
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Law & Judicial Committee met Aug. 1

Lake County Law & Judicial Committee met Aug. 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda)

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.2)


8.1 23-1050

Committee action approving the Law and Judicial minutes from June 27, 2023.


8.2 23-1078

Report from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of June 2023.



8.3 23-1079

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Galls, LLC, Lexington, Kentucky, to procure uniforms, vests, and carriers for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) in the estimated annual amount of $329,352.

• A contract is requested for the purchase of uniforms, vests, and carriers for the LCSO.

• A Request for Proposal (RFP) was developed and extended to three vendors, sealed proposals were received from two vendors.

• Based on the criteria set forth in the RFP, an interdepartmental evaluation committee comprised of Finance Services, and the LCSO selected Galls, LLC, Lexington, Kentucky, as the most qualified and advantageous proposal for Lake County.

• This resolution authorizes a one-year agreement with four additional one-year renewal options that will cost Lake County an estimated annual amount of $329,352.

Lake County - Uniforms, Vests, and Carriers - Agreement #23087 - Galls Executed

8.4 23-1080

Joint resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) for part-time contractual police services by and among the Beach Park School District #3, Lake County, and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) in the amount of $49,367.24.

• Beach Park School District #3, and the LCSO piloted a part-time police/school resource officer program in 2016 to provide police services in the form of a police/school resource officer (SRO) at the Beach Park Middle School.

• The main objectives in having an SRO are to develop a positive relationship between law enforcement and the students, effectively deal with juvenile offenses/issues and to protect students and the school from violations of the law.

• The term of this agreement is for one year, beginning August 1, 2023, and ending July 31, 2024.

• The contract includes one part-time SRO for 16 hours per week while school is in session.

• Beach Park School District #3 will reimburse the cost for the SRO position for the hours worked. The SRO will be assigned other duties while not serving as the SRO. State’s Attorney’s Office, County Administration and Finance have reviewed this contract.

8.5 23-1095

Joint resolution ratifying an agreement with Motorola Solutions, Inc. Chicago, Illinois for the purchase of dispatch consoles and a distributed antenna system in the amount of $4,799,405.73 to support the Regional Operations Communications (ROC) Facility.

• There is a need to purchase 34 AXS Dispatch Consoles and a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) to support the new consolidated dispatch center.

• The Lake County Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) and Facilities and Construction Services coordinated a joint technology and ROC working groups to identify radio system capabilities for the ROC facility.

• The Motorola Core MCore Connectivity to the Star Com 21 network was defined as a requirement for dispatch functions at the ROC facility and Motorola is the sole provider of technology associated with MCore Connectivity.

• Pursuant to Chapter 33.066 Bid Exemption of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, the Purchasing Agent engaged an ad hoc committee to review the request and determined that there is only one source for the required goods, service, or construction item.

• ETSB submitted the request for approval at their recent board meeting on July 11, 2023.

• Funding for this purchase and ongoing maintenance and software subscription is provided by ETSB.


8.6 23-1085

Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) juvenile victim advocate and mental health staff grant, award by the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (CACI) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, including grant funding of $219,591.

• The Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center/ Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office has been awarded $219,591 in grant funds from the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (CACI)

• The grant term is July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

• The Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center will use the funds to fund the salary and fringe benefits for the continuation of the Juvenile Victim Advocate, as well as a LCCAC/LCHD Senior Therapist and contract additional mental health facilitation.

• Funding for these positions and grant exist in the Lake County State’s Attorney’s approved FY 2023 budget.

• If funding for these positions ends, and new funding is not secured, the positions will be eliminated.

8.7 23-1086

Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center’s program expansion funding, awarded by the Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) through the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024, including grant funding of $571,799, with an emergency appropriation of $483,122.

• The Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center has been awarded $571,799 in grant funds from DCFS.

• The grant term is July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

• The Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center/ Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office will use the funds to provide salary and benefits for two Victims’ Advocates, an Education and Prevention Specialist, Program Director, Administrative Assistant, and contractual work for a Communication and Marketing Specialist, and Forensic Interviewers assigned to the grant program.

• This funding will require an emergency appropriation in the amount of $483,122 in the Lake County State’s Attorney’s/Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center approved Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget for the additional positions and $88,677 for the Victim Advocate which has been approved for the FY 2023 Budget making the grant total 571,799.

• If funding for these positions ends, and new funding is not secured, the positions will be eliminated.

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

11. Members' Remarks

12. Adjournment
