
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Board met June 9

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Lake County Board met June 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:







1 20-0788

Special recognition celebrating June as LGBTQ Pride Month.




CONSENT AGENDA (Items 2 - 40)

2 20-0652

Minutes from May 1, 2020 Special Call Meeting.

3 20-0752

Minutes from May 12, 2020.

4 20-0770

Minutes from May 29, 2020 Special Call Meeting.


5 20-0776

Report of Claims Against Lake County for the Month of May 2020.


6 20-0590

Report from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of February 2020.

7 20-0591

Report from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of March 2020.

8 20-0719

Report from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of April 2020.

9 20-0661

Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of April 2020.

10 20-0675

Report from Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, for the month of April 2020.

11 20-0720

Report from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of April 2020.

12 20-0584

Report from Holly Kim, Treasurer, for the month of November 2019.


13 20-0774

Resolution providing for the reappointments of Richard McGill and Timothy Gertz as trustees of the Wauconda Fire Protection District.

14 20-0775

Resolution providing for the reappointments of Douglas Jaeger and Michael Ruchti as members of the Public Water District.

15 20-0786

Resolution providing for the reappointment of Diane Hewitt as an alternate member of the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO).


16 20-0685

Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) victim advocate grant program, awarded by the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (CACI) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, including grant funding of $260,967, which is an increase of $27,961 from FY 2020.

· In 1999, the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center implemented two victim advocate grants, which have been renewed each year since, to supplement funding for two victim advocates, one being bilingual.

· In 2016, both grant programs were combined into one contract, and in 2017, funding for an additional victim advocate position was added.

· This grant is for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 and funds a portion of the salary and benefits for three victim advocates housed at the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center along with additional program costs.

· The victim advocates provide comprehensive, supportive services to child victims and their non-offending family members, throughout the court process.

· Program goals include providing advocacy services for child victims of abuse and their non-offending family members, preventing re-victimization of children through education, providing emotional support and maintaining the current staff of victim advocates in order to provide efficient services to abused children.

· Sources of funding include federal funds in the amount of $260,967 for partial salary and benefits for the victim advocates assigned to the grant program.

· The Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center provides any additional salary, fringe benefits or program costs by reimbursing the State’s Attorney’s Office. No County funding is required for this program.

17 20-0686

Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center’s victim advocate grant program, awarded by the Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, including $86,094 in grant funding, which includes an increase of $5,714 from SFY 2020.

· DCFS grant funding to provide partial salary for a victim advocate at the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center began prior to 1998 and has been renewed each year since.

· This grant is for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 and funds a portion of the salary and benefits for one victim advocate housed at the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center, supplies and printing costs.

· The victim advocate provides comprehensive, supportive services to child victims and their non-offending family members, throughout the court process.

· Program goals include providing advocacy services for child victims of abuse and their non-offending family members, providing a digitally recorded interview in a child friendly location, providing mental health referrals, providing emotional support, conducting protocol reviews and Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) case meetings, and preventing re-victimization of children through education.

· Sources of funding include state funds in the amount of $86,094 for partial salary and benefits of the victim advocate assigned to the grant program, supplies and printing costs.

· The Children’s Advocacy Center provides any additional salary costs by reimbursing the State’s Attorney’s Office.

18 20-0659

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $50,000 in funding from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the approval of the renewal of Intergovernmental Agreement No. 2018-55-024-IGA-D for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit’s Access and Visitation Program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021.

· The Nineteenth Judicial Circuit receives grant funding from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services to provide mediation services for never-married parents involved in visitation and custody-related disputes in an effort to increase child support collections from this population.

· The state would like to continue funding the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit’s program in the amount of $50,000 for FY 2021. This is an increase of $5,000.

· This access and visitation grant does not require matching funds.

· From July 2018 through June 2019, this program conducted 311 mediations.

