
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board Met June 16

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City of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Board met June 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Best at 6:30p.m. The following were present via Zoom meeting:

Board Members:       Mr. Paul Best

Ms. Nancy Duffy

Ms. Shannon Maguire

Mr. Jared Rhoads

Mr. Marc Silver

Ms. Kaci Spirito

Ms. Melanie Walsh

Staff:                         Ms. Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks and Recreation

Mr. Joe Mobile, Superintendent of Recreation

Mr. Chuck Myers, Superintendent of Parks, Forestry & Special Facilities

Ms. Dani Spann, Administrative Assistant

Special Guests:        Mr. Steve Konters, Hitchcock Design Group

Ms. Bridget Deatrick, Hitchcock Design Group

Foundation Members:   Mr. Ara Goshgarian

Mr. Ed Zarek

Mr. Fred Jackson

Mr. Rick Amos

Mr. Patrick Marshall

II. Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes of the May 19, 2020 Park & Recreation Board Meeting were presented and approved.

Board member Maguire motioned for approval of the minutes and Board member Duffy seconded. The minutes were then unanimously approved by roll call with 7 ayes and 0 nays.

III. Opportunities for the Public to Address the Board on Items not listed on the Agenda

No comments

IV. Athletic Fields Feasibility Study Workshop

Mr. Steve Konters started with an update on the study and comprehensive plan. The goal of the study was to develop a maintenance plan that will aid staff to recognize resources needed to improve quality of play on the athletic fields. The focus of this meeting/workshop is for a Ctiy-wide approach with preliminary recommendations and very high level planning. Mr. Konters went over the background and timeline. A site evaluation with staff and Park Board members was conducted at each of the parks for athletic field needs.

These preliminary recommendations are very high level. The City wide approach consists of three levels of improvements. These improvements include:

 Improve In-place

 Layout Improvements

 Sports Complex

Mr. Konters went over each park and their levels of improvement.

 Deerpath Park

o ImproveIn-Place($359,000-$440,000)

 Create storm water management

 Reduce field overlap

 Minor grading improvements

 Raise center of field and drain south

o LayoutImprovements($1,112,400-$1,361,800)

 Maximize space

 Shift baseball fields east

 Make more multi space in between

 More movement of fields

 Regrade and crown field space

 Optional facility expansion

o SportsComplex($9,687,600-$11,842,600)

 Multi use synthetic turf field with lighting

 Remove soccer fields in floodway and floodplain

 Existing tennis practice court

 Restroom and storage building

 Regrade and crown field space

 Optional facility expansion

 Northcroft Park

o ImproveIn-Place($58,500-$73,700)

 Restore grass space

 Better utilize open space and restripe fields

o LayoutImprovements($949,500-$1,166,000)

 Restore and regrade grass and relocate playground

 Regrade and relocate tennis courts

 Relocate parking lot

 Optional grass soccer field

o SportsComplex($5,062,500-$6,194,100)

 Multi use synthetic turf field with lighting

 Relocate playground

 Expand parking lot with two entrances and drop off loop

 Regrade and relocate tennis courts

 Optional grass soccer field

 Townline Park

o ImproveIn-Place($18,000-$22,000)

 Complete planned field maintenance of sand grading

 Lighting is not an option currently

o LayoutImprovements($675,900-$827,200)

 Regrading and recrowning fields

 Amend soil and add underdrainage (only if slit improvements do not mitigate drainage issues)

 Convert to grass infield

 Elawa Park

o No changes at this time

 Everett Park ($52,200 - $66,000)

o ImproveIn-Place

 Add underdrain and batting cage

 South Park

o ContinueMasterPlanImprovements

o Phase 1constructionin progress

 Waveland Park ($577,800 - $710,600)

o LayoutImprovements

 Turning fields to open more space

 Convert fieldhouse to open air structure

 Replace swales with underdrain and flatten site

 Consider relocating playground to the southeast

 Potential tennis court reduction

 West Park ($222,300 - $275,000)

o LayoutImprovements

 Relocate baseball/softball diamond to create additional space

 Consider adding coils to ice rink

 Eliminate heavy football use

 Consider additional parking in north triangle

Mr. Steve Konters went over the cost summaries for each of the three levels of improvement. The members discussed the direction to move forward with a final plan. Lake Forest Parks and Recreation Foundation member Patrick Marshall mentioned a big drive for artificial turf and would like to continue evaluating all options. The topic was mentioned of sharing fields with the High School or other areas in the community. This could be challenging with all the needs of the other entities. Board member Maguire asked about looking into environmental aspects such as; solar lighting, semi permeable green parking, underground water storage. Discussion followed on which park should receive synthetic turf along with fundraising ideas and community support. There was small discussion on parks that would have a sports complex and how this would affect the current park and neighbors. Next steps will include an athletic field assessment report with a series of options to move forward.

V. Adjournment

Board member Rhoads motioned for adjournment and Board member Duffy seconded. There was a roll call of 7 ayes and 0 nays. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29p.m.
