
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of North Chicago Public Safety Committee Met August 17

Webp meeting41

City of North Chicago Public Safety Committee met Aug. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Alderman Mayfield called the meeting to order.


Present: Mayfield, Evans, Allen, Markham, Runnels, January Absent: Fisher


Police Chief, Lazaro Perez expressed had some concerns with existing ordinance.

Alderman January stated no copy of the ordinance was provided; Attorney Simon cited City Code;

10-11-3; Immobilization.

Alderman Markham requested additional information. There remained parking overnight concerns during patrol. He questioned if patrol was ticketing; asked from the Comptroller’s Office a report of collections and lastly clarified parking wasn’t enforced.

Chief Perez explained that patrol was ticketing, provided not occupied. He would update the Boot Ordinance within several months.

Alderman Allen questioned if ticketing was effective and if tickets were being paid.

Attorney Simon agreed with Chief Perez; rewriting the ordinance would assist with booting. He explained the D License suspension. He clarified the boot ordinance was clumsy and only at times effective.

The Mayor stated it was ensured.

Alderman Markham audibly participated. He questioned the collection agency possibility. Alderman January expressed appreciation for providing the city code. She indicated it was outdated.


Fire Chief, Dell Urban provided the Standard Operating Procedures for emergency notifications. There were just under 6,000 subscribers.

Alderman Mayfield questioned clarification if the robocalls were originally for Ward meetings.

Alderman January agreed to have procedure documented to be utilized effectively for robocall use; need to have another/other voices for blackboard connect so calls were not perceived as electioneering/campaigning.

Alderman Evans clarified that the Mayor currently was the only elected official utilizing it. It was only for informational purposes mainly needed with enforcement issues.

Alderman Markham emphasized that his understanding that it was for disseminating information for emergencies; Community Days notification was not an emergency. Alderman Evans disagreed and elaborated further.

Alderman Mayfield stated she would reach out to the Fire Chief for some type of policy. The fireworks was uplifting to the community during pandemic and crisis.

Alderman Runnels moved, seconded by Alderman Allen that Public Safety Committee Meeting stand adjourned.


Ayes: Mayfield, Evans, Allen, Markham, Runnels, January

Nays: None

Absent: Fisher

The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
