
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lake County Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee met July 26

Lake County Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee met July 26.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order  

2. Pledge of Allegiance  

3. Roll Call of Members  

4. Addenda to the Agenda  

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda)  

6. Chair's Remarks  

7. Unfinished Business  

8. New Business  



8.1 23-1042  

Committee action approving the Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee minutes from June 28, 2023. 



8.2 23-1056  

Ordinance amending Chapter 151: Unified Development Ordinance of Lake County, Code of Ordinances to adopt the updated Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps and incorporating amendments to the Watershed Development Ordinance. 

∙ At the direction of the Lake County Board, the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) conducted a public hearing on July 10, 2023, to consider proposed text amendments incorporating Watershed Development Ordinance (WDO) amendments including updated FEMA maps. The ZBA unanimously recommended approval of the proposed amendments as reflected in Exhibit A. 

∙ The amendments consist of updated FEMA maps and requirements related to FEMA Coastal High Hazard Areas including other miscellaneous amendments. 

∙ Upon subsequent review, the Planning, Building, Zoning, and Environment Committee recommended approval of the proposed amendments as reflected in Exhibit A. The recommended amendments have been formatted into a document ready for codification as reflected in Exhibit B. The Ordinance will become effective upon County Board adoption of Exhibit B. 

8.3 23-1059  

Committee action on the Final Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) (Case Number 000803-2022) for a contractor’s equipment storage building and future office space. 

∙ Kyle Davis, on behalf of the Chicago Title Land Trust Company, Trustee under Trust Agreement #8002382433, record owner, previously petitioned for a rezoning from the Residential-3 (R-3) to the General Commercial (GC) District and for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a PUD Preliminary Plan for a 5,000 square foot office/storage building, and the associated parking and grading for contractor’s equipment storage building and future office space. The property is a 1.95 acre parcel located at 39660 N Illinois Route 59, Lake Villa, Illinois (PIN 02-30-100-082). 

∙ The petitioners obtained approval of the rezoning and PUD Preliminary Plan from the Lake County Board on July 11, 2023. A Final Development Plan, consistent with the approved Preliminary Plan and associated conditions of approval has been prepared for Committee action. The rezoning and CUP are not effective until the Committee’s approval of the Final Development Plan and its recordation. 

∙ Staff is recommending approval of the PUD Final Development Plan subject to the conditions listed in ZBA Case Number 000803-2022 Exhibit A, attached.  

8.4 23-0010  

Director's Report - Planning, Building and Development. 


8.5 23-1062  

Presentation on energy efficiency practices in Lake County facility operations.

∙ On Sept. 8th, 2020, the Lake County Board approved a resolution committing Lake County government operations to the goal of attaining net zero greenhouse gas emissions from its 2014-2017 baseline. 

∙ Staff have prepared an informational presentation on current practices which reduce energy use in Lake County operations. 

8.6 23-1065 

Update on Committee Workplan. 

9. County Administrator's Report 

10. Executive Session  

11. Members' Remarks  

12. Adjournment  
