
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Sep. 27

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Sep. 27

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Village Board of Trustees - REGULAR MEETING 

I. Call to Order 

II. Pledge of Allegiance 

III. Roll Call 

IV. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely 

V. Mayoral Report 

1. Hispanic Heritage Month

Citizens Wishing to address the Board (The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda 

VI. Consent Agenda 

1. Approval of the September 13, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented.

2. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the partial closure of Toft Street on Saturday, November 11 for a Veteran’s Day Ceremony – Resolution No. 23-60 

3. Approval of a Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code – Resolution No. 23-61 

4. Approval of a Resolution granting authority to submit the Local Limits Evaluation to the USEPA – Resolution No. 23-62 

VII. Regular Business 

5. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $820,207.64

6. Consideration and approval of a Resolution granting a request to dedicate a park bench to the Lion’s Club from the Antioch Garden Club – Resolution No. 23-63 

7. Consideration and approval of an ordinance adding one more Class “B” and Class “C” Tobacco License for R&D#12 Inc to be located at 320 E IL Route 173 – Ordinance No. 23-09-25 

8. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance deleting and adding one Class “C” Retail Package sales liquor license and one Class “A” and Class “C” tobacco license for KP Antioch Inc d/b/a Antioch Food and Liquor to be located at 354 North Avenue to reflect a change in corporate ownership – Ordinance No. 23-09-26 

9. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance amending Section 4-2B-10 of the Antioch Village Code regarding classifications of liquor licenses within the Village of Antioch, Illinois (gas