
Lake County Gazette

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Libertyville Zoning Board of Appeals Met August 10

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Village of Libertyville Zoning Board of Appeals met Aug. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was conducted virtually due to public health concerns and called to order by Chairman Matthew Krummick at 7:00 p.m.

Members present: Chairman Matthew Krummick, Amy Flores, Mark Moore, Walter Oakley, Richard Pyter, Kurt Schultz, and Eric Steffe.

Members absent: None.

A quorum was established.

Village Staff present: John Spoden, Director of Community Development; and David Smith, Senior Planner.

Board Member Moore moved, seconded by Board Member Flores, to approve the July 27, 2020,

Zoning Board of Appeals minutes.

Motion carried 7 - 0.



ZBA 20-20 Carl Laystrom and Caitlin Cox, Applicants

240 N. Third Street

Request is for variations to: 1) reduce the minimum required front yard setback from 27.1 feet to approximately 7.75 feet; 2) reduce the minimum required corner side yard setback from 32 feet to approximately 11.95 feet; and 3) reduce the minimum required rear yard setback from 22 feet to approximately 11.4 feet in order to construct a house addition for property located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District.

Mr. Tom Hickman, architect and agent for the petitioner, presented the proposed house addition to the Zoning Board of Appeals. He stated that any improvements contemplated for the existing house would very likely require variations. He stated that they attempted to be as respectful as possible to the existing building footprint. He stated that the scope of work includes increasing the height of the house an additional ten (10) feet for a total height of 34 feet. He stated that that the new front porch facing to the west will be wider, but not any deeper, so it will not encroach further into the front yard setback. He stated that there will not be any more encroachment into the corner side yard setback. He stated that the proposed covered walkway between the residence and the detached garage is in line with the detached garage.

Mr. Hickman stated that he spoke with Village Staff in May and they expressed support for the project. He stated that he made additional modifications to the attic plan in order to comply with the definition of one-half (1⁄2) story. He stated that the homeowner loves the character of the house and they want to retain that character.

Mr. Hickman reviewed the Standards for Variation as it applies to the proposed project and requested variations. He stated that any improvements done to the existing residence will require variations. He stated that the lot is exceptional and that there will be no discernable effect on neighboring properties as it relates to light and air. He stated that there will be no change in the traffic patterns or parking arrangements. He stated that the proposed scope of work with not tax the existing public utilities. He stated that there is no other remedy available to the petitioner.

Ms. Caitlin Cox, petitioner, stated that they love the area and they are attempting to keep the essential character of the home.

Mr. Hickman stated that he was disappointed by the Staff review comments. He stated that the petitioners might be willing to remove the covered walkway if directed to do so by the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Board Member Pyter asked for clarification regarding the front yard setback request. Mr. Hickman stated that the new front porch will be wider than the existing front porch, but not any closer to the front property line.

Board Member Pyter asked if the petitioner could meet their additional space needs by building further out to the south in order to mitigate the need for the variation requests. Mr. Hickman stated that the existing interior features of the residential structure inhibit the expansion without the need for the variation even if they added to the house on the south side of the residence. He stated that they did not want to encroach further into the side yard as well.

Mr. Carl Laystrom, petitioner, stated that the side yard located on the south side of the home is a distinctive feature of the property and they did not want to reduce the yard area. He stated that by doing the house addition and not a complete teardown is their attempt to maintain the historical and cultural heritage of the home and neighborhood.

Board Member Schultz asked if the petitioner would be willing to reduce the house height to 32 feet. Mr. Hickman stated that it is architecturally difficult to reduce the height any further, but they did amend their attic plan so that it did not exceed the half story parameters.

Board Member Schultz asked for clarification on the proposed roof pitch. Mr. Hickman stated that the proposed roof pitch is 10” to 12” pitch.

Board Member Steffe stated that he appreciates that the petitioner is attempting to work with the existing structure and not do a complete teardown. He stated that it is his understanding that the existing residence pre-dates the original Libertyville Zoning Code. He stated that he has no problems with the proposal as presented.

Board Member Oakley asked about the exiting basement dimensions. Mr. Hickman stated that there is a seven (7) foot floor to ceiling clearance in the basement, but is an unfinished basement.

Board Member Oakley asked what the existing square footage of the home is and what will it be with the addition. Ms. Cox stated that the existing size of the home is approximately 1,408 square feet and with the addition it will be approximately 2,000 square feet.

Board Member Flores stated that the setback variations make sense. She stated that she does not have an issue with the proposed height. She stated that she is not opposed to the requested variations.

Board Member Moore asked if the home is within the Historic Preservation District. Mr. John Spoden, Director of Community Development, stated that it is not within the Historic Preservation District.

Board Member Moore stated that he is concerned about the precedent that will be established by approving the requested variations.

Chairman Krummick stated that the subject lot appears to be in an area of several other tall homes and the proposal does not appear to detract from the architectural character of the neighborhood. He asked if the petitioner would like for the Zoning Board of Appeals to render their recommendation tonight. Mr. Hickman stated that they are ready for the Zoning Board of Appeals to vote tonight.

In the matter of ZBA 20-20.1), Board Member Flores moved, seconded by Board Member Steffe, to recommend the Village Board of Trustees approve a variation to reduce the minimum required front yard setback from 27.1 feet to approximately 7.75 feet in order to construct a house addition for property located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District.

Motion carried 5 - 2.

Ayes: Krummick, Flores, Oakley, Schultz, and Steffe

Nays: Moore and Pyter

Absent: None

In the matter of ZBA 20-20.2), Board Member Oakley moved, seconded by Board Member Flores, to recommend the Village Board of Trustees approve a variation to reduce the minimum required corner side yard setback from 32 feet to approximately 11.95 feet in order to construct a house addition for property located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District.

Motion carried 5 - 2.

Ayes: Krummick, Flores, Oakley, Schultz, and Steffe

Nays: Moore and Pyter

Absent: None

In the matter of ZBA 20-20.3), Board Member Flores moved, seconded by Board Member Pyter, to recommend the Village Board of Trustees approve a variation to reduce the minimum required rear yard setback from 22 feet to approximately 11.4 feet in order to construct a house addition for property located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District.

Motion carried 5 - 2.

Ayes: Krummick, Flores, Oakley, Schultz, and Steffe

Nays: Moore and Pyter

Absent: None


Mr. John Spoden, Director of Community Development, stated that the Village Board will give consideration to the Historical Preservation Commission report that recommended denial to the request by the property owner to be allowed to demo the Libertyville Theater.

Board Member Pyter moved, seconded by Board Member Moore to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7 - 0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
