
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Highland Park Historic Preservation Commission met May 11

City of Highland Park Historic Preservation Commission met May 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


 At 6:34 p.m., Chairperson Levy called the meeting to order. This Commission meeting takes place on-site. Staff was asked to call the roll. 


Commissioners Present: Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Salamasick, Sogin, & Weeder  

Councilmember Present: Blumberg  

Student Council Present: Jacobs 

Student Council Absent: Mendelson  

Staff declared that a quorum was present.  

Guests Present: John Eifler, architect/Eifler & Associates 

Erica Ulin, architect/Wheeler Kearns Architects 

Mark Muller, president/Fulton Developers 

Kyle Fell, project architect/Fulton Developers  

Staff Present: Akash   

Others Present: Gale Cerabona/Minute Taker  


Commissioner Pines moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of April 19, 2023. Commissioner Greenbaum seconded the motion. 

On a roll call vote  

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines 

Voting Nay: None    

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.  


1. 1442 Forest Avenue – Certificate of Appropriateness 

Senior Planner Akash explained the proposal:

• Property location 

• Local landmark (in 1993) 

• Colonial Revival style 

• Built in 1913 

• Architect is Robert Seyfarth  

• Project summary 

• Window modifications/replacements were illustrated 

• Elevations were shown 

• Standards were highlighted 

Chairperson Levy said he has a personal and professional relationship with the architect and owner. 

Petitioner, John Eifler, architect at Eifler & Associates, The Monadnock Building, 53 W. Jackson, Suite 242, Chicago, IL noted the windows were installed with eye hooks. Interior modifications are being done. 

Some HPC comments are: 

• Chairperson Levy asked about infill. Mr. Eifler said it is required when brick is present, per Code. 

• Commissioner Pierce said it will look lovely.  

Commissioner Greenbaum moved to approve the COA. Commissioner Pines seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote  

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines

Voting Nay: None   

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.  

2. 2355 Linden Avenue – Certificate of Appropriateness 

Senior Planner Akash explained the proposal: 

• Property location 

• C – Contributing structure 

• Built in c. 1925 

• Tudor Revival style 

• Project architect is Erica Ulin at Wheeler Kearns Architects 

• Existing garage door (combining 2 single-car garages) 

• Conceptual elevation was shown; brick will be untouched 

• Standards were illustrated 

Chairperson Levy asked, and Ms. Ulin, architect at Wheeler Kearns Architects, 343 S. Dearborn Street, Suite 200, Chicago, IL said there is no window work. She advised the owners are having issues hitting the garage sides when pulling in. They wish to keep the integrity (banding, 8 panels, historic copper lantern).

Some HPC comments are: 

• Commissioner Pierce asked if this will be the same as the one last year. Ms. Ulin said last year a window was swapped out in the bathroom. The middle door on the garage is closed; an insulation wall was added

• Chairperson Levy asked if these garages were original. Ms. Ulin replied the one on the north was original.  

• Commissioner Greenbaum asked if the door on the right is still a garage, and if so, what material. Ms. Ulin said it still is a garage with wood material. 

Commissioner Pierce moved to approve the COA. Commissioner Greenbaum seconded the motion. 

On a roll call vote  

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines 

Voting Nay: None  

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.   

3. 1622 Oakwood Avenue – Determination of Historic Significance 

Senior Planner Akash spoke with Director Fontane and apologized for this petition coming to the HPC after  the fact. She noted this project already started and should have come to the HPC first. Chairperson Levy shared the 3 Walnut properties came to him for Administrative Review. 

Senior Planner Akash relayed all 4 properties are proposed to be demolished. She explained the proposal: 

• Project location 

• NC – Non-Contributing rating in the 2020 Central East survey 

• Built in 1900 

• Vernacular style 

• Architect is unknown 

• Owner history was provided 

• Architectural features were described 

• Home history was shared  

• Elevations were shown 

• Landmark criteria was highlighted 

• Impact of Historic Findings was illustrated 

Chairperson Levy said, while these properties are historic, and it is preferred they remain intact, no landmark criteria applies. 

Commissioner Pierce moved that no landmark criteria is met. Commissioner Greenbaum seconded the motion. 

On a roll call vote  

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines 

Voting Nay: None  

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.  

