
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Lake Forest Zoning Board of Appeals met May 23

City of Lake Forest Zoning Board of Appeals met May 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Introduction of Board members and staff, overview of meeting procedures – Chairman Sieman. 

2. Consideration of the minutes of the April 25, 2022 and May 9, 2022 meetings. 

3. Action: Continued consideration of a request for a recommendation in support of an amendment to the Special Use Permit and Master Plan for Elawa Farm to allow modifications in a portion of the Garden to create a short term gathering space for existing programs offered by the Elawa Farm Foundation. Clarifications and updates are also requested relating to the chicken coop and sound levels for events held entirely within the Hay Barn. The property is addressed as 1401 Middlefork Drive. 

Property Owner: The City of Lake Forest 

Tenant and Representative: Laura Calvert, Executive Director of the Elawa Farm Foundation 

4. Consideration of a request for a recommendation in support of a side yard setback variance for a garage addition at 671 Timber Lane. 

Property Owners: John and Jenna Zilka 

Representative: Scott Streightiff, architect 

5. Consideration of a request for a recommendation in support of a side yard setback variance for a mudroom addition at 151 Ridge Lane. 

Property Owners: Scott and Julie Carter 

Representative: Richard Bories, architect 

6. Consideration of a request for a recommendation in support of a lot-in-depth setback variance for additions at 751 N. Sheridan Road. 

Property Owner: Kathleen Brill 

Representative: Nate Lielasus, architect 

7. Continued consideration of a request for a recommendation in support of front and side yard setback variances for a new open porch and a second story addition at 624 Highview Terrace. 

Property Owners: Jerry O’Brien and Laura Nekola 

Representative: Chris Russo, architect 

Other Items 

8. Opportunity for the public to address the Zoning Board of Appeals on matters not on the agenda. 

9. Additional information from staff.