
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lake County Health & Community Services Committee met June 2

Meeting 02

Lake County Health & Community Services Committee met June 2.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Addenda to the Agenda

4. Public Comment

5. Chair's Remarks

6. Old Business

7. New Business


Approval of Minutes

7.1 20-0725

Minutes from April 28, 2020.

7.2 20-0723

Minutes from May 5, 2020



7.3 20-0714

Joint resolution accepting the Health Resources and Services Administration grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $103,435 for the Coronavirus Supplemental Funding.

· The $103,435 Health Resources and Services Administration grant will be used to purchase Personal Protective Equipment, laptop computers, Zoom licenses, tent set-up and rental, laboratory testing, and additional cleaning.

· The $103,435 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period March 15, 2020 through March 14, 2021.

7.4 20-0715

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Human Services grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $11,650 for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.

· The $11,650 Illinois Department of Human Services grant will be used to purchase computer supplies, a signature pad, card readers and scanners.

· The $11,650 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.


7.5 20-0653

Joint resolution authorizing 2020 Video Gaming Revenue grant funding recommendations in the amount of $601,503.

· In September 2016, the Board approved the Video Gaming Revenue policy that outlined procedures for: capturing video gaming administrative, legal, and enforcement costs; and evaluating and possibly funding social programs, projects (excluding capital improvements), and/or services that benefit Lake County residents.

· Application scoring includes up to 60 points (pts) that are distributed based on the following priorities: assessment, education and outreach for gambling addiction (60 pts.); clinical gambling addiction services (45 pts.); non-clinical gambling addiction services (30 pts.); and other behavioral health services (15 pts).

· In December 2019, Community Development received applications for Video Gaming funds totaling $984,250 for $701,503 in available funds.

· Funding recommendations include:

o $62,000 to Nicasa for gambling education and outreach;

o $58,000 to Nicasa for clinical therapeutic services for gambling addicts; 

o $100,000 to United Way for 211 information and referral services;

o $5,000 to Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Northern Illinois for financial literacy services; and

· Multiple grants to increase the capacity of behavioral health service providers in Lake County: A Safe Place counseling ($34,000); A Safe Place DCFS Co-location ($15,000); Arden Shore ($75,000); CASA Lake County ($38,000); Catholic Charities ($25,000); ChildServ ($25,000); Josselyn Center ($25,330); Lake County Health Department ($25,000); One Hope United ($18,00); PADS outreach ($27,673); Youth Conservation Corp ($35,000); Youth & Family Counseling ($18,000); and Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center ($15,500)

· The County Board allocated $100,000 left unallocated by the application review committee to use for temporary lodging for homeless and populations that are unable to quarantine at home.

7.6 20-0655

Joint resolution authorizing renewal of the HOME Investment Partnership Program Consortium Lake County, the City of North Chicago and the City of Waukegan have formed a consortium since 1991 in order to take a more regional, collaborative approach to meeting affordable housing needs.

· Lake County serves as the Lead Entity of the HOME Consortium and assumes overall responsibility for compliance with the HOME program requirements

· Pursuant to HUD requirements, the HOME Consortium Agreement must be renewed every three years in order for all three jurisdictions to continue operating as a consortium.

· The current agreement runs through the end of program year (PY) 2020 and the proposed agreement will cover PY 2021 through PY 2023.

· The agreement has been reviewed by the Lake County States Attorney’s Office.

7.7 20-0656

Joint resolution authorizing an intergovernmental agreement for the provision of grant administration and management services for North Chicago Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.

· For the past six years (2014-2020), Lake County has provided grant administration and management services for the North Chicago CDBG program.

· This intergovernmental agreement defines the roles and responsibilities for the County and the City for the implementation of the CDBG program.

· Both the City of North Chicago and Lake County desire to continue this arrangement for the next three years, which requires the approval of a third three-year agreement.

· The agreement has been reviewed by the Lake County States Attorney’s Office.

8. Executive Session

9. Public Comment

10. County Administrator's Report

11. Members' Remarks

12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: July 7, 2020
