
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Park Housing Commission Met October 2

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City of Highland Park Housing Commission met Oct. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


At 6:31 p.m., Vice Chair Berkun called a meeting via remote access of the Highland Park Housing Commission, Peers Housing Association, Ravinia Housing Association, Walnut Housing Association, and the Sunset Woods Association to order. Each of the Commissioners also serves as Directors of each of the Housing Associations. Vice Chair Berkun read an introduction for remote meeting procedures. He asked Staff to call the roll.


Commissioners Remotely: Vice Chair Berkun; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Bernstein, Paushter, & Tapia

Commissioner Absent: Chairman Ross

Councilwoman Remotely: Holleman

Student Rep Absent: Hozmann

Staff declared that a quorum was present.

Guests Present Remotely: Rob Anthony/CPAH

Richard Koenig/HODC

Harold Eich, Mary Mauney, Zalina Jones/ERES

Staff On-Site: Later

Staff Remotely: Burhop


There was no Business from the Public


Remote Access Meeting of the Housing Commission – September 2, 2020

Commissioner Tapia moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of September 2, 2020. Commissioner Adler seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Vice Chair Berkun; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Bernstein, Paushter, & Tapia

Vice Chair Berkun declared the motion passed unanimously.


1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

• Payment of Invoices

• Ratification of Payments

Senior Planner Later advised nothing is outstanding.

2. Peers, Walnut, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Associations

• Consideration of Management Reports for Peers, Walnut, and Ravinia

o Walnut

Senior Planner Later stated the elevators at Walnut need updating and may need modernization similar to Peers, She said the owners have approved ERES to perform an assessment of the condition of the elevators. She mentioned the elevators is a life-safety issue. As the HC is the Operating Agent for Walnut Place, she said she would bring the assessment when completed to the HC for an action recommendation to the owners.

Commissioner Tapia asked if the elevators at Walnut are functioning. Mr. Eich advised they are.

Councilwoman Holleman asked about the timeline of the property/ownership. Senior Planner Later advised the ground lease between the City and the owners is expiring in April 2021. She added that the Operating Agreement between the owners and the HC will expire in August, 2021.

Vice Chair Berkun asked that the elevator and ground lease be added to Old Business on the November HC meeting agenda.

Commissioner Adler asked, regarding Covid, what is being done to limit the number of residents in the elevator. Mr. Eich stated signs are posted asking residents to limit occupancy to 2-3 per persons per elevator.

• Housing Trust Fund Financials

Senior Planner Later referenced Pages 39-40. She noted the contractual services and obligations.

The difference is $67,500, which is the draw CPAH is requesting for a property.

• Sunset Woods’ Financials

Senior Planner Later referenced Page 41. She advised there is nothing to note or report.

• Other Association Business

Nothing to report.


• Approval of a Resolution Approving A Scattered Site Grant Agreement with Community Partners for Affordable Housing

Vice Chair Berkun stated he would abstain from voting as he has a family member on the CPAH waiting list and did not want the appearance of any impropriety. He said this was vetted with Corporate Counsel.

Senior Planner Later advised this is for two more homes. She noted the Restrictive Covenant is included as an attachment to the grant agreement and ensures the property is used for affordable housing.

Commissioner Adler moved to approve Resolution No. 02-2020 for a Scattered Site Grant Agreement with Community Partners for Affordable Housing. Commissioner Abreu seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Abstain: Vice Chair Berkun

The motion passed unanimously.


• Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Disbursement from the Housing Trust Fund of a Payment to Community Partners for Affordable Housing Expenses for Scattered Site Affordable Housing - 509 Hill Avenue

Senior Planner Later said the initial application noted the home was purchased for $340,000 but it will actually be purchased for $320,000. This does not impact the grant request and is merely brought up for informational purposes. Mr. Anthony discussed the grant application; items were upgraded in the amount of $80,000 for rehab. He noted the purchase contract was amended to $320,000.

Senior Planner Later stated this was from the 2019 approved grant.

Commissioner Abreu moved to approve the Resolution No. 03-2020 Authorizing Disbursement from the Housing Trust Fund of a Payment to Community Partners for Affordable Housing Expenses for Scattered Site Affordable Housing - 509 Hill Avenue – in the amount of $67,500. Commissioner Bernstein seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Abstain: Vice Chair Berkun.

