
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met July 20

City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met July 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1) Call to Order

2) Approval of Minutes:

a) 07/6/2023 Zoning Board of Appeals Draft Minutes

3) Business from the Public

4) Old Business

5) New Business:

6) Staff Report

a) #2023-VAR-012

Property: 166 Cedar Avenue

Zoning District: R4

Appellant: Andrew and Courtney Perlmutter

Address: 166 Cedar Avenue, Highland Park, IL 60035

The petitioners, Andrew and Courtney Perlmutter of 166 Cedar Avenue, Highland Park, IL 60035, request by authority of Section 94.407 of the Highland Park Code, as amended, for a Tree Removal Permit for Heritage Trees, to remove one (1) Heritage Tree, a White Oak located approximately towards the center of the Subject Property, in order to construct a pool.

a) #2023-VAR-013

Property: 832 Burton Avenue

Zoning District: R6

Appellant: Andrew Venamore, Mach 1, Inc.

Address: 832 Burton Avenue, Highland Park, Illinois 60035

The petitioner, Andrew Venamore, Mach 1, Inc. of 602 Academy Dr., Northbrook, IL, on behalf of property owner Courtney McBride of 832 Burton Avenue, Highland Park, IL 60035, request by authority of Section 150.1204.A.14., of the Highland Park Zoning Code, variation of provisions of Section 150.707.D.1, to (i) exceed the thirty percent (30 percent) total floor area of all accessory buildings or uses in the required rear yard by 23 percent or 53 percent in total coverage; (ii) encroach on the required three (3) feet from all property lines within the required rear yard by 1.2’ from the West property line and 0.5’ from the South property line to construct a detached garage.

7) Miscellaneous

8) Adjournment
