
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Public Participation Survey Now Open


Contributed photo

Contributed photo

Village of Lake Zurich issued the following announcement on Sept. 14

The Village of Lake Zurich wants to know what residents think about the quality of life in the community, their satisfaction with municipal services, where public resources should be directed, and where they think the Village is headed overall. 

Over the past few weeks, 3,000 randomly selected Lake Zurich houses have been invited to participate in a statistically valid survey conducted by the National Research Center at Polco of Boulder, Colorado. 

If you have received a yellow or green postcard invitation for this, please follow the directions to participate.

If you were not selected as a participating household in the random sample, we are making the same survey available to every Lake Zurich home. 

Only your email address and zip code are required to dissuade duplicate responses and identify residents from those not in the Village. 

Your responses are 100% confidential with the National Research Center.

The NCS gathers resident opinions using a statistically valid methodology across a range of community issues.

This is Lake Zurich’s 4th time conducting the NCS, which helps the Village Board to improve service delivery, strengthen communications with community stakeholders and help leaders identify clear priorities for use in strategic planning and budget setting. 

Previous surveys were conducted in 2015, 2017, and 2019.

Can We Trust The NCS Will Be Accurate?

The NCS is scientifically valid and conducted by the National Research Center. 

The 2021 NCS uses a random sampling of 3,000 Lake Zurich households to provide the most accurate picture of the community as a whole, as the survey provides a statistically-valid 95% confidence internal. 

In other words, it uses population parameters that result in conclusions that are correct 95% of the time. 

This approach provides a comprehensive overview of resident opinions across a wide range of topics, beyond the most recent issue du jour. 

 Leaf Collection and Yard Waste

Autumn Leaves

Leaf vacuuming will begin the week of October 18, 2021 and continues through December 10, 2021. 

Residents are asked to rake leaves to the curb by Tuesday or Wednesday morning, for pickup by Prairieland Disposal on your trash/recycling collection day (Tuesday or Wednesday). 

Leaves must be raked to within five feet of the curb and should not be placed in the gutter or street.

Yard Waste

Yard waste is collected weekly beginning April 1 through the second week of December on the same day that refuse and recycling are collected. 

Yard waste must be placed in biodegradable bags (brown paper), or cans (maximum 50 pounds) that are clearly marked as landscape waste (labeled as Yard Waste or a large X). 

Stickers are not required. 

Yard waste in plastic bags will not be collected.  


With schools now in session, more children are in neighborhoods walking or bicycling to school and getting on and off school buses, often unaware of their surroundings. 

The Village of Lake Zurich would like to remind motorists to slow down and pay extra attention when children are present – especially before and after school. 

The following are some safety reminders:

*Do not block the crosswalk when stopped at a red light, stop sign or when waiting to make a turn.

*In a school zone when there are flashing lights, reduce your speed, stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the crosswalk or intersection.

*Always stop for a crossing guard.
*Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians.
*Remain alert as you back out of a driveway or drive through a school zone or bus stop.

*Slow down and watch for people walking in the street, especially if there are no sidewalks.

*Watch for children playing and congregating near bus stops or street corners.

*Yellow flashing lights on a school bus mean slow down as the bus is preparing to stop.

*Red flashing lights and an extended stop arm means stop. All traffic on the roadway, unless the roadway is divided by a raised center median, is required to stop for a school bus. Remain stopped until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop arm is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving.

*The 10 foot area around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them space to safely enter and exit the bus

Lake Zurich Tunnel to Towers 5k on October 3

Upcoming Village Meetings
September 15, 2021
 7:00 pm Planning & Zoning Commission @ Village Hall AGENDA

September 20, 2021
 7:00 pm Village Board of Trustees @ Village Hall

September 21, 2021
 5:00 pm Fire & Police Commission @ Police Department
Village of Lake Zurich | 70 E. Main StreetLake Zurich, IL 60047 Unsubscribe news@lakecountygazette.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by info@lakezurich.org powered by