19 20-0710

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Chicago Parts and Sound, LLC, Tinley Park, Illinois, in the estimated annual amount of $357,763 for vehicle accessories and the outfitting of 42 replacement squad cars in the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

· The current contract for vehicle accessories and outfitting for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office will expire on July 10, 2020.

· The initial year of the contract provides vehicle accessories and outfitting for 4 -Chevy Tahoes, seven Ford Expeditions, one Ford Explorer, three Ford F150’s, and 27 Ford Utility vehicles.

· The contract allows for unit pricing for accessories, installation costs and delivery and provides an option for four one-year renewals.

· An Invitation to Bid was issued and invitations were extended to 31 vendors.

· Bids were received from four vendors ranging from $357,763 to $405,457 and Chicago Parts and Sound, LLC was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.

20 20-0749

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $58,008 in Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding for the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Fiscal Year 2020 Coronavirus Supplemental Grant for personal protective equipment (PPE).

· The BJA sought applications for the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program to provide funding to local units of government in preventing, preparing for, and responding to the coronavirus.

· The Lake County Sheriff’s Department applied for and was awarded $58,008. Allowable expenses include supplies (such as gloves, masks, sanitizer) and the Sheriff’s Department’s expenses exceed the grant award for such personal protective equipment.

· An emergency appropriation is necessary to receive the grant revenue and make the grant funds available for these purposes.


21 20-0714

Joint resolution accepting the Health Resources and Services Administration grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $103,435 for the Coronavirus Supplemental Funding.

· The $103,435 Health Resources and Services Administration grant will be used to purchase Personal Protective Equipment, laptop computers, Zoom licenses, tent set-up and rental, laboratory testing, and additional cleaning.

· The $103,435 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period March 15, 2020 through March 14, 2021.

22 20-0715

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Human Services grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $11,650 for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.

· The $11,650 Illinois Department of Human Services grant will be used to purchase computer supplies, a signature pad, card readers and scanners.

· The $11,650 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Attachments: WIC $11K

23 20-0655

Joint resolution authorizing renewal of the HOME Investment Partnership Program Consortium Lake County, the City of North Chicago and the City of Waukegan have formed a consortium since 1991 in order to take a more regional, collaborative approach to meeting affordable housing needs.

· Lake County serves as the Lead Entity of the HOME Consortium and assumes overall responsibility for compliance with the HOME program requirements

· Pursuant to HUD requirements, the HOME Consortium Agreement must be renewed every three years in order for all three jurisdictions to continue operating as a consortium.

· The current agreement runs through the end of program year (PY) 2020 and the proposed agreement will cover PY 2021 through PY 2023.

· The agreement has been reviewed by the Lake County States Attorney’s Office. Attachments: HOME Consortium Agreement FY21-23 - v01 (004)

24 20-0656

Joint resolution authorizing an intergovernmental agreement for the provision of grant administration and management services for North Chicago Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.

· For the past six years (2014-2020), Lake County has provided grant administration and management services for the North Chicago CDBG program.

· This intergovernmental agreement defines the roles and responsibilities for the County and the City for the implementation of the CDBG program.

· Both the City of North Chicago and Lake County desire to continue this arrangement for the next three years, which requires the approval of a third three-year agreement.

· The agreement has been reviewed by the Lake County States Attorney’s Office.


25 20-0695

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with A Lamp Concrete Contractors Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois, in the amount of $192,145.50 for concrete patching on various County highways, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code and appropriating $230,600 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

· Each year the County undertakes patching of its concrete pavements to preserve pavement life and surface quality, including repairing damaged manholes, catch basins, curbs, and gutters.

· This patching and repairing is done on isolated sections of pavements and is included in the highway improvement program, but not listed individually.

· There was a public call for bids, and a total of six bids were received, ranging from $192,145.50 to $599,500, and the lowest responsible bidder is A Lamp Concrete Contractors Inc., in the amount of $192,145.50.

· This improvement is designated as Section 20-00000-10-GM.

