
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Libertyville Board of Trustees met March 8

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Village of Libertyville Board of Trustees met March 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Roll Call

A. Employee Recognitions

B. Oath of Office: Assistant Fire Chief

C. Oath of Office: Fire Lieutenant

D. Oath of Office: Firefighter/Paramedic

2. Items Not on the Agenda | Presentation of items not on the Agenda will be limited to three (3) minutes

3. Omnibus Vote Agenda

A. Summary of Omnibus Vote Agenda Items

B. Approval of Minutes of the February 8, 2022 Village Board Meeting

C. Bills for Approval

D. Consideration of a Resolution to Approve the American Public Works Association ReAccreditation Agreement & Application

E. Consideration of a Resolution to Award a Contract to Red Feather Group for the Adler Arts Center Exterior Repairs

F. Consideration of a Resolution to Approve a Contract Renewal with Tallgrass Restoration, LLC for the Butler Lake, Paradise and Riverside Parks Shoreline Plant Maintenance

G. Consideration of a Resolution to Award a Contract to Pentegra Systems for the Security Camera Purchase and Installation at the Lake Street Parking Garage

H. ARC Report

4. REPORT OF THE PLAN COMMISSION, (PC 21-32), Special Use Permit, (PC 21-33), Planned Development Concept and Final Plan, (PC 21-34), Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision, Libertyville Hyundai, Applicant 1001 S. Milwaukee Avenue

5. Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Sunset Clause on Simplified Telecommunications Tax to expire June 30, 2023

6. Mayor's Update A. Petitions and Communications

7. Village Administrator Update

8. Executive Session

9. Adjournment
