
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Park Housing Commission met July 1

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City of Highland Park Housing Commission met July 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


At 6:32 p.m., Chairman Ross called a meeting via remote access of the Highland Park Housing Commission, Peers Housing Association, Ravinia Housing Association, Walnut Housing Association, and the Sunset Woods Association to order. Each of the Commissioners also serves as Directors of each of the Housing Associations. Chairman Ross read an introduction for remote meeting procedures. He asked Staff to call the roll.


Commissioners Remotely: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Berkun, Bernstein, & Tapia

Commissioner Absent: Paushter

Councilman Absent: Holleman

Student Rep Absent: Hozman

Staff declared that a quorum was present.

Guests Present Remotely: Rob Anthony/CPAH

Staff On-Site: Later

Staff Remotely: Burhop


There was no Business from the Public


Regular meeting of the Housing Commission – June 3, 2020

Commissioner Berkun moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of June 3, 2020. Commissioner Adler seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Berkun, Bernstein, & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.


1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

• Payment of Invoices

• Ratification of Payments

Senior Planner Later advised there are two checks, one from Peers and the other from Sunset Woods, in the amounts of $15.00 (each) for Illinois Charity Bureau Fund. She noted there are also two checks from Peers and Sunset Woods to the Secretary of State for $10.00 (each).

Commissioner Adler moved to ratify the above payments for Illinois Charity Bureau Fund and the Secretary of State. Commissioner Bernstein seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Berkun, Bernstein, & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.

2. Peers, Walnut, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Associations

• Consideration of Management Reports for Peers, Walnut, and Ravinia

o Facility Condition Reports for Peers and Ravinia

It was noted the consultant is behind on reports for Ravinia and Peers. Senior Planner Later stated she is working with ERES on the Walnut Place capital assessment. Ravinia & Peers are not yet completed. Chairman Ross asked that a comparison spreadsheet be compiled and presented.

• Housing Trust Fund Financials

Senior Planner Later referred to the first memo which explains the misclassification from 2003.

She noted the fund balance is accurate. The formats are more informative. Senior Planner Later stated if anyone has comments or questions, to forward them.

Chairman Ross asked about 150% fund balance. Senior Planner Later responded that 150% of core services is what we would like to maintain in the HTF. She referred to the obligations as core expenses.

• Sunset Woods’ Financials

Senior Planner Later advised nothing is outstanding.

• Other Association Business

Senior Planner Later advised nothing is outstanding.


 Consideration of a Draft Land Use Restriction for HTF Funded Properties

Senior Planner Later advised Corporation Counsel is reviewing CPAH’s comments on the draft.


Chairman Ross rearranged the agenda as follows:

 Reopening Exterior Community Spaces at Peers and Walnut Place

Chairman Ross asked the Commissioners to discuss if the patios at Walnut Place and Peers buildings should be reopened.

o Commissioner Tapia stated this could be contingent on space size to ensure proper social distancing.

Senior Planner explained the design of these areas and what has been secured. She stated she drove by the buildings recently and noticed some of the exterior furniture was being used at both Peers and Walnut Place patios. She suggested pavement markers could be put in place so residents would know how far apart to sit. She said ERES reported residents are wearing masks indoors. She noted some residents have brought their own chairs outside.

o Commissioner Abreu believes it is cruel not to have these areas open, with social distancing rules, for quality of life purposes.

o Commissioner Bernstein suggested residents sit on opposite sides of the benches. She concurs with Commissioner Abreu.

o Commissioner Berkun suggested placing something in the middle of the benches so distancing is enforced. He also recommended bolting down the seating and having signage.

Commissioner Tapia noted if seating is bolted, chairs can’t be moved if sun gets in one’s eyes. He stated tenants could practice good habits.

Chairman Ross advised they could try opening up the patios and if social distancing rules are not followed, it could be rescinded. Senior Planner Later suggested the number of chairs outdoors could be reduced or apportioned to accommodate social distancing.

Senior Planner Later stated per ERES reports, residents have not been congregating. Commissioner Berkun and Chairman Ross asked that the Building Managers monitor these new protocols.