26 20-0696

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Superior Road Striping Inc., Melrose Park, Illinois, in the amount of $679,043.51 for the removal and replacement of pavement markings, and the removal and replacement of pavement markers on various County highways, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 120.62 centerline miles, and appropriating $815,000 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds.

· The County maintains 302 total centerline miles of pavement markings and pavement markers for medians, lane lines, and cross walks.

· This work will include the removal and replacement of pavement markings, and the removal and replacement of non-recessed and recessed pavement markers.

· There was a public call for bids, and a total of three bids were received, ranging from $679,043.51 to $974,772.92, and the lowest responsible bidder is Superior Road Striping Inc., in the amount of $679,043.51.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program, and designated as Section 20-00000-15-GM.

28 20-0706

Joint resolution to transfer property owned by Lake County, Trustee, located at 133 West Grand Avenue in the Village of Lake Villa to the Illinois Department of Transportation for highway purposes.

· Lake County, Trustee, owns a parcel containing approximately 0.379 acres at 133 West Grand Avenue in Lake Villa, Illinois.

· The excess parcel was acquired in 2018 for non-payment of property taxes and is not needed for current or future transportation improvements by the Lake County Division of Transportation.

· This resolution authorizes the transfer of ownership of a portion of the parcel containing 0.001 acres in fee simple and grants a temporary easement containing 0.151 acres.

· This resolution authorizes the Lake County Board to execute a quitclaim deed and temporary easement to the Illinois Department of Transportation for highway purposes.

29 20-0703

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Cook County, Illinois, for the acquisition of necessary right-of-way in Lake County, by agreement or condemnation, and other associated right-of-way costs necessary to construct the Skokie Valley Bike Path Bridge over Lake Cook Road, at a maximum cost of $141,131, and appropriating $170,000 of County Bridge Tax funds.

· The Skokie Valley Bike Path Bridge will be constructed over Lake Cook Road and into Cook County.

· Lake County led the preliminary engineering study for the improvement.

· Cook County will be the lead agency for design engineering, land acquisition and construction phases of the improvement.

· Cook County will be acquiring and negotiating right-of-way and/or temporary easements in Lake County necessary to construct the bridge.

· Lake County’s share of the right-of-way and other associated costs is estimated to be $141,131.

· The project was awarded federal Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) funding which will cover up to 80 percent of construction costs.

· Lake County and Cook County will split the remaining share of construction.

· Before right-of-way acquisitions can proceed, an agreement with Cook County, and appropriation and condemnation authority, are necessary.

30 20-0707

Joint resolution authorizing a technical services agreement with the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) for the receipt of federal Section 5310 funds and appropriating $300,000 of 1⁄4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

· This is a RTA Agreement for Ride Lake County West in Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa, and Wauconda Townships.

· Section 5310 grants are federal funds administered by the RTA, which help fund the Ride Lake County paratransit services in Lake County.

· These grant funds will be used to help provide the Ride Lake County West paratransit service in the Townships of Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa, and Wauconda.

· The RTA will reimburse the County 50 percent of the transportation service cost, up to $100,985, with federal Section 5310 grant funds.

· Pace provides the paratransit bus service and reimburses the County for 50 percent of the required local match of this new grant.

· The Townships contribute $40,000 annually towards the cost of this service to help offset the grant funds.

· The County’s share is approximately $60,000 annually towards the cost of the service.

· This agreement has been reviewed by the State’s Attorney’s Office.

31 20-0702

Resolution authorizing the execution of a master agreement with the Village of Grayslake regarding the energy, maintenance, and future costs of County-owned traffic control signals and interconnection with Lake County PASSAGE.

· The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) owns and operates certain traffic control signals within the corporate boundaries of the Village of Grayslake (Village).

· Several agreements are in place with the Village regarding the energy, maintenance, installation and future costs associated with these County-owned signals.

· LCDOT and the Village are desirous of consolidating these agreements into one new master agreement to include these existing signals and have provisions for adding new signals in the future.

