
Lake County Gazette

Monday, December 23, 2024

City of Highwood City Council met March 21

City of Highwood City Council met March 21

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Pecaro at 7:38 P.M.

1. Roll Call

Present: Aldermen Slavin, Falberg and Hospodarsky

Absent: Aldermen Levi, Fiore and Hospodarsky

Also Present: City Manager Coren, City Attorney Jablecki and Administrative Assistant Litjens

2. Pledge of Allegiance

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Review of Minutes to be Ap proved

3.1. Moved by Alderman Slavin and seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the minutes for City Council: March 07, 2023. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

3.2. Moved by Alderman Peterson and seconded by Alderman Falberg to approve the minutes for Committee of the Whole: March 07, 2023. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

4. Appointments

5. Approval of Warrant List:

5.1. Moved by Alderman Falberg and seconded by Alderman Slavin to approve the 03/21/2023 AP Warrant List for payment. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.

6. Public Input Items Not on Agenda

7. Mayor’s Report

8. Committee Reports

9. Treasurer ’s Report

10. Clerk’s Report


11. Unfinished Business

12. New Business

12.1. Moved by Alderman Falberg and seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve a Motion Authorizing the City Manager to Accept Two Proposals to Complete the Engineering for Sheridan Road, Waukegan Avenue and Prairie Avenue with the Intention of Applying for FAU Funding. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

12.2. Moved by Alderman Falberg and seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve a Motion Authorizing the City Manager to Approve a Change Order to the FYE 2024 Capital Projects in the Amount of $57,200 To Replace Additional Sidewalk and Replace the Fire Hydrant at the Corner of South Central and Oak Ridge. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.

13. Executive Session (If Necessary)

14. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session

15. Adjournment moved by Alderman Slavin and seconded by Alderman Peterson to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 7:41 P.M.
