
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Big Hollow School District 38 Board met March 9

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Big Hollow School District 38 Board met March 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 9, 2020 at the Big Hollow Middle School Library.

Roll Call:

The following members were in attendance: Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Mazur, Pedersen

The following members were absent: Cernuska, Plescia

The following administration were present: Gold, Pittman

2. Motion to move to Closed Session:

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Kueter to move to closed session.

Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Mazur, Pedersen

Nay: None

3. Resume to Open Session:

Open session began at 7:02 p.m.

The following members were in attendance: Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Mazur, Pedersen

The following members were absent: Cernuska, Plescia

The following administration were present: Gold, Arndt, Pittman, Hetrovicz, Janusz, Whipple, Biancalana

4. Pledge of Allegiance:

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

5. Added Items/Approval of the Agenda:

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Kueter to approve the agenda.

Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Mazur, Pedersen

Nay: None

6. Recognition

Hannah Ball, 2nd grade teacher, was recognized as the BHSD38 Employee of the Month.

Ms. Ball was nominated by her peers because of her dedication to staff and students. She has made a big impact in the elementary building by promoting self care and taking a huge interest in the well being of her co-workers.

Our February student of the month, Jamila Nosirova, 4th grader, was unable to attend.

7. Academic Spotlight

* The Environmental Warriors Club, led by Amanda Strickler, shared changes they have implemented at Elementary in order to be more green. They shared a powerpoint presentation on how they have helped educate each grade level at Elementary and Primary to increase recycling. Their number one goal is to increase recycling in our food service department.

* A few students from Mrs. Wheaton’s 1st grade class shared with the board members personal narratives that they have written. They were able to read their narratives one on one with a board member and show them how illustrations help entice and personalize their work. Mrs. Wheaton explained the writing process and how her class shares their work in groups and they provide positive critiques to each other.

8. Board member “Code of Conduct” Review:

The Board reviewed Item #3: “I will recognize that a board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a board meeting.”

9. Approve Consent Agenda Items:

A motion was made by Mazur and seconded by Enters to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried.

Aye: Mazur, Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Pedersen 

Nay: None

10. Public Comments:

No public comments were received.

11. Superintendent’s Report:

a. Monthly Board Policy review

Sections 4:100-4:140 were reviewed.

b. Strategic Planning Update

An update on Strategic Planning Goal 4 was shared by Dr. Hetrovicz with the board. She shared how they are currently concentrating on working with Dr. Pittman, Director of Student Services, and resource and special education teachers on goal writing. The team continues Mapping Data and breaking down the learning steps which will help students understand the expected guidelines and how to be more successful. Additionally, working to align vertically amongst grade levels is a priority.

c. Citizens’ Advisory Council Bylaws

Mr. Gold shared with the board a plan to adjust the bylaws which will change member terms to one year and will eliminate the cap on CAC members. A detailed update of the bylaws will be brought to the board at a later date for approval.

d. Kids Heart Challenge

Our Big Hollow staff and families raised $10,954.76 in the recent Kids Heart Challenge fundraiser for the American Heart Association. This brings $850 in new PE equipment to our primary and elementary PE programs.

e. Staffing Plan for 2020-2021

A staffing plan for the 2020-2021 school year was exhibited showing an increase of 3.5 teaching positions. Mr. Gold shared information on the possibility of remodeling PODS in the elementary building to add classrooms.

A motion was made by Pedersen and seconded by Mazur to accept the staffing plan as presented for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried.

Aye: Pedersen, Mazur, Kueter, Lyons, Enters 

Nay: None

12. Other Action Items:

a. Approve the February Employment Recommendations

The February employment report was exhibited.

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Kueter to accept the February Employment Report. Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Kueter, Lyons, Mazur, Pedersen 

Nay: None

b. Approve the Administrative Assignments for 2020-2021

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Pedersen to accept the administrative assignments as exhibited for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Pedersen, Mazur, Kueter, Lyons

Nay: None

13. Resignations Accepted:

Accept resignation of Ann Connor, Middle School Special Education Teacher, effective end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Accept resignation of Joseph Cooley, Middle School Counselor and Assistant Wrestling Coach, effective end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Accept resignation of Steven Ostergaard, Middle School STARS teacher, effective end of the 2019-2020 school year.

14. Informational Items:

a. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

A FOIA request received on February 10, 2020 was shared with the board. No questions/comments.

b. Monthly Reports for the Board

The Administrator, Meal Program, Attendance and Discipline Reports were presented. No questions/comments.

c. Administrator Meeting Agenda

The February Administrator and CAC meeting agendas were exhibited. No questions/comments.

d. The next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will take place on Monday, April 13, 2020 with closed session beginning at 6:00 p.m.

15. Motion to move to Closed Session: Not needed

16. Return to Open Session : Not needed.

17. Take any necessary action following closed session regarding minutes, employment of personnel, resignations, terminations or leaves of absence :


18. Adjournment :

A motion was made by Kueter and seconded by Mazur to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Motion carried.

Aye: Kueter, Mazur, Pedersen, Enters, Lyons

Nay: None