· The master agreement includes the provision for Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems so that the local agency will be responsible for maintenance and future cost of the emitters, and LCDOT will be responsible for maintenance and future cost for preemption systems.

· This master agreement also addresses the interconnection with Lake County PASSAGE.

· This agreement was approved by the Village Board at its May 5, 2020 meeting.

32 20-0691

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Quality Liquid Feeds Inc., Dodgeville, Wisconsin, to provide molasses for the Des Plaines River, New Century Town, and Mill Creek wastewater reclamation facilities in an estimated annual amount of $55,000.

· Lake County owns and operates three wastewater reclamation facilities: Des Plaines River, New Century Town, and Mill Creek.

· The molasses is used in the treatment process as a carbon source to sustain the biological nutrient removal (BNR) process.

· The process removes total phosphorus from the plant’s discharge.

· Pursuant to Article 6, Section 102, the Purchasing Agent convened an ad hoc review group that approved bid exemption on the basis that there is only one source for the required goods.

33 20-0692

Joint resolution authorizing a one-year contract with Advanced Utility Systems, Toronto, Ontario for a utility billing solution in an amount not to exceed $48,915.93.

· Lake County has contracted with a third-party vendor to provide utility billing services for Lake County Public Works since 2006.

· The current agreement expires in June 30, 2020 and there is a need to extend this agreement for an additional one-year term, with the option to renew the contract for two additional one-year periods to avoid a disruption in services.

· The contract includes software maintenance and support.

· Pursuant to Article Six, Section 102, the Purchasing Agent has approved the bid exemption on the basis of an existing long-standing successful relationship for services, and the knowledge gained through this relationship adds value integral to the services provided.

34 20-0690

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Seven Brothers Painting Inc., Shelby Township, Michigan, for the Hawthorn Water Tower Rehabilitation Project in an estimated amount of $529,900.

· Lake County desires to enter into a contract with Seven Brothers Painting Inc., for the Hawthorn Water Tower Rehabilitation Project.

· There is a need to repair portions of the steel tank and to remove the existing paint and apply new paint coatings to the 500,000-gallon elevated water tower on Hawthorn Parkway, Vernon Hills.

· An invitation to bid was issued and extended to six qualified vendors and sealed bids were received from six vendors, ranging from $529,900 to $839,100.

· Seven Brothers Painting Inc., Shelby Township, Michigan, was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who best meets the needs of the County in an estimated amount of $529,900.


35 20-0673

Resolution authorizing a contract with CivicPlus, Manhattan, Kansas, in the amount of $58,190.10 for the first year for Web Content Management System for Lake County.

· Funds are budgeted and appropriated for a Web Content Management System for Lake County, which include website annual fee for hosting, support, and security.

· CivicPlus currently provides the web content management system for Lake County, which is an essential service in communicating with residents, internal departments, and other government agencies.

· Lake County desires to continue these services with CivicPlus.

· Pursuant to Article 6, Section102 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, the Purchasing Agent consulted with an ad hoc review group that approved a bid exemption on the basis of an existing long standing, successful relationship.

· The contract authorizes an agreement for Web Content Management System for the duration of one year with options of extending up to four additional one-year periods, for an initial term not to exceed cost of $58,235.14, then thereafter a three percent increase with each one year renewal for a total not to exceed cost in the final renewal term of $65,493.47.

36 20-0717

Resolution authorizing a temporary lease amendment with City of Waukegan for the 300 additional parking spaces located at 225 N. County Street, Waukegan, Illinois, in parking garage C for a monthly amount of $15,000.

· Lake County currently leases 100 parking spaces at a rate of $3,250 per month.

· The City of Waukegan has agreed to provide 300 additional spaces to the County at a rate of $50 per parking space, a total of $15,000 per month, in its Garage C parking lot.

· This resolution authorizes the County Board Chair to execute a temporary lease amendment, effective from August 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020, to provide alternate parking while the Waukegan campus undergoes parking garage repairs.

