
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Niles Planning and Zoning Board Will Meet September 14

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Village of Niles Planning and Zoning Board will meet on Monday, Sept. 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

This Electronic Meeting is open to the public and the public may submit public comment in advance. Public comments will be accepted by email and phone call beforehand. Members of the public who would like to make a comment during the hearing via Zoom may sign up using the online form at www.vniles.com/september14speak. Public comments received by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting will be read at the beginning of the meeting. Any comments received during the meeting will be held until the end of the meeting Public Comments should be emailed to nbb@vniles.com and contain: name; address (optional); city; phone (optional); and the agenda item you would like to comment on. Members of the public with no access to email may leave a message at 847-588-8077.





August 10, 2020



1. 20-ZP-10, 8100 Oakton St

A request for approval of a Variation from Niles Zoning Ordinance Section 10.4 (Table 10-2) to allow for a reduction in the required number of parking spaces from 16 to 0.


1. 20-ZP-03, 8307 Golf Rd

A request for a Special Use Permit to allow a ‘Massage Services Establishment’ at My Salon Suite, 8307 W Golf Rd, Niles, IL 60714 as required by Section 8.2(A) of the Zoning Ordinance.

2. 20-ZP-14, 8565 Dempster St

A request for a Special Use Permit to allow an Electronic Message Center at Global Clinic, 8565 W Dempster St as required by Section 78-92(3)(H)(b) of the Village Ordinance.

3. 20-ZP-16, 8360 Oconto Ave

A request for approval of two Variations from Niles Zoning Ordinance Section 4.3(A) to allow a corner side yard setback of 14.67’ where 19.85’ is required, and a height of 32.5’ where a maximum height of 32’ is permitted, as well as a Variation from Niles Zoning Ordinance Section 9.4 to allow a porch that encroaches 11.58’ into the corner side yard setback where a maximum encroachment of 3.97’ is permitted.

4. 20-ZP-18, 7510 Lawler Ave

A request for approval of a Variation from Niles Zoning Ordinance Section 4.3(A) to allow a front yard setback (south) of 18.65’ where 25’ is required, and a Variation from Section 9.4 to allow a porch that encroaches 9.35’ into the required setback where a maximum encroachment of 5’ is permitted.


