
Lake County Gazette

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A Message from Mayor Tom Poynton

Water leak reminder

Contributed photo

Contributed photo

Last Week of Holiday Tree Recycling

Village Hall 
70 E. Main St. 
 Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047 
(847) 438 - 5141

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Elected Officials

Village President


Dan Bobrowski

Village Clerk

Village Manager

Ray Keller

A New Year's Message from Mayor Tom Poynton

Lake Zurich Friends and Neighbors,

Like most families I know, the Village of Lake Zurich has spent the past year becoming stronger and nimbler as we have all navigated the pandemic together. 

The Village as a whole has done well making exciting and continuous progress towards our shared goals that we remain focused on; 

  • 1) financial sustainability 
  • 2) local infrastructure investment 
  • 3) economic development 
  • 4) making Main Street livelier than ever.  

By carefully using the limited resources available to Lake Zurich and embracing long-term planning, the Village continues to enjoy a stable financial position with a top-rated AAA bond rating, while also providing excellent municipal services to its residents and businesses. 

This strong position our community finds itself in is primarily due to the Village’s organizational and financial restructuring efforts over the past few years.

Looking back at 2021 it is clear that we did not sit still. 

It has been challenging, but together we have made important strides in encouraging (and succeeding!) at economic development in our Main Street area, invested in our top-notch public safety teams, expanded recycling options for eco-minded residents, and invested heavily in aging local infrastructure in order to get ahead of the curve. A strong and resilient Village infrastructure benefits every single resident and business in Lake Zurich.  

In 2021, the Village conducted our fourth biennial National Community Survey. This is a statistically-valid survey conducted by social scientists and statisticians at the National Research Center. 

I am proud to report that residents continue to rate the quality of life in Lake Zurich highly with 92% giving the Village an excellent or good rating as a place to live. Nearly all Lake Zurich residents (95%) gave positive ratings to the overall feeling of safety in the Village. This is higher than national benchmark comparisons.

Residents also expressed their support for the continued revitalization of the Main Street area with 31% rating the downtown “excellent or good,” up from 10% in 2017. 

When asked about recent economic development efforts, 55% of residents rated our progress as “excellent or good,” up from 42% in 2017.  

We’re still pointing Lake Zurich in the right direction! 

Over the past year, I have been buoyed by our community’s response as the overwhelming majority of residents agree with our efforts, as shown in this year’s survey results. 

As we look forward into 2022, I hope we can all remember we share the same ultimate goal; to simply make Lake Zurich better. We will continue to take positive, proactive steps forward toward our goal. 

We have accomplished a great deal together and there is always more to do in a community with over 6,000 families and 20,000 people.

We should all be proud of the Lake Zurich we are building together. 

Stay Safe,

Tom Poynton

Next week is the last chance to recycling your holiday tree curbside. 

  • Tree curbside pickup is on your regular refuse pickup day.
  • Remove all decorations, lights, garland and stand.
  • Do not bag the tree.

Catch water leaks before they drain your wallet. Lake Zurich's smart water meters alert you of abnormal or accidental water usage. Give yourself peace of mind whether you are at home or away by signing up through our Sensus Analytics Customer Portal.

Sign up through the link below. 

Did you miss a village meeting live stream? No problem, they are recorded and available for on demand viewing at your convenience 24 hours a day.

As part of the Village's efforts to be transparent previous meetings can be found through the link below.

Upcoming Village Meetings

January 11, 2022
 8:00 am Police Pension Board

January 17, 2022
7:00 pm Village Board
This will be a virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams. A link will be provided to the public closer to the meeting. The public may participate via Teams or watch live on Facebook or LZTV. Public comment may also be submitted prior to the meeting by email at info@lakezurich.org. 

January 19, 2022
7:00 pm Planning & Zoning Commission 
Village of Lake Zurich | 70 E. Main StreetLake Zurich, IL 60047