37 20-0713

Resolution authorizing an agreement with BOS, Roselle, Illinois, for complete furniture design, installation, and value-added Services for Lake County, Illinois, as contracted on as needed basis, with renewal options.

· Lake County’s existing office furniture contract expires on May 31, 2020.

· A multi-departmental team was established to identify, develop, solicit, and evaluate a new furniture contract.

· The Lake County Purchasing Division received and evaluated Request for Proposals from six firms and interviews were held with the top three ranked firms.

· Following a comprehensive review of the submitted proposals and the interview presentations, BOS was identified as the most qualified and most favorable for Lake County.

· The contract provides for discounted rates throughout the catalog, a range of furniture types to provide options for departments and includes furniture and design services.

· This resolution authorizes the execution of the agreement with BOS for furniture design, installation, and value-added services on as needed basis, as approved in the Budget, for a two-year contract with three one-year renewals.

38 20-0756

Resolution declaring that the number of appeals annually filed with the Board of Review creates an emergency situation causing the need for an expanded Board of Review.

· This resolution recognizes that the three members of the Board of Review need additional assistance to complete the 2019 tax year hearings.

· This action must be done to allow the County Board Chair to appoint alternate members.

39 20-0688

Resolution amending Section 10.8, Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace, in the Employee Policies and Procedures Manual.

· Lake County Employees are expected and required to report to work on time and in appropriate mental and physical condition for work.

· A provision was added to the section 10.8 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace policy addressing Prescription Medications.

· The policy reflects updates to the Drug and Alcohol Testing and Discipline and Remedies sections, and minor grammatical changes throughout the document.

40 20-0664

Resolution authorizing the appointment of John Light, Director of Human Resources, as Lake County’s Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Authorized Agent.

· Human Resources recommends the appointment of the new Director of Human Resources, as the County’s Authorized Agent.

· Mr. Light’s experience working with IMRF dates to 2001.

· Mr. Light completed his Authorized Agent Training in 2002.



41 20-0327

Board of Health Report.

42 20-0653

Joint resolution authorizing 2020 Video Gaming Revenue grant funding recommendations in the amount of $601,503.

· In September 2016, the Board approved the Video Gaming Revenue policy that outlined procedures for: capturing video gaming administrative, legal, and enforcement costs; and evaluating and possibly funding social programs, projects (excluding capital improvements), and/or services that benefit Lake County residents.

· Application scoring includes up to 60 points (pts) that are distributed based on the following priorities: assessment, education and outreach for gambling addiction (60 pts.); clinical gambling addiction services (45 pts.); non-clinical gambling addiction services (30 pts.); and other behavioral health services (15 pts).

· In December 2019, Community Development received applications for Video Gaming funds totaling $984,250 for $701,503 in available funds.

· Funding recommendations include:

o $62,000 to Nicasa for gambling education and outreach;

o $58,000 to Nicasa for clinical therapeutic services for gambling addicts; o $100,000 to United Way for 211 information and referral services;

o $5,000 to Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Northern Illinois for financial literacy services; and

· Multiple grants to increase the capacity of behavioral health service providers in Lake County: A Safe Place counseling ($34,000); A Safe Place DCFS Co-location ($15,000); Arden Shore ($75,000); CASA Lake County ($38,000); Catholic Charities ($25,000); ChildServ ($25,000); Josselyn Center ($25,330); Lake County Health Department ($25,000); One Hope United ($18,00); PADS outreach ($27,673); Youth Conservation Corp ($35,000); Youth & Family Counseling ($18,000); and Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center ($15,500)

· The County Board allocated $100,000 left unallocated by the application review committee to use for temporary lodging for homeless and populations that are unable to quarantine at home.


43 20-0697

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with A Lamp Concrete Contractors Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois, in the amount of $1,394,436.05 for the resurfacing of Deerfield Road, from Riverwoods Road to Wilmot Road, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 0.80 miles, and appropriating $1,675,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

· There was a public call for bids, and a total of three bids were received, ranging from $1,394,436.05 to $1,498,000, and the lowest responsible bidder is A Lamp Concrete Contractors Inc., in the amount of $1,394,436.05.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement management system and is included in the highway improvement program, and designated as Section 19-00034-07-RS.

