Cross stated their stations have the universal chargers and while Tesla has proprietary chargers, they have adapters to use the universal chargers as well.

Mr. Rhyne stated the 12 Tesla chargers they want to install would be considered a Level 3 fast charger and each one is capable of putting out 250 KW of power. You could recover 300 miles of driving range in 30 minutes. The existing charging infrastructure in Highland Park is Level 2. They anticipate this would be one of their busiest stations.

Commissioner Glazer asked once these are installed is it viable to move the chargers to a different spot on the Target property.

Mr. Rhyne stated it is potentially viable, but these stations are costly. They have to bring in a new dedicated utility run from the utility. They would have to take the whole site out and put it somewhere else. They tried to locate in other areas of the property and were restricted to this corner. This is the only place where it works. They looked at the entire property and a lot of the parking is on a structure and that makes it trickier to work on equipment.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated he was happy they were getting to electric charging stations. One of the renderings showed a cap on the wall and two of the renderings did not. He preferred the cap on the wall of the enclosure.

Planner Cross stated the construction drawings showed the cap. The renderings are artistic and they can check on it and include it as a condition of approval. Staff will check that it becomes part of the building drawings.

Commissioner Kutscheid asked about the material for the gates.

Mr. Rhyne stated he did not know.

Planner Cross stated it is a composite fencing material.

Commissioner Kutscheid asked if the color will match something.

Planner Cross stated it is a wood tone and it is identified in the construction drawings sent to the Commission.

Commissioner Lidawer stated one color was a brown and the other was more of a yellow.

Planner Cross showed the site plan and the notes and stated the fence is “Seclusion” type with the “Saddle” color.

Mr. Rhyne stated the Trex material is a high quality synthetic wood look and what a lot of people use to replace a natural wood deck.

Commissioner Kutscheid asked if the “Saddle” color was found anywhere else at Target.

Planner Cross stated the door was not part of the color scheming.

Mr. Rhyne stated they would be happy to adjust the color of the door. It is kind of an earth tone.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated a grey color would be a better option.

Commissioner Moore mentioned the charging hours and asked if it was open day and night.

Mr. Rhyne stated it was 24/7.

Commissioner Moore stated on page 44 of packet is the green transformer box going on the corner. It seems very large and there is not a lot of space there. She asked if there is a need for protection from a car running into it. She asked if there was a need to have it surrounded by landscaping.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated green is what Com Ed gives you and you do not have a choice. Com Ed owns the transformer and pays to put it in and Tesla will pay for conduit to the station. They should try for landscaping if Com Ed allows.

Commissioner Hecht stated from personal experience, Com Ed does not care.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther thought it would be appropriate to request the applicant to investigate installing a landscaping buffer and to present proof if they cannot from Com Ed and otherwise they should expect it.

Commissioner Moore stated there was a safety issue being so close to the corner.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated Com Ed will install barriers if they feel they need to.

Mr. Rhyne stated Com Ed will add bollards if they feel they are needed. The transformer is Com Ed property and the dashed line is a Com Ed easement and they have rights over that area. Com Ed has strict requirements about being able to access the site. If you are making a turn to come out of the Target parking lot they want to be careful about putting too much on that corner as far as landscaping because you might prevent someone from seeing traffic coming in and out.

Chair Reinstein asked if Target had to approve the colors, signs and materials.

Mr. Rhyne stated yes and they care of a lot about how their stores look and they review and approve the drawings.

Chair Reinstein asked if they had already approved them.

Mr. Rhyne stated yes.

Chair Reinstein asked what was in the equipment enclosure.

Mr. Rhyne stated there are two mains parts, the charge posts and what is behind the enclosure is the power equipment which get power from the utility to the charging stations. There is a AC power to have fast charging and then convert to DC and charge direct to the battery. There are three large inverters and each feeds four of the charge posts. There is a small electric switchgear which is a version of a circuit breaker, a meter and some accessory pieces. The biggest pieces are the inverters and are about 7’ tall and take up a lot of space.

Chair Reinstein asked if they were raised.

Mr. Rhyne stated they would grade down the existing pavement and put down a concrete footer which will be completely level.

Chair Reinstein asked if Target had signed off on the various colors and asked if they had asked about the lighting differential and how it would look.

