
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Park Housing Commission Must August 5

Webp meeting240

City of Highland Park Housing Commission met Aug. 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


At 6:32 p.m., Chairman Ross called a meeting via remote access of the Highland Park Housing Commission, Peers Housing Association, Ravinia Housing Association, Walnut Housing Association, and the Sunset Woods Association to order. Each of the Commissioners also serves as Directors of each of the Housing Associations. Chairman Ross read the agenda and an introduction for remote meeting procedures. He asked Staff to call the roll.


Commissioners Remotely: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Berkun, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Commissioner Absent: Abreu and Adler

Councilwoman Remotely: Holleman

Student Rep Absent: Hozmann

Staff declared that a quorum was present.

Guests Present Remotely: Rob Anthony/CPAH

Staff On-Site: Burhop

Staff Remotely: Fontane

Others Remotely: Cerabona


There was no Business from the Public


Regular meeting of the Housing Commission – July 1, 2020

Commissioner Paushter moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of July 1, 2020. Commissioner Bernstein seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Berkun, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.

Councilwoman Holleman arrived at 6:40 p.m.


1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

• Payment of Invoices

• Ratification of Payments

Planner Burhop advised nothing is outstanding.

2. Peers, Walnut, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Associations

• Consideration of Management Reports for Peers, Walnut, and Ravinia

o Peers

Commissioner Bernstein asked if there is a vacancy at Peers and if it has been filled. Director Fontane advised he has no information.

o Walnut

Commissioner Paushter referenced Evergreen’s document and asked how virtual inspections are conducted in the community. Director Fontane stated they are done via a video (at a specific time each day, 1 p.m.); Evergreen staff must be available and reports back. Chairman Ross asked and Director Fontane stated it takes place via phone (virtually).

o Ravinia

Commissioner Paushter noted in the management occupancy report, Ravinia received an above-average rating. Chairman Ross advised a satisfactory rating is typical; an aboveaverage rating is commendable. He wished kudos to Evergreen staff.

Commissioner Paushter asked if the wrong fiscal year has been corrected. Chairman Ross also asked if this is what Director Fontane plans to review.

o Sunset Woods

There was no discussion.

• Housing Trust Fund Financials

Chairman Ross asked if the cash reports are reconciled with the balance sheets. He wonders if

Evergreen is not updating these (as there is a difference).

• Sunset Woods’ Financials

Nothing is outstanding.

• Other Association Business

Nothing is outstanding.


• Update & Discussion of Peers’ Unit #111

Chairman Ross asked Director Fontane to provide an update Director Fontane reminded City Council requested that Staff & CPAH make other arrangements with Peers’ Unit #111. He noted the Council would like to put this unit to programmatic use. Rob Anthony with CPAH is present and may wish to comment.

Director Fontane stated various suggestions for this unit’s use. The timeline was through the end of the year. He noted the offices have not been used during the pandemic.

Chairman Ross invited Mr. Anthony to share his comments.

Mr. Anthony stated there are people who drop off applications; he asked if a drop box could be placed at the Planning Department. Director Fontane replied this is possible and is in process.

Mr. Anthony stated their Counseling Sessions could potentially be held at the library or local banks. Application questions could be called into the CPAH office. Director Fontane advised Senior Planner Later could be available as well. Mr. Anthony stated some questions asked by potential candidates may be.....if an inclusionary unit is available.

Chairman Ross asked where an applicant obtains an application. Mr. Anthony replied via electronic mail....or applications could be left at the Building Department. Director Fontane stated arrangements could be made with CPAH.

Councilwoman Holleman asked about the current operation.

Mr. Anthony advised 50% of staff are working in the office and 50% are working from home. He stated Senior Planner Later asked that Unit #111 not be used during this time (and only for mail pick-up).

Chairman Ross asked about counseling. Mr. Anthony advised counseling and education are being conducted remotely. He noted a small portion has been done in-person at the Libertyville office (if an applicant doesn’t have virtual access).