44 20-0699

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with STV Inc., Chicago, Illinois, for Phase I professional engineering services for improvements along York House Road, from Illinois Route 131 to Sheridan Road, at a maximum cost of $1,163,291, and appropriating $1,396,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

· York House Road, County Highway 65, from Illinois Route 131 to Sheridan Road, will be evaluated to be widened from two to three lanes to add a center turn lane and provide non-motorized improvements where feasible.

· A consulting firm will be utilized to perform these engineering services.

· Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

· The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

· LCDOT received and evaluated Statements of Interest and Qualifications from six professional firms, of which three were short-listed, and presented to a consultant selection committee.

· The selected and recommended firm is STV Inc., with a maximum cost of $1,163,291.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program, and designated as section number 17-00143-15-RS.

45 20-0700

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Ciorba Group, Chicago, Illinois, for Phase I professional engineering services for improvements along Wadsworth Road, from Illinois Route 131 to Sheridan Road, omitting the intersection of Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue, at a maximum cost of $663,347.32, and appropriating $800,000 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds.

· Wadsworth Road, County Highway 17, from Illinois Route 131 to Sheridan Road, will be resurfaced, from Illinois Route 131 to Lewis Avenue, and evaluated to be widened from two to three lanes to add a center turn lane and provide non-motorized improvements where feasible, from Lewis Avenue to Sheridan Road.

· The intersection of Wadsworth Road and Lewis Avenue is being studied as part of a separate project and will be omitted from this scope.

· A consulting firm will be utilized to perform these engineering services.

· Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local

Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

· The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

· LCDOT received and evaluated Statements of Interest and Qualifications from 11 professional firms, of which three were short-listed and presented to a consultant selection committee.

· The selected and recommended firm is Ciorba Group, with a maximum cost of $663,347.32.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program, and designated as Section 19-00055-08-RS.

46 20-0698

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with V3 Companies, Woodridge, Illinois, for Phase I professional engineering services for improvements along Hainesville Road, from Washington Street to Rollins Road, at a maximum cost of $750,509, and appropriating $900,000 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds.

· Hainesville Road, County Highway 24, from Washington Street to Rollins Road, will be evaluated to be widened from two to three lanes to add a center turn lane and provide non-motorized improvements where feasible.

· A consulting firm will be utilized to perform these engineering services.

· Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

· The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

· LCDOT received and evaluated Statements of Interest and Qualifications from 13 professional firms, of which three were short-listed and presented to a consultant selection committee.

· The selected and recommended firm is V3 Companies, with a maximum cost of $750,509.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program and designated as Section 19-00072-14-WR.

47 20-0701

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with BLA Inc., Itasca, Illinois, to provide combined Phase I and Phase II professional engineering services for the widening of Buffalo Grove Road, from Illinois Route 22 to U.S. Route 45, at a maximum cost of $1,985,797, and appropriating $2,400,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds made available through the Rebuild Illinois Transportation Bond Funds.

· Buffalo Grove Road, County Highway 16, from Illinois Route 22 to U.S. Route 45, will be widened, inclusive of non-motorized improvements.

· The roadway pavement is nearing the end of its useful service life and needs to be replaced.

· The roadway will be widened from three to five lanes, including drainage improvements, non-motorized elements, and coordination with the ICC for improvements to the Canadian National railroad crossing.

· A consulting firm will be utilized to perform these engineering services.

· Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

· The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

· LCDOT received and evaluated Statements of Interest and Qualifications from 17 professional firms, of which three were short-listed and presented to a consultant selection committee.

· As a result of the interviews, the selected and recommended firm is BLA Inc., with a maximum cost of $1,985,797.