Mr. Rhyne stated it is the same lighting fixture they have approved and they have built a significant amount of projects with Target in the US and this is the standard they have negotiated with them.

Chair Reinstein asked if there was identification of the cap and was it limestone.

Mr. Rhyne stated he did not know but could look it up.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated there was a band on the building that could be matched.

Chair Reinstein asked if the Commission wanted to see samples of the colors.

Commissioner Glazer stated they should encourage the application and did not think they had to come back.

Commissioner Lidawer stated they could make the motion subject to staff seeing them. They do not need to see it and she wanted to encourage going forward with this.

Chair Reinstein stated the conditions were approval for the non-exclusive signage, the brick to match the building, the cap to do the same, and the door to enclosure.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated he would like to see something that the lighting match as close as possible.

Planner Cross stated it could be to the best of the applicant’s effort.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated they put out less light and can change colors as they age.

Commissioner Glazer stated the idea that, as a Commission, they are going to delegate a responsibility to staff made him uncomfortable and he did not know if they can do that. If they thought it important enough that this is a pre-condition to approval, they have to do that.

Director Fontane stated they wanted to make it a condition of approval that is subject to our approval.

Commissioner Hecht stated the condition of approval is that they match.

Director Fontane stated it is a determination that what matches or closely matches.

Planner Cross stated they could say subject to staff review.

Commissioner Lidawer asked if they could put in best efforts by the petitioner to match in all regards mentioned including the cap, door, enclosure, lighting and masonry.

Director Fontane stated it should be subject to approval, but rather a condition they will determine it meets.

Chair Reinstein entertained a motion to approve. Commissioner Lidawer so motioned, seconded by Commissioner Hecht.

Ayes: Moore, Lidawer, Hecht, Kutscheid, Glazer, Hainsfurther, Reinstein

Nays: None

Motion carried 7-0.

4. Design Review - 1150 Half Day Rd. - Refueling Facility on the Public Works Campus.

5. Public Hearing #20-03-SUP-001 to Amend Ordinance 88-99 to Relocate a Fueling

Station at the Public Works Garage of Office Facility at 1150 Half Day Rd.

Items 4 and 5 will be heard concurrently.

Planner Jackson made a presentation for the above item including application summary, project location, special use permit background, proposed site plan, renderings, traffic and circulation, new access gate, parking, proposed fueling station design, canopy, lighting, landscaping, landscape variance requests, dumpster screening, standards special use permit, design review standards and recommendation.

Commissioner Lidawer asked about recycling for the equipment.

Planner Jackson stated it was on the west edge of the property.

Commissioner Moore asked how many spaces are required.

Planner Jackson stated when the parking was first approved for the firearms facility 23 were required and 25 were provided.

Commissioner Moore asked if they could take two and make them into tree islands.

Mr. Ramish Kanapareddy, Director of Public Works, stated in discussions with the police they provide fire arms training not only for Highland Park, but in the summer neighboring municipalities attend and they wanted to keep the 25 spaces.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated a good portion of the site is in the flood plain.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the existing site does have flood plain and the station will be outside of the 100-year flood plain and the new fuel station will be farther away from the river. It provides a safeguard.

Commissioner Kutscheid asked about the fuel station tanks.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated they are anchored with buoyancy.

Commissioner Kutscheid asked about the landscape in the ROW and if it was city ROW.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated it is all city property.

Commissioner Kutscheid asked about the new landscape to the west and if it was on IDOT ROW.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated it is city ROW.

Commissioner Kutscheid asked about the removal of tree 22, the river birch, and should they be removing it.

Planner Jackson stated the landscaping plan and tree removal was reviewed by the City Forester and he agreed with the plan.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the City Forester looked at it and it is not in the best condition. With the heavy landscaping they want to maintain them at the same time.

Commissioner Kutscheid mentioned the pink stamped concrete and thought a better solution is just concrete and not colored.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated there is a lot of public traffic on Tuesday for the recycling center and they wanted the curb to stand out. Staff wanted the separation to identify the roadway.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated he thought there was a better solution than pink stamped concrete. The problem is it breaks and you repair it and you cannot match the color. Keeping it concrete would be his recommendation so you do not have new different material that does not match.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated he agreed.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated the landscape plan was nice and they tried to stay native for the most part. One exception is the arbor vitae especially in the flood plain. He thought they should look at replacing it with a Virginia red cedar.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the arbor vitae is on top of the berm.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated there is quite a bit of it and some is right against the wetland on the west side. Arbor vitae is not native and the juniper or Virginia red cedar are. They are more tolerant of the wet conditions.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the City Forester could accommodate this.