Mr. Anthony stated 90% of applications are received electronically. He advised human contact would be lost by giving up the office/Unit #111. Connections are made when applicants visit and ask questions. However with the pandemic, that isn’t happening. A space will be sought for these sessions in the future.

Director Fontane noted, and Chairman Ross referred to the packet, that alternative programmatic suggestions are:

o Live-in Building Superintendent/Janitor

o On-Site Social Worker/Coordinator

o Market-Rate Unit

o Affordable Unit

o Programmatic Initiative

Commissioner Paushter asked if this could be subsidized in the future. Director Fontane advised

\ there could be a tax credit, etc. He noted there is broad latitude.

Commissioner Berkun asked if this ties up the HC forever. Director Fontane replied with IDHA or HUD, there are various options.

Commissioner Berkun asked that a timeframe be provided (to opt out). Director Fontane stated this is possible.

Commissioner Berkun asked if anyone is interested in utilizing Unit #111 as a market-rate unit. No one appeared interested.

Councilwoman Holleman reminded this unit could be deemed at any rate (affordable, etc.). Director Fontane concurred and explained further. Commissioner Berkun asked that the market- rate option be removed.

Chairman Ross stated, if Unit #111 is rented, it should be affordable. Commissioner Bernstein concurred stating it could be deemed for a senior.

Mr. Anthony advised there would be a demand. Director Fontane said the rent could be set at 30% of the candidate’s income, etc.; mirror the rest of the building.

Discussion took place on offering this to a maintenance worker, etc. Director Fontane stated setting the rent sets the subsidy. He shared there is no revenue now.

Chairman Ross reminded that Peers is not in need of money. He suggested pursuing the Social Worker or Coordinator option. Staff could possibly research another staff position.

Councilwoman Holleman stated City Council considered the large number of people on the waiting list (where this unit could be used). Director Fontane concurred as this is a need; Staff provided the suggested options.

Commissioner Berkun asked if City Council wants this to be an affordable unit or whatever the HC decides. Councilwoman Holleman advised City Council wishes this to be an affordable unit.

Chairman Ross reminded there is a need for services for seniors we already house. He stated he would not like the benefits of CPAH’s presence to fade.

Director Fontane reminded this unit was supposed to be a temporary office.

Commissioner Tapia stated the unit could be filled as soon as there is a wait list. Commissioner Bernstein concurred. Director Fontane said this is in keeping with the mission....or options could include IDHA, CPAH, or HUD.

Councilwoman Holleman asked if people could use a voucher. Discussion took place on a wait- list candidate fitting the parameters. Chairman Ross reminded these are tenant-based vouchers (money in your pocket); the government is paying. Mr. Anthony stated the individuals with vouchers are typically not on the wait list (as they only have three months to use the voucher). Councilwoman Holleman suggested the word could be put out to seek those with vouchers.

Chairman Ross asked that Evergreen be notified, and CPAH could vacate the unit. He stressed there is a tremendous benefit to CPAH having a space/presence in Highland Park. Councilwoman Holleman asked if there are office spaces in the Highland Park Community Center for CPAH to utilize. Director Fontane will follow up. He noted Mr. Anthony offered other options too.


• Approval of a Grant Request from CPAH Related to Scattered-Site Affordable Housing Program Chairman Ross asked Mr. Anthony to present a proposal.

Mr. Anthony noted Staff advised there is a budget for two more units in 2020 and another, one rental and two ownership units, in 2021. He explained these grants/homes.

Mr. Anthony reminded everyone and explained CPAH’s new organization structure (including Affordable Housing Corp – the in-house construction arm). He noted the dollars the HC contributes is only 1/3 of what makes a unit affordable. Various ways to buy properties with Federal dollars were identified. This arm allows for the purchasing of some units; access to properties while keeping rehab costs down.