· This contract will be funded using Rebuild Illinois Bond Funds pending approval from the Illinois Department of Transportation.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program, and designated as Section 17-00254-03-WR.

48 20-0716

Ordinance amending the Lake County Temporary Emergency Public Nuisance Ordinance.

· On May 12, the County Board adopted the Lake County Temporary Emergency Ordinance to enact a temporary ban on open burning in the unincorporated area for a period beginning on May 12 (upon County Board approval) and ending on June

10, coinciding with the Spring landscape waste burning season.

· The ordinance recognizes the increased risk of negative health impacts of open burning of landscape waste on individuals who have been infected with COVID-19.

· Open burning during the pandemic also increases the potential risk of uncontrolled spread of fire, which could impact first responders at a time when their resources may be otherwise needed to assist in public health and safety.

· Several fire protection districts encompassing unincorporated territory enacted comparable temporary burning bans earlier in the Spring 2020 to limit the risks of open burning during the pandemic; a number of these district bans remain in effect. This extension of the Lake County Temporary Emergency Ordinance to July 15 is intended to reinforce and support ongoing district bans and provide similar protections where such district bans have expired.

· The County’s temporary ordinance permits small recreational fires and the use of self-contained outdoor burn devices under certain criteria. County Board action is anticipated on June 9.

· This extension will go into effect immediately upon County Board adoption of Exhibit A and expire on July 15, 2020.

49 20-0689

Ordinance amending Chapter 51, Water and Sewer Rates and Charges, of the code of ordinances related to water and sewer rates.

· Chapter 51 of the Lake County Code of Ordinances establishes all water and sewer user rates and connection fees for the County’s water and sewer systems and periodically to modify, as necessary.

· Under the terms of the agreement between the County and the Village of Grayslake, the Village can adjust transport charges to the County when there is a rate adjustment for Village users.

· The Village of Grayslake has notified the County of a retail sewer increase that will take effect May 1, 2020 and affect all sewer users including those within the Arbor Vista Subdivision.

· Customer’s rates will increase $0.24 from $10.40 per 1,000 gallons to $10.64 per 1,000 gallons as a result of a direct pass-through rate increase by the Village of Grayslake.

· The County will provide notice of the increase to the customers in the Arbor Vista Subdivision.

Attachments: 20-0689 Chapter 51 Rate Increase - Highlighted Final.pdf RULES COMMITTEE

50 20-0679

Resolution amending various sections of the Lake County Board Rules of Order and Operational Procedures.


51 20-0576

Resolution requesting the submission of a binding question of public policy to the electors of Lake County regarding the elimination of the Office of the Recorder of Lake County.

· On December 5, 2019, the Lake County Recorder of Deeds attended the Financial and Administrative Committee and discussed the potential of consolidating the Recorder’s Office and its duties with the Clerk’s Office via referendum.

· The County Administrator’s Office completed initial research related to the consolidation process and reviewed other county processes and studies. The research resulted in a finding that the potential consolidation will result in some cost savings and provides the opportunity for integrated service delivery with the Clerk’s Office.

· Findings were presented to the Financial and Administrative Committee on January 9, 2020 and February 27, 2020.

· On February 27, 2020, the Financial and Administrative Committee provided direction to draft a resolution authorizing a referendum to appear on the November 3, 2020 ballot to eliminate the county office by December 1, 2022.

Attachments: ROD Dissolution Resolution 6.4.20.pdf

52 20-0665

Resolution adding Section 1.6, Diversity and Inclusion, in the Employee Policies and Procedures Manual.

· The Lake County Employee Policies and Procedures Manual must be amended to include a Diversity and Inclusion policy.

· The Diversity and Inclusion policy applies to all Lake County employees, contractors, and representatives when they act on behalf of Lake County.

· Employees are responsible for implementing the Diversity and Inclusion Policy as part of their day-to-day work and their dealings with colleagues and customers.

