
Lake County Gazette

Monday, November 18, 2024

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Jan. 26

Meeting 06

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Jan. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Gartner called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 8:23 pm at the Antioch Municipal Building located at 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL and via Zoom.


Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Macek*, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak*. Also present were Mayor Gartner, Attorney Vasselli, Administrator Keim and Clerk Romine.

*indicates attendance via Zoom

III. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely

No approval is needed for remote participation pursuant to the Governor’s order.

IV. Mayoral Report

1. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance Amending Section 1-5-10 of the municipal code of Antioch regarding the Deputy Local Liquor Control Commissioner – Mayor Gartner commented on the need for the appointment of a deputy liquor control commissioner. Attorney Vasselli reviewed the existing code that allowed for an assistant local liquor control commissioner and the proposed changes made to the current code.

Trustee Pierce said there is still verbiage referencing the Assistant Liquor Commissioner in the whereas clauses that should be amended to say Deputy Liquor Commissioner. He also asked where in the code it allows the deputy to be appointed by the Mayor. Attorney Vasselli said it’s in state law, but could be included in the ordinance.

Trustee Macek asked that it be a board member, and would prefer it be a senior trustee. Attorney Vasselli commented on the potential conflict in the state statute that does not allow an elected official to hold more than one office. Mayor Gartner commented that it was his initial preference as well. The mayor is designated the local control commissioner by statute which allows him to hold the office.

Trustee Dominiak asked about clause “C” and asked how a hearing is made available to the public. Attorney Vasselli said it would be posted as a public notice, and notice would be provided to the parties. Attorney Vasselli recited the state statute to the trustees that they may not hold dual offices. There was further discussion regarding employees vs. appointees.

Trustee Macek moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen to accept the first reading of Ordinance No. 22-01-04 Amending Section 1-5-10 of the municipal code of Antioch regarding the Deputy Local Liquor Control Commissioner. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



Citizens Wishing to Address the Board

There were no citizens wishing to address the board at this time.


V. Consent Agenda

Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve the following consent agenda items as presented:

1. Approval of the January 12, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented.

2. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing an Increase in Fees for Use of the Antioch Aqua Center and Approving a New Schedule of Fees - Resolution No. 22-08

3. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing an Increase in Fees for Participants in the Camp Crayon Preschool Program and Approving a New Schedule of Fees - Resolution No. 22-09 Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



VI. Regular Business

4. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $287,552.42 – Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Macek, to approve payment of accounts payable in the amount of $287,552.42. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



5. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement with the Lakota Group for Professional Design Services in the amount of $298,320 – Trustee Dominiak moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Resolution No. 22-05 authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement with the Lakota Group for Professional Design Services in the amount of $298,320.

Trustee Macek asked what was done with the initial $60,000. Mr. Clark responded that the $60,000 project was the downtown beautification plan where they engaged the community, reviewed all of the downtown areas, provided concept development, stakeholder interviews and did further engagement on the concepts. He added that part of the process is to design the project to achieve more accurate costs. They will work with the engineers to address all of the technical considerations in order to hire contractors to execute the plan. Trustee Macek asked if another check will be written at a later date to the Lakota Group if this is approved. Mr. Clark responded that this is a process that takes you through bidding the project and construction documents. The only additional cost beyond this is if the Village hires Lakota to do construction observation during the project. He added that this amount gets billed along the way and is not all paid up front.

Trustee Pedersen has seen Lakota out engaging in the community and understands what the village has received for the initial $60,000. She said she appreciates that they came back tonight to provide another road map on what this money will be spent on.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



6. Consideration and approval of a Business Incentive Grant for Command Service Center located at 315 N. Depot Street – Director Garrigan reviewed the request for a business incentive grant. He discussed visibility on Depot Street and the long-term viability of the site.


Trustee Pierce commented on the view of the building from the park. He has seen redevelopment plans come and go through the years and thinks this is a location where there will be high visibility. He encouraged the building owner to put a mural or something on the building that celebrates Antioch.

Trustee Macek questioned the scoring of the project and discussed another project on Lake Street and asked for scoring to come back to the Village Board for discussion. He added that he hopes the board will reconsider Mr. Bellucci if he comes back with his request. Trustee Macek stated “maybe it’s me because I don’t read the New York Times” directed towards Director Garrigan. He commented that it was in response to an attack made on him. Trustee Pierce would like the personal attack on an employee by a Village Trustee added to the record to be discussed later.

