Big Hollow School District 38 Board met July 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Item 1 – Call to Order and Roll Call
Item 2 – Motion to move to Closed Session
1. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21).
2. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
Item 3 – Resume to Open Session
Item 4 – Pledge of Allegiance
Item 5 – Added Items/Approval of the Agenda
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Voice Vote)
Item 6 – Board member “Code of Conduct” review
Item #7: “I will prepare for, attend and actively participate in school board meetings.”
Item 7 -- Approve a Resolution Affirming Commitment to Eliminate Racial Injustice
Exhibit 1 Resolution Affirming Commitment to Eliminate Racial Injustice by the Big Hollow School District 38 Board of Education
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Voice Vote)
Item 8 – Approve Consent Agenda Items
Item 1 Approve the Closed Session Minutes of the June 8, 2020 Board Meeting to remain in closed status
Exhibit 2 Approve the Minutes of the June 8, 2020 Regular Board of Education Meeting
Exhibit 3 Approval of the School Treasurer’s Report for June, 2020
Exhibit 4 Approval of Bills for June/July, 2020
Exhibit 5 Approval of Activity and Convenience Fund Reports for June, 2020
Exhibit 6 Approval of Payroll for June, 2020
Exhibit 7 Approval of Extra Curricular Committee Report for June 24, 2020
Exhibit 8 Approval of Negotiations Committee Report for June 29, 2020
Exhibit 9 Approval of Health Insurance Committee Report for July 6, 2020
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Roll Call)
Item 9 – Public Comments
Item 10 – Superintendent’s Report
a. Monthly Board Policy Review
Exhibit 10 consists of Board Policies 5:70-5:110.
b. “Return to School” Presentation
c. Budget update and discussion
Exhibit 11 shows pre-audited end of year expenditure, revenue, and fund balance summaries.
d. Welcome back luncheon
The opening day institute to begin the 2020-2021 school year will be held on Monday, August 17, 2020. The institute will begin at 7:45 a.m. in the Middle School Multi-Purpose Room/Cafeteria. A luncheon provided by the Board of Education in conjunction with the Big Hollow Federation of Teachers will be scheduled.
e. Review of closed meeting minutes
As per Board Policy No. 2:220, each July and January, Mr. Gold is to report to the Board of Education any closed session minutes that have been closed to the public that should be released. Mr. Gold is recommending that current closed minutes should remain in closed status. A motion is needed to keep all closed meeting minutes in closed status.
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Voice Vote)
f. Review of Superintendent evaluation timeline
● June/July
o Superintendent creates goals which support the District goals, including indicators of success. Board approves these Superintendent goals. The Board and Superintendent agree on any additional expectations for which the Superintendent will be held accountable.
● November
o The Board and Superintendent conduct a less-formal semi-annual evaluation to monitor progress to date.
● January
o Superintendent provides the Board with a self-assessment of performance on each of the goals and expectations that had been agreed to.
o Individual Board members and all Administrators complete the Superintendent evaluation forms. The forms are collected by the Board president.
● February
o The Board meets in closed session to compile the results and complete the summative evaluation document.
o The Board president meets with the Superintendent to present the final evaluation. A written summary of the evaluation is given to the Superintendent and copy retained by the Board.
● March
o The entire Board meets with the Superintendent so that he or she has the opportunity to hear all points of view.
Item 11 – Other Action Items
a. Approve the June Employment Report
Exhibit 12 is the employment report for the month of June.
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Roll Call)
b. Approve the recommended “Return to School” model (as presented earlier in the Board meeting) and the associated modified school calendar
Exhibit 13 shows the modified school calendar which will be approved along with each option for returning to school. Calendars for all three learning models (full on-site attendance, blended-hybrid model, full remote learning model) are included in this exhibit. It is recommended that the Board approve each calendar which will allow for the Superintendent to switch between calendars depending on which learning model the District is in at the time. Please note the addition of November 3rd as a non-attendance day, which is now required by the State of Illinois for voting purposes.
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Voice Vote)
c. Approve new health/dental/vision/life insurance rates as recommended
Exhibit 14 is the update and recommendation from Mr. Gold and the Health Insurance Committee.
Exhibit 15 is a renewal report showing information to support the recommendation for insurance options in 2020-2021.
Exhibit 16 is information regarding new MetLife worksite benefits being offered for purchase by all employees.
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Roll Call)
d. Approve the parking lot sealcoating bids are recommended
Exhibit 17 consists of the bid results for sealcoating and restriping of all blacktop areas on the Big Hollow School District campus. It is recommended that the Board approve Garelli Pavement Service, Inc. to complete the work, which will be done by August 14, 2020.
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Roll Call)
e. Approve the purchase of a snow plow truck
In an effort to reduce costs and improve snow removal servicing, the BHSD administration is recommending doing all snow removal service using our custodial/maintenance staff. Traditionally, costs for snow removal services are between $15,000 and $25,000 per year. With additional staff hired beginning in the 2020-2021 school year, there is enough personnel to cover the snow removal needs. The purchase of one more snow removal vehicle will assure that parking lots and sidewalks will be cleaned in adequate time each day.
Exhibit 18 is a quote for a 2009 Dodge Ram to be utilized as a snow removal vehicle. If this vehicle is not available upon Board approval, there are other options at or below the cost of this truck.
Recommendation: Approve – Motion Required (Roll Call)
f. Approve Illinois Association of School Boards dues for 2020-2021
Exhibit 19 is a summary of the IASB Membership dues for SY 2020-2021.
Recommendation: Approve –Motion Required (Roll Call)
Item 12 – Resignations Accepted
● Accepted a resignation from Krystine Lange, Title 1 Reading Paraprofessional, effective June 2020.
Item 13 – Informational Items
a. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
a. There are no FOIA requests to report at this time.
b. Meeting Agendas
Exhibit 20 is the administrator meeting from June 10, 2020
c. The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will take place on Monday, August 10, 2020 with closed session beginning at 6:00 p.m. and open session beginning immediately after closed session ends.
Item 14 – Motion to move to Closed Session
For the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, dismissal, litigation, negotiations, and property.
Item 15 – Return to Open Session
Item 16 – Take any necessary action following closed session regarding minutes, employment of personnel, resignations, terminations or leaves of absence.
Item 17 – Adjournment