
Lake County Gazette

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

What political committees received the most money during November 2020?


Here are the 50 political committees that received the most money from contributions during November, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections. While Congress created the Federal Election Commission to oversee federal elections in 1974, each state is left to regulate its local elections.

Top committees ranked by total contributions (November)
RankCommitteeAmountMedian contribution amount
1LiUNA Chicago Laborers District Council$442,849$221,425
2Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC$410,817$410,817
3Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE$383,681$357
4Vote Yes for Fair Tax$346,369$520
5Friends of Don Harmon for State Senate$154,625$1,000
6Illinois Pipe Trades PEF$144,873$1,182
7Citizens for John Cullerton for State Senate$127,419$127,419
8Friends of Michael J Madigan$121,160$2,750
9Citizens for Durkin$111,968$2,250
10Brady for Senate Inc$111,500$4,250
11REALTORS® Political Action Committee$108,197$160
12Community For Dee$102,138$1,750
13Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee$102,035$3,146
14Overstreet 2020$97,834$1,199
15Brad Stephens for State Representative$87,511$500
16Friends of Ram$86,351$500
17Supporters of Jack D Franks$67,562$250
18Personal PAC Inc$66,971$300
19Citizens for Tom Morrison$66,301$80
20Illinois PAC for Education (IPACE)$63,303$2,724
21Light PAC$60,400$8,300
22Committee to Elect Keith Wheeler$59,578$1,000
23Affordable Assisted Living Coalition PAC$51,000$5,000
24Citizens for Antonio Tony Munoz$50,106$1,000
25Elect Corinne Pierog$50,000$50,000
26Friends of George A Cardenas$49,555$1,000
27IBEW Local Union 134 State & Municipal PAC$48,252$48,252
28Teamsters' Volunteers in Politics$46,005$1,251
29Citizens for Michelle Darbro$44,304$1,280
30Biss for Illinois$43,257$300
31Friends of Robert "Bob" Rita$43,000$500
32Political Action Committee of Local 265$40,774$40,774
33Team Demmer$37,651$750
34Citizens for Lightford$36,000$1,000
35Citizens for Ervin$35,750$1,000
36Friends of Diane Pappas$34,938$735
37Committee to Elect Jay C Hoffman$34,304$1,000
38Friends of Joyce Mason$33,786$1,146
39Mary for Illinois$33,763$500
40Citizens For Karina Villa$33,655$1,000
41UFCW Local 881 PAC$32,416$32,416
42American Property Casualty Insurance Assoc. Pol. Acct.$32,080$986
43Friends of Napoleon Harris$32,001$1,000
44Latino Leadership Council$31,900$1,875
46Friends of Janet Yang Rohr$31,336$670
47Illinois Hospital Assn PAC (IHA PAC)$30,337$250
48Illinois Democratic Heartland Committee$30,000$10,000
498th Ward Regular Democratic Org$29,200$500
50Houlihan Campaign Fund$29,175$500