Commissioner Glazer asked about the tree and the City Forester approving the removal of the tree.

Mr. Steve Zaner, Robinson Engineering, stated the river birches are in poor condition according to the City Forester and landscape architect.

Commissioner Glazer stated that does not necessarily spell removal and asked what is it about the condition that requires removal.

Mr. Zaner stated the trees are at maximum maturity and are not expected to grow beyond that dimension. They are showing serious age related issues. There is a birch borer affecting the birches.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated that is not surprising.

Commissioner Glazer asked if the City had an ordinance requiring replanting take place and if that was part of the plan.

Mr. Zaner stated it was.

Commissioner Glazer stated they are asking for approval for a new fuel supply location. He asked how much longer it was envisioned they would be doing this instead of plugging in their electric cars.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated they are installing two new tanks. They are looking at an environmentally friendly way and the City has a policy to buy smaller hybrid cars or some kind of electric car. For the larger vehicles like fire trucks, police cars and snow plows the technology is not there yet and they are looking 10 years out. Most of these tanks have a 20-year life. They also provide for the PACE buses. The good news is with the tanks in place, they can remain in place and they can reduce the amount of fuel they purchase. Based on future needs, they kept the tanks.

Commissioner Glazer stated he hoped they were moving in the right direction instead of continuing to approve petitions like this one. He asked if they had spoken with the neighbors in the area about the plans to move station and if they had conversation with the people most affected.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated they had not spoken to the neighbors and notifications were sent. They have the police, fire and snow plows coming at midnight and this will move it away from their front yards. They are moving farther west.

Director Fontane stated the new facility would be across from the JCYS parking lot.

Planner Jackson stated properties within 400’ of the project boundaries were notified of the special use permit as well as properties that are adjacent. The most adjacent properties were noticed twice. They had no responses.

Commissioner Glazer stated sometimes they ask applicants if they had opportunity for a forum so people could ask questions even if they lived farther away. If it is safely tucked away he could accept that.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated neighbors have a tendency not to understand what they are being noticed about. He asked how the tanker truck would be moving for deliveries.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the largest bus is 40’ and the tanker is 55’-60’. The aprons are almost 50’ wide.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked if they were going to come from the west off of Rt. 22 to the site. When they did the study for the Bucky’s they determined that a 35’ wide driveway was not sufficient. He asked how wide is driveway was entering the complex.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the existing driveway was widened and the new driveway is wider.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked if they were going in the drive that aligns with Summit. (inaudible) He was concerned about damage to the landscaping and the curbs if it is not wide enough. He wanted to make sure it works.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the tanker trucks come from Rt. 41 across the bridge and make the turn.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked if they are using the west drive east of river.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated they were and this is narrower.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked about the time of deliveries.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated they come around 10:00 AM and staff has to be there.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked if they were double-walled tanks with monitoring and they are up to EPA standards with alarms. They are close is a water source and people get nervous about leaky tanks.

Mr. Kanapareddy confirmed this.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked if there would be dead men to hold down the tanks when they pour the slab.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated this was correct.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked if the pumps were all masters and a slave so they can fill multiple tanks at one time.

Mr. Zaner stated they were all masters.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked about the spacing between the pumps.

Mr. Zaner stated the spacing between the three pumps was 8’ on center. The one in the center is ultra high flow for diesel only for the buses.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther stated at most they would have four vehicles and they would all be cars.

Mr. Zaner stated yes.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked about encasing the columns in masonry.

Director Fontane stated the City adopted the latest edition of the ICC building codes and the 2018 codes apply in terms of the building permit. In terms of notice, proper was served and met the legal requirements. Notices that were sent were more extensive than prior notifications. In discussion with Council, they directed staff to expand on the notice so people could understand what was happening.

Commissioner Hecht asked why they are moving the tanks.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the tanks have 20-year life and they have gone past maintenance. The City is having a hard time finding insurance and they are buying stand alone insurance because no one wants to insure older tanks. This was in the capital program for the past five years.