Trustee Pedersen would like to see this property improved and supports this request.

Trustee Bluthardt asked for a discussion on scoring as well, and is in support of this project. He added that Mr. Milliken said he was willing to do a mural or ghost sign on the building. Mr. Milliken confirmed that he is willing to do a ghost sign related to heating and air or a lumberyard.

Trustee Burman said the downtown area is being tied into this property and it needs to be kept looking nice. She added that there are trustees that would like clarification on the scoring process.

Trustee Dominiak believes that building and land owners can do what they want to their property, but thinks the village involvement with assistance should be considered carefully. She discussed the recommendation by staff and scoring, and commented that when the scoring criteria were approved, it was so that trustees may have input on any score that comes before the board as recommended by staff. The document previously approved by the board states that staff would make a recommendation of a score and bring it back to the board for a discussion. For this particular petition, she disagreed that the visibility is a 4 and with the amount requested. She does not support this because she doesn’t believe it meets the goal of the grant program.

Trustee Bluthardt moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Resolution No. 22-10 Approving a Business Incentive Grant for Command Service Center for Property Commonly Known as 315 N. Depot Street. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Pierce, Pedersen, Bluthardt and Burman.

NO: 2: Macek & Dominiak.



7. Consideration and approval of an ordinance vacating White Road through the Clublands Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 - Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Ordinance No. 22-01-05 vacating White Road through the Clublands Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3, waiving the second reading. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



8. Consideration and approval of an ordinance amending Title 5 of the Municipal Code of Antioch regarding public health and safety - Trustee Dominiak moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Ordinance No. 22-01-06 amending Title 5 of the Municipal Code of Antioch regarding public health and safety, waiving the second reading.

Trustee Burman agreed with the need to update some units for safety and health, but expressed concern with the inspection of single family homes. She feels that this is an invasion of privacy for those who have not had issues to need to schedule regular inspections. She thinks it needs to be rewritten so if a tenant


reports an issue, or a neighbor complains, an inspection will be required. Director Garrigan responded that if someone objects to any inspection, the Village will have no factual basis to proceed with an inspection and will not force their way into any inspection without court order. Trustee Burman said there is language about a circuit court search warrant. Director Garrigan said it would be subject to due process and go before a judge. Trustee Burman asked if a tenant or landlord deny an inspection, would that be cause to go to the circuit court for a search warrant. Director Garrigan responded that it would be a separate discussion with staff on whether they had the legal prerogative to go to court. Attorney Vasselli commented that the Village bears the burden of proof that we need to enter the property. Trustee Burman said she cannot support this ordinance unless there is an amendment made.

Trustee Pierce commented that he would hope homeowners would be happy to provide potential renters a certificate of compliance, and that the Village would not resort to court action unless absolutely necessary.

Trustee Macek asked if someone makes a complaint to the Lake County Housing Authority, and this ordinance is in place, would they put it back on the Village to take control of the situation. Attorney Vasselli responded no. He commented that health safety is already in place through the Housing Authority and they would investigate.

Trustee Pedersen clarified that Trustee Burmans concern is for single family homes, not apartment buildings. Trustee Pedersen asked if we could put something in the ordinance addressing if a renter or landlord complains about single family homes. Attorney Vasselli commented that increased discretion provides more opportunity for a civil rights violation. The more mechanical, the less likely for a lawsuit.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.




VII. Administrator’s Report

No report.

VIII. Village Clerk’s Report

No report.

IX. Trustee Reports

Trustee Macek discussed a food truck present during wine walk events and discussed the ordinance that does not allow setup within 100 feet of another restaurant. Trustees discussed the proper enforcement mechanism. Attorney Vasselli read from the ordinance regarding fines for each offense. Police could take a complaint and refer to code compliance and take an administrative action against the offender by fining or citing the person or entity. Those present discussed allowed operation of food trucks, and enforcement of violations. This topic will be discussed at a future committee of the whole meeting.

X. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel and Pending Litigation, Lease of Village Property, Collective Bargaining – Property Disposition/Acquisition and Personnel and Consultants - The mayor and board of trustees did not go into executive session.


There being no further discussion, the Village Board of Trustees regular meeting adjourned 9:34 pm.