4. 636 Walnut Street – Determination of Historic Significance 

Senior Planner Akash explained the proposal: 

• Project location 

• C – Contributing structure in the 2020 Central East survey

• Built in 1920 

• Colonial Revival style 

• Architect is unknown 

• Aerial view and elevations were shown 

• Owner history was provided 

• Architectural features were described 

• Home history was shared  

• Landmark criteria was highlighted 

Commissioner Pierce said, by letting these houses go, the character of our neighborhoods is changing. It doesn’t meet any criteria. 

Commissioner Pines moved that this house does not meet any landmark criteria. Commissioner Pierce seconded the motion. 

On a roll call vote  

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines 

Voting Nay: None   

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.   

5. 640 Walnut Street – Determination of Historic Significance 

Senior Planner Akash explained the proposal: 

• Project location  

• C – Contributing structure in the 2020 Central East survey 

• Built in 1900 

• Vernacular style 

• Architect is unknown 

• Aerial view and elevations were shown 

• Owner history was provided 

• Home history was shared  

• Architectural features were described 

• Landmark criteria was highlighted 

Chairperson Levy said he doesn’t find any landmark criteria. 

Commissioner Greenbaum moved that this house does not meet any landmark criteria. Commissioner Pines seconded the motion. 

On a roll call vote  

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines 

Voting Nay: None   

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.   

6. 650 Walnut Street – Determination of Historic Significance 

Senior Planner Akash explained the proposal:

• Project location 

• C – Contributing structure in the 2020 Central East survey 

• Built in 1895; front portico added in 1947 

• Colonial Revival style 

• Architect is unknown 

• Aerial view and elevations were shown 

• Owner history was provided 

• Architectural features were described 

• Home history was shared  

• Landmark criteria was highlighted 

Commissioner Pierce moved that this home does not meet any landmark criteria. Commissioner Greenbaum seconded the motion. 

On a roll call vote  

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines

Voting Nay: None  

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.  

Commissioner Pierce commented, even though she was disappointed this project started, she is glad it was brought forth for review. 

Commissioner Pines asked and Senior Planner Akash said a policy code could take place. Staff will make sure when a development comes in, it should come before the HPC first.  

Chairperson Levy said Fulton Developers has presented before, so it should come before the HPC but didn’t.


1. Historic Preservation Awards 

Senior Planner Akash thanked everyone for their efforts. She said Planner Coleman did a fantastic job. Everything was well received. 

Commissioner Pierce noted there was a sizeable crowd; made for a festive presentation. 

Chairperson Levy identified that new audience members attended. He would like to thank Mr. Benjamin for offering his home as well as Senior Planner Akash and Planner Coleman’s hard work.  

Councilperson Blumberg stated the house is well preserved.  

2. Historic Preservation Awards 

Senior Planner Akash noted the bicycle tour this year is May 28th at 1 p.m. and June 3rd 42 at 11 a.m. 


There was no Business from the Public.  


1. Next Regular HPC Meeting 

The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 8, 2023. 

2. OMA Training Scheduled for June 8, 2023 

Senior Planner Akash noted Corporation Counsel will present. 

Back to…. 


Mr. Muller with Fulton Developers apologized as he thought the meeting began at 7:30 p.m.

Chairperson Levy advised all 4 properties have been approved. 

Mr. Fell thanked everyone. Mr. Muller said they would like to present to the HPC sooner. Chairperson Levy concurred. 

Councilperson Blumberg stated he will speak to the Mayor and City Manager to add something in the Code. He is unsure if it was an administrative error or if it should be a Code revision. Some petitions have come to City Council before they went to the PDC. This developer has been compliant with all aspects of the Code. 

Mr. Muller stated they were surprised the house doesn’t have stone but rather cement.   

Back to…. 


4. Proclamation for Historic Preservation 

Chairperson Levy attended a City Council meeting where he accepted a Proclamation to mark the 40th anniversary of historic property preservation efforts in Highland Park.  


1. Upcoming Survey 

Senior Planner Akash advised Planner Coleman will update everyone on the upcoming survey. 

2. Upcoming Petitions 

Senior Planner Akash noted a case at 54 Laurel will be forthcoming to the HPC. 


Commissioner Pierce moved to adjourn at 7:32 p.m. Commissioner Greenbaum seconded the motion. 

On a roll call vote  

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, & Pines

Voting Nay: None  

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.
