
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Highland Park Committee of the Whole Will Meet October 26


City of Highland Park Committee of the Whole will meet on Monday, Oct. 26.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

As the City of Highland Park continues to follow social distancing requirements and Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order, the Special City Council meeting will be held virtually beginning at 5:30 PM. In addition, at least one representative from the City will be present at City Hall in compliance with 7(e) of the Open Meetings Act and the virtual meeting will be simulcast at City Hall for members of the public who do not wish to view the virtual meeting from another location. Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order, no more than 50 people may gather at City Hall for the meeting. Accordingly, the opportunity to view the virtual meeting at City Hall is available on a “first come, first-served” basis. The meeting will also be live-streamed at www.cityhpil.com and played on HPTV Comcast cable, Channel 10. The Committee of the Whole will take place immediately after the Special City Council meeting.

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:


Or join by phone: +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 881 9225 7802

Individuals with questions or feedback about an agenda item can address the Council in the following ways:

1. Email the City at cityhp@cityhpil.com. If you wish to have your comments read into the record, limit your communication to 200 words or less. Public comments received by 4:30 PM the day of the meeting will be read under Business from the Public. Any comments received during the meeting will be held until the end of the meeting. Public comments should contain the following information:

 In the subject line, identify, “City Council Meeting”

 Name

 Address (optional)

 City

 Phone (optional)

 Organization, agency representing, if applicable.

 Topic or agenda item number of interest

2. If individuals who do not wish to have their comments read into the record can email the City an unlimited number of words. Emails will be forwarded to the City Council if requested.

3. Individuals with no access to email may leave a message with the City Manager’s Office at 847.926.1000.

4. Individuals are able to address the Council during the meeting. Please use the raise hand feature, under Business from the Public.

All emails received will be acknowledged.

The City of Highland Park remains united in ensuring the safety and health of our community and our employees. To protect the public and our staff, administrative services by the City remain closed during business hours, although on-line service is available. For a list of services and how to obtain information during this time, please visit www.cityhpil.com/covid-19. The City encourages individuals to sign-up for its enews for important information from the City and its government partners including State and Federal authorities. The City updates its web site daily and also posts on social media daily. To sign-up for the enews, visit www.cityhpil.com.

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes

1. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Committee of the Whole Held on October 13, 2020

III. Scheduled Business

1. The Art Center - Highland Park Rent Assistance

2. COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program

3. Electrical Aggregation Opportunity

IV. Closed Session

V. Adjournment