Chairman Ross summarized that the patios should be open in limited fashion as long as residents are following social distancing and wearing masks. A memo should be sent to tenants. Senior Planner Later said she would include this information in her weekly Covid report. Commissioner Tapia stated a protocol for cleaning should be addressed as well.

It was discussed that family members may join residents. The HC agreed that the furniture should be reserved for tenant use only.

• Consideration for Approval of a Resolution for the Release of 2019 CPAH Scattered Site – 2nd Draw Request

Senior Planner Later advised Rob Anthony is available to present. Commissioner Abreu recused himself, due to a conflict of interest, at 7:06 p.m.

Discussion took place about the grant request of $67,500 for the property to be purchased at 2914 Warbler Place in Highland Park.

Commissioner Bernstein moved approval of the Resolution to release the funds for the grant request for 2914 Warbler Place. Commissioner Adler seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Adler, Berkun, Bernstein, & Tapia Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed 5-0.

• Timing of CPAH Grant Requests

o Annual Operating Grant

Staff recommends that CPAH request the grant in early February. Senior Planner Later advised the City’s budget is approved in October/November. She noted funds could be drawn after January. It was discussed whether CPAH could receive the funds incrementally or all at once.

Chairman Ross asked the Commissioners for their input on when CPAH should receive the funds. He asked if these funds would be given in advance or as a reimbursement. Mr. Anthony explained the process in the past. He stated quarterly billing could be arranged. Commissioners said they are in favor of a quarterly draw with reporting at time of the request.

Chairman Ross invited Mr. Anthony to estimate and provide his budget for the operating agreement in August. Mr. Anthony shared he would also provide costs for reimbursement in October for 2020 operating grant.

o Scattered Site

Mr. Anthony inquired about the expectation/desire of how many units the HC would like acquired each year. He explained purchase scenarios. At this time, no additional properties are able to be purchased as there aren’t any dollars allocated. Lake County was compared; properties could be purchased and rehabbed in all quarters.

Mr. Anthony stated a new grant agreement would facilitate obtaining properties while there is better pricing and increased availability of properties. It could be structured where purchases could take place before more dollars are allocated.

Commissioner Berkun asked about the phasing. Mr. Anthony shared there are different grant contracts for properties. Grants are generally approved for three units. He reminded the HC has a specific dollar amount allotted per property. Senior Planner Later said concurrent grants will require more monitoring mechanisms to be implemented appropriately. Senior Planner Later advised this would not be a burden; just needs to be implemented.

Chairman Ross stated with today’s environment the HC would want CPAH to purchase more units. He noted there could be larger grants with longer timeframes such as a two- year grant. Chairman Ross explained that due to good values, eight units could be purchased for a two-year period.

Commissioner Tapia asked if this is attractive to CPAH. Mr. Anthony replied that multiyear grant terms would help but still does not bridge the gap between grant allocations. He stated he would like to be able to start a second grant as overlapping grants are preferable. Commissioner Tapia stated he is in favor of this.

Chairman Ross asked that Staff discuss this internally and report back to the HC.

Discussion took place on increasing the number of units in the Scattered Site grant issued to CPAH. Chairman Ross reminded in the next 2-3 years, the HC could easily double the number of units based on monies in the HTF. It was agreed this was favorable.

Chairman Ross concluded that the HC is in favor of overlapping multiple grants. Commissioner Berkun stated he would like to see a status report on the first grant request when the second grant is requested. Mr. Anthony advised CPAH uses a budget template along with software they can use for monitoring and reporting.

Commissioner Bernstein asked if the grant amount could be varied. Chairman Ross stated he is open to this.

Mr. Anthony stated, if this is approved, he would request another grant now due to good buying opportunities. Senior Planner Later will discuss this proposal internally.

Mr. Anthony shared their capacity and expertise has increased and that CPAH has the ability to do 20 properties annually. He advised they are able to help with other housing projects such as new construction, as the HC desires.


There was no Staff Report.



Commissioner Adler asked about Albion developments. Chairman Ross stated it was presented to City Council last week. Commissioner Berkun shared a preliminary approval was announced in the press.

Commissioner Bernstein asked if pursuing multi-unit properties is desirable. Chairman Ross identified Walnut and Peers, noting this has been done in the past.


Commissioner Berkun moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m. Commissioner Abreu seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Berkun, Bernstein, & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
