
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125 Board of Education Met October 19

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Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125 Board of Education Met Oct. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

ROLL CALL President Frost called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. On roll call, Mr.Frost, Mr. Weisberg, Mrs. Agrawal, Mr. Gorson, Mrs. Moons, Mrs.Neault and Mrs. Shang answered. Also, in attendance wereSuperintendent Twadell, Mr. Carney, Mr. Gobble, Recording SecretaryAdamczyk and 35 guests.

VISITORS’STATEMENTS The following persons respectively commented on the District’s RemoteLearning + Model:

Barb Tolbert, Anna Trunova, Chris George, Christina George, JaySwidler, Andrei Neuhaus, Sandra Simon, Tracey Hashemi, AmandaEliot, Robin Schoolman and Maria Neuhaus.

INFORMATIONAL REPORT Superintendent Twadell and Principal Gobble provided an update for theRemote Learning + Model and initial planning for second semester.

Mr. Weisberg moved, seconded by Mrs. Neault that the Board ofEducation adopt the policy updates contained in PRESS Plus Issue 103, as presented. By voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.

GRADUATE PROGRAM APPROVALS The Board of Education was presented with graduate program approvals as of October 2020.

APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NETRIX FOR IRC Mr. Weisberg moved, seconded by Mr. Gorson that the Board ofEducation Netrix to perform recommended changes and enhancements to the Interactive Report Card at a cost not to exceed $90,200.00. Onroll call, Mr. Weisberg, Mr. Gorson, Mrs. Moons, Mrs. Neault, Mrs.Shang, Mr. Frost and Mrs. Agrawal voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.

AUTHORIZATION FOR WIGHT TO MOVE TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS PHASE FOR SUMMER 2021 Mrs. Moons moved, seconded by Mr. Weisberg that the Board ofEducation approve Wight and Co. to develop construction drawings forSummer 2021 renovations at a cost not to exceed $140,600.00. On rollcall Mrs. Moons, Mr. Weisberg, Mrs. Agrawal, Mr. Gorson, Mrs. Neault,Mrs. Shang and Mr. Frost voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.

AUTHORIZATION FOR GILBANE TO CONDUCT IDS FOR SUMMER2021 RENOVATION PROJECTS Mrs. Moons moved, seconded by Mr. Weisberg that the Board ofEducation authorize Gilbane to conduct a bid for the Summer 2021Renovation Projects. On roll call, Mrs. Moons, Mr. Weisberg, Mrs.Agrawal, Mr. Gorson, Mrs. Neault, Mrs. Shang and Mr. Frost voted aye.The motion carried unanimously.

AWARD OF CARPET INSTALLATION BID Mrs. Neault moved, seconded by Mr. Weisberg that the Board ofEducation award the installation of Carpet associated with the Summer2021 renovation work to Libertyville Tile and Carpet at a cost not toexceed $162,550.00 and the purchase of carpet from Tarkett at a costnot to exceed $104,926.62. On roll call, Mrs. Neault, Mr. Weisberg, Mrs. Agrawal, Mr. Gorson, Mrs. Moons, Mrs. Shang and Mr. Frost voted aye.The motion carried unanimously.

AWARD OF THIRD BID PACKAGE ASSOCIATED W/EAST BUILDING ADDITION –PHASE 2 Mrs. Moons moved, seconded by Mr. Weisberg that the Board ofEducation award the contracts for the East Building Addition - Phase 2(Bid Package 3) as presented above at a cost not to exceed$4,938.003.00. On roll call, Mrs. Moons, Mr. Weisberg, Mrs. Agrawal,Mr. Gorson, Mrs. Neault, Mrs. Shang and Mr. Frost voted aye. Themotion carried unanimously.

AUTHORIZATION FOR EXTERIOR ENVELOPE SERVICES CONTRACT RELATED TO EBA2 Mr. Weisberg moved, seconded by Mrs. Shang that the Board ofEducation authorize Sean Carney to award a contract, not to exceed$109,300.00 to the Exterior Envelope Consulting firm recommended byWight, Gilbane and reviewed by Robbins Schwartz. On roll call, Mr.Weisberg, Mrs. Shang, Mr. Frost, Mrs. Agrawal, Mr. Gorson, Mrs.Moons and Mrs. Neault voted aye. The motion carried unanimously

ACCEPTANCE & FILING OF AUDIT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020 (FIRST READING) The Board of Education was presented with a first reading on the audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. There were no material misstatements; no deficiencies in internal controls and followed requirements that could have an effect on major Federal Programs. TheBoard of Education will take final action at its next regular board meeting.

APPROVAL OF ANNUAL APPLE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE (FIRST READING)The Board of Education was presented with a first reading on the technology needs from Apple. we are looking to purchase 30 imacs, 30 mac book pros,175 mac book airs, 32 - 16” mac book pros, 1300 ipads, 1300 cases for the ipads, and apple care+ for all equipment. The Board of Education will take final action at its next regular board meeting

AUTHORIZATION OF CERTIFICATE FOR THE2020 TAX LEVY (FIRST READING) The Board of Education was presented with a first reading on the 2020Tax Levy. The 2020 Tax Levy is for taxes collected in June andSeptember 2021 and used to finance operations for the 2021-22 school year. The Board of Education will take final action at its next regular board meeting.

FOIA REQUESTS The Board of Education was presented with two requests under theFreedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the status of the District’s response.

CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Mrs. Neault moved, seconded by Mrs. Agrawal that the Board ofEducation approve the Consent Agenda Items, as presented. On rollcall, Mrs. Neault, Mrs. Agrawal, Mr. Gorson, Mrs. Moons, Mrs. Shang,Mr. Frost and Mr. Weisberg voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.

1) Approve the regular meeting minutes of September 21, 2020.

2) Approve the appointment of the individuals as noted in theAgenda Booklet of October 19, 2020, for: Rose Wimer, Athletics, as presented.

3) Approve the change of leaves of absence as noted in theAgenda Booklet of October 19, 2020, for: Ellyn Ross, Student Learning Programs, as presented.

4) Approve the leaves of absence as noted in the AgendaBooklet of October 19, 2020, for: Jamie Rieman, AppliedArts, as presented.

5) Approve the appointment of the long-term substitutes as noted in the Agenda Booklet of October 19, 2020, for: MaryCzaplewski, Special Education; Ryan Hutchins, SpecialEducation; Lauren Rinchiuso, Special Education; Maureen Rubenstein, Special Education; and Sarah Stolzenberg, Special Education, as presented.

6) Approval of Bills (including travel-related expenses of members of the Board of Education, and of employees)

7) Approval of Financial Statement.

ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Neault moved, seconded by Mr. Weisberg that the meeting be adjourned. By voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. (9:50 p.m.)