
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Housing Commission met July 1

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City of Highland Housing Commission met July 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. AGENDA Call to order

II. Roll Call

III. Business from the Public

IV. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes, June 3, 2020

V. Scheduled Business

1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

 Payment of Invoices

 Ratification of Payments

2. Peers, Walnut, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Associations and Housing Trust Fund

 Consideration of Management Reports

o Facility Condition Reports for Peers and Ravinia

 Housing Trust Fund Financials

 Sunset Woods Financials

 Other Association Business

VI. Old Business

1. Consideration of a Draft Land Use Restriction for HTF Funded Properties

VII. New Business

1. Consideration for Approval of a Resolution for the Release of 2019 CPAH Scattered Site – 2nd Draw Request

2. Timing of CPAH Grant Requests

3. Reopening Exterior Community Spaces (patios, benches) at Peers and Walnut Place

VIII. Staff Report

IX. Adjournment