Commissioner Hecht asked why they are moving the facility.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated it is a 24/7 operation and this is a safeguard since it is very close to the river. Also they can continue to provide operations now.

Commissioner Hecht asked how long it will take.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated they are hoping for four months construction and having everything ready by November 1st.

Commissioner Lidawer asked about the cost involved.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated it was $850,000 which was budgeted in the capital program.

Commissioner Lidawer asked the difference between moving vs. replacing.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated it would be the same cost and they have not budgeted the cost for the existing site. The cost of the new is going to be $850,000 no matter where you put it. Commissioner Lidawer asked if they priced it if they just replaced it.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated if they replaced them at the same site the majority of the cost will be the same.

Commissioner Lidawer stated there are two big tanks and what would happen if one were removed and replaced while the other is still in use. She asked what they are going to do with the old tanks.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated one is diesel and one is gas.

Commissioner Lidawer asked if the ones in the ground would be removed.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated once the new system is working they have to start from ground zero in terms of environmental and get the permits. They will budget to remove the existing.

Commissioner Lidawer asked about the current surface where the vehicles drive.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated it is concrete.

Commissioner Lidawer asked the difference in price between concrete and permeable pavers.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated the pavers are just in the parking.

Director Fontane stated the capital aspects of this are handled as part of the budget process and the cost analysis is not before the Commission this evening. Council has to approve the special permit and any budget amendments or budget requests. The idea is to create a new facility and decommission the old facility which has reached its useful life.

Chair Reinstein asked about the lighting dimmers and when they would dim the lights.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated they have the ability to dim if they need to. If the Firearm Training Facility is not in operation they will turn out the lights. They like to keep the canopy on because the police and fire work 24/7 and they have the sewer and water main. They will turn the parking lights off.

Chair Reinstein stated he did not know how far away you could see them.

Mr. Kanapareddy stated during the winter when it is dark by 4:00 PM you need it for the fire trucks and snow plow trucks.

Chair Reinstein stated they have comments about the stamped concrete, arbor vitae in lieu of Virginia red cedar, columns needing masonry enclosure, ten shrubs on the City ROW, two landscaped islands which would be the variances from code. He entertained a motion to approve the design review and then approval of the special use permit.

Planner Cross stated the Commission is asked to have two separate motions, one for design consideration and one for a conditional use permit. The landscape relief can be approved as part of the design review consideration. The enclosure of the columns and the stamped concrete can be items of the design review.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther motioned to recommend staff draft findings of fact in support of the special use request as presented including the exhibits. Commissioner Hecht seconded.

Director Fontane called the roll:

Ayes: Moore, Hecht, Kutscheid, Hainsfurther, Glazer, Reinstein

Nays: Lidawer

Motion carried 6-1

Chair Reinstein entertained a motion for the design review.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated they did not need the masonry surrounds.

Commissioner Kutscheid motioned to approve the plans as submitted with changes to remove the stamped concrete and replace with regular concrete, and change all the arbor vitae to Virginia red cedar. Vice Chair Hainsfurther seconded.

Chair Reinstein asked if the red cedar leaves fall to the ground.

Commissioner Kutscheid stated it was a juniper and an evergreen.

Director Fontane called the roll:

Ayes: Moore, Lidawer, Hecht, Kutscheid, Glazer, Hainsfurther, Reinstein

Nays: None

Motion carried 7-0


1. Administrative Design Review Approvals - None

2. Next Regular Meeting - March 17, 2020

Planner Cross stated they will revisiting the short term rental regulations.

Vice Chair Hainsfurther asked about the Reisman subdivision.

Planner Cross stated it is back for another public hearing.

Director Fontane stated Council remanded it back to the Plan & Design Commission and wanted staff to notice for the Plan & Design Commission and Council meeting. Staff had not noticed for the 250’ requirement in the expedited version and it is a smaller notice area.

3. Case Briefing - None


Mr. Michael Laxner, Resident, stated he was concerned about the approval of the experiential uses in the light industrial district.


Chair Reinstein entertained a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Lidawer so motioned, seconded by Commissioner Glazer. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.

The Plan and Design Commission adjourned at 9:05 PM.




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