The motion passed unanimously.

• Approval of a Resolution Approving an Operating Grant to Community Partners for Affordable Housing

Senior Planner Later advised this was approved in last year’s budget. The timeline was discussed to occur in October this year and would be the last time the operating grant will be requested at the end of the year. Next year it will be requested earlier in the year and there will be quarterly reports and disbursements.

Commissioner Bernstein moved to approve the Resolution No. 04-2020 Approving an Operating Grant to Community Partners for Affordable Housing. Commissioner Adler seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Abstain: Vice Chair Berkun

The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Anthony introduced Mr. Chase Morris, the new VP of Real Estate Development for CPAH. He will be working more on the development side eg.,rentals, tax credits, etc. Mr. Morris advised he is a native Chicagoan who has worked in the non-profit sector. He stated he looks forward to working with the HC and in Lake County. Vice Chair Berkun welcomed Mr. Morris on behalf of the HC.

• Review and Approval of 2021 Proposed Operating and Capital Budget for Sunset Woods’ 14 Rental Units – Housing Opportunity Development Corporation

Senior Planner Later noted the summary and detailed budget are included. Mr. Koenig noted nothing changes much from year to year.

Commissioner Abreu moved to approve the 2021 Proposed Operating and Capital Budget for Sunset Woods’ 14 Rental Units – Housing Opportunity Development Corporation. Commissioner Tapia seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Vice Chair Berkun; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

Vice Chair Berkun declared the motion passed unanimously.

• Review and Approval of 2021 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets for Frank B. Peers, Walnut Place, and Ravinia Housing properties - Evergreen Real Estate Services

Senior Planner Later announced that Evergreen staff is present to answer questions regarding the budgets. Commissioner Abreu asked if there are any changes. Mr. Eich stated it is very similar to last year with some staffing changes.

Ms. Mauney advised that the Peers Unit 111 would be rented as a market-rate unit and that is shown in the budget for Peers.

Senior Planner Later noted hand sanitizers and supplies will be permanent not only throughout the Covid pandemic but going forward.

• Commissioner Tapia moved to approve the 2021 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets for Frank B. Peers, Walnut Place, and Ravinia Housing properties - Evergreen Real Estate Services.

Commissioner Pauschter seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Vice Chair Berkun; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

The motion passed unanimously.

• Standard Operating Procedures - Positive COVID Test of Property Management Staff

Senior Planner Later advised the memo is a proactive communication regarding CDC guidelines so that the HC is aware of protocols if such a situation arises. Various links are included to provide more details. She noted the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) would be updated as more information is known regarding the virus and the CDC updates their guidelines. Residents are not required to tell management but are encouraged for the benefit and safety of staff and other residents. Included are protocols for ERES and guidelines for Lake County, CDC and Illinois Department of Public Health. Ms. Later said ERES also reviewed the SOP so that we would all be working from the same information and she thanked ERES for their input. Vice Chair Berkun thanked everyone for their excellent work. Commissioner Abreu concurred. Mr. Eich thanked Senior Planner Later and Director Fontane for their support and assistance.

• Approval of a Resolution Setting the Schedule of Regular Meetings of the Housing Commission of the City of Highland Park – Yr. 2021

Senior Planner Later advised there are no conflicts with any dates.

Commissioner Paushter moved to approve the Resolution Setting the Schedule of Regular Meetings of the Housing Commission of the City of Highland Park – Yr. 2021. Commissioner Bernstein seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Vice Chair Berkun; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

The motion passed unanimously.


• Response to Questions from September 20th HC Meeting

Vice Chair Berkun asked, if on weekly Covid Reports, if it could be noted in the body of the email that everything is normal. The HC did not want to open up a separate document. Senior Planner Later said it’s flexible as to how this information is disseminated and the report was created a service to the HC. Vice Chair Berkun and Commissioner Adler asked that Senior Planner Later note any exceptions in the email.


Commissioner Adler moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 p.m. Commissioner Abreu seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Adler, Berkun, Bernstein, Paushter & Tapia

Voting Nay: None

The motion passed unanimously.
