
Lake County Gazette

Monday, December 23, 2024

City of Highland Park Police Pension Board Will Meet October 20


City of Highland Park Police Pension Board will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

In accordance with the statutes of the State of Illinois and the ordinances of the City of Highland Park, the next regular meeting of the Police Pension Board of the City of Highland Park is at 6:30 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will take place virtually via the internet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83540455112?pwd=V2R5Ulh6MUY1WVJ3TXpyY2syWS9F dz09 Passcode: 728699 or by telephone: +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 835 4045 5112 Passcode: 728699, during which it is anticipated that there will be a discussion of the following:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Review and Approval of July 21st, 2020 Meeting Minutes

IV. Public Comments

V. Treasurer’s Report

1. Discuss Pension Fund Amount

2. Review Current Investments

3. Approval of Investments / Trades

VI. Communications

1. Request for Benefits

Michael Flaig who retired on August 10, 2020 (last day of work) as a Tier 1 pensioner with annual salary of $96,895.56.

2. Request for Refunds/ Portability

3. Request for Admission to the Fund

Cody Stinnet who was sworn in on October 5th, 2020 as a Tier 2 employee.

Richard Moritz who was sworn in on October 5th 2020 as a Tier 1 employee.

VII. Payment of Bills

Lauterbach & Amen for professional services rendered for June 2020 - $1375.00.

Lauterbach & Amen for professional services rendered for July 2020 - $1375.00.

Lauterbach & Amen for professional services rendered for August 2020 - $1,375.00.

Collins & Raja for quarterly retainer for the 4th quarter of 2020 – $1,250.00.

Linda Greco for recording secretary duties for the 4th quarter of 2020 - $225.00.

Barrington Orthopedic Specialists for annual disability exam of Rodney Carbajal - $1,465.00.

Barrington Orthopedic Specialists for annual disability exam of Philip DeLaurentis - $1,465.00.

Illinois Public Pension Advisory Committee (IPPAC) annual membership -$500.00.

Continuing education for John Karecki, Eric Breitenbach, and Scott Fishman zoom conference at Judson University through IPPAC - $300.00.

VIII. Old Business

Rodney Carbajal’s annual disability exam was scheduled for October 12, 2020. The results were not yet provided.

Philip DeLaurentis’s annual disability exam was scheduled for October

19, 2019. The results were not yet provided.

IX. New Business

Pension Plan Administration Services Presentation - Lauterbach & Amen

Pension Plan Administration Services Presentation – Foster & Foster

Approval of Municipal Compliance Report for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.

Lauterbach & Amen Engagement Letter Renewal.

Resolution of 2021 pension board meeting dates.

A check in the amount of $79.88 was received from Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in reference to Franklin Templeton Foreign Fund Litigation.

X. Executive Session

XI. Adjournment