Mr. Anthony raised the issue of the strategy to select properties; locating the worst properties and improving the housing stock in Highland Park; an intentional strategy. He noted this strategy takes longer to buy a unit. Director Fontane said CPAH is leveraging this (costs associated with rehabbing). He expounded (on teardowns and rebuilds, etc.). Mr. Anthony stated these homes would always be in the affordable housing inventory. There is value in CPAH doing the full rehab (as there would be no issues).

Director Fontane asked for any feedback:

o Commissioner Berkun stated this strategy is prudent and working

o Commissioner Tapia is supportive as well

o Commissioner Bernstein is in favor of this strategy

o Commissioner Paushter likes this direction

o Chairman Ross stated this strategy makes a lot of sense on multiple levels and asks that CPAH be opportunistic as well

Mr. Anthony advised they are requesting two homes at $67,500 per unit (from the HTF) for ownership.

Councilwoman Holleman asked if these are single-family or townhouses. Mr. Anthony stated either/both. Chairman Ross shared he would avoid a condo.

Councilwoman Holleman asked Director Fontane if there is money to give away (based on budget revisions). Director Fontane advised the HTF is an exception, in good stead, and could cover this grant request.

Commissioner Berkun clarified these monies cannot be used for anything else. Director Fontane concurred.

Commissioner Berkun moved to approve the grant request for $135,000 for two additional affordable units. Commissioner Tapia seconded the motion. Director Fontane reminded this is for Staff to draft an agreement.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Berkun, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.

• FY2021 Proposed Budget & Commission Work Plan

Director Fontane provided a presentation:

o 2021 proposed HC Work Plan & HTF Budget

§ Components of HC Budget

• Professional Services

• Membership Dues

• Books & Supplies

• Program Activities

• Business Expense

§ Proposed FY Budget & Work Plan

• Operating Expense Requests

o FY2021 Total Request = $7,275

o FY2020 Budget = $9,190

o FY2020 Estimated Actual Expenditures = $6,950

• Oversee Property Management

• Oversee Management Companies

• Review & Provide Recommendations

• Administer Affordable HTF & Grant-Making Program

• Complete 5-Year Strategic Plan

Commissioner Paushter moved to accept this FY2021 Proposed Budget & Work Plan.

Commissioner Berkun seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Berkun, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.


• Letter from John Kennedy, ERES – Re: HUD Notice H20--8

Chairman Ross stated it appears we may not qualify (due to Covid-related matters). He noted Evergreen is working on this.

• Covid-Related Programs

Mr. Anthony stated he was asked by Senior Planner Later to identify some Covid-related programs; discussion took place:

o Housing Relief Program – CPAH is administering

o Programs – IL Housing Development Authority

o Mortgage Assistance – through IDHA

• Miscellaneous

Commissioner Bernstein asked about the Glenkirk townhouse on Green Bay Road. Director

Fontane stated the City has full control at this time.

Commissioner Berkun inquired about the Property Condition Report at Walnut Place. Commissioner Tapia referred to Page 39 of the packet. Director Fontane expounded.

Commissioner Berkun stated the inoperable sliding glass is a hazard.

Director Fontane advised a budget is being established for the HTF, as it relates to grant applications. He noted CPAH is seeking an $85,000 operating grant in 2021. Mr. Anthony will provide updates. Scattered-site grant would be $473,000. He clarified the timeline. Chairman Ross reminded this would be quarterly. Mr. Anthony concurred and asked when the 2021 grant should be submitted. Director Fontane responded in December, though it is the HC’s rules. Chairman Ross proposed CPAH request a budget that is then approved by City Council. He asked that CPAH present the 2021 request in December, 2020. Mr. Anthony concluded he would submit 2020’s request in October and 2021’s request in December, 2020. Director Fontane added, per Senior Planner Later, there would be four distributions annually.


Commissioner Bernstein moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. Commissioner Tapia seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Berkun, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.