Attachments: Diversity and Inclusion.pdf

53 20-0732

Resolution amending Section 11.4, Reduction in Force, in the Employee Policies and Procedures Manual.

· The existing Reduction in Force Policy is 28 years old.

· The existing Policy needs to be updated to bring Lake County in-line with modern practices.

· The new policy was drafted after reviewing policies from other municipalities and counties in the region.

54 20-0722

Resolution authorizing line-item transfers between various funds for the purpose of reducing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Budget spending authority in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

· The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe economic consequences not only in Lake County, but across the United States and world. The County’s initial immediate response is to reduce operational expenditures.

· Line-item transfers in various funds between accounts in the FY 2020 budget are needed to reduce the overall operating spending authority to balance out the revenue losses. The funds are being moved into Contingency accounts that may be accessed if needed and if funds are available.

· The County Board must approve line-item transfers under certain conditions. A listing of the various transfers is attached to the resolution. This action does not increase or decrease budget authority; it simply transfers previously approved budget authority.

· On May 12, 2020, the County Board approved over $9,000,000 in initial budget reductions. Additional operational budget reductions will be presented on an ongoing basis and as the need arises.

Attachments: COVID-Related LIT Reductions 060120.pdf

55 20-0709

Resolution authorizing a contract with Blinderman Construction Company, Chicago, Illinois for repair and refurbishment of the Lake County Parking Garage.

· Funding was approved for structural, waterproofing, electrical and plumbing system repairs contained within the Lake County Parking Garage as part of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Facility Assessment Program.

· An invitation to bid was issued and extended to 65 qualified vendors and sealed bids were received from nine vendors ranging from $1,814,927.89 to $2,899,295.

· Blinderman Construction Company was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who best meets the needs of the County in the amount of $1,814,927,89.

· Lake County desires to enter into a contract with Blinderman Construction Company, Chicago, Illinois for the repair and refurbishment of the Lake County Parking Garage.

56 20-0742

Resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation for the CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund by the F&A Special Committee on COVID-19 Recovery in the amount of $19,000,000 and funded through Lake County’s allocation of the CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund.

· The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress and signed into law on March 27, 2020. Lake County’s population over 500,000 resulted in the ability to directly apply for funding. On April 23, 2020, Lake County received $121,539,986.20.

· These funds are required to be used to cover expenses that: 1) are necessary due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); 2) were not accounted for in Lake County’s approved Fiscal Year 2020 budget; and 3) were incurred during the period March 1, 2020 - December 30, 2020.

· On Friday, May 22, 2020, the F&A Special Committee on COVID-19 Recovery determined the use of a portion of these funds: $4,000,000 for rental assistance, $2,000,000 for food insecurity, $10,000,000 for small business assistance, and $2,000,000 for Lake County COVID-19-related expenses. On Friday, May 29, 2020, the F&A Special Committee on COVID-19 Recovery also determined the use of a portion of these funds: $1,000,000 for utility assistance.

· An emergency appropriation is necessary to make the funds available for these purposes.

· Additional emergency appropriations will be necessary to make the rest of the funds available for use.

· To ensure maximum efficiency in meeting community needs within each of these program funds, Lake County will contractually rely on other community partners to distribute funds to their clients in accordance with federal spending criteria, and contract authority will be delegated within each program fund to the County Administrator or their designee(s).

Attachments: CARES Act Funding Emergency Appropriation.pdf APPOINTMENTS

57 20-0784

Resolution appointing additional qualified members to the Board of Review.

· The County Board has declared that members of the Board of Review need additional assistance to complete the upcoming tax year hearings.

· There were 18 eligible individuals who passed the Board of Review qualifying exam or have served regularly as alternate members.

· The Chair is authorized to appoint alternate members.

58 20-0787

Resolution providing for the appointment of Susan Raymoure as a member of the

Lake Bluff Mosquito Abatement District.

Attachments: Susan Raymoure Resume



Motion that this Regular June 2020 Session of the County Board of Lake County be adjourned until July 14, 2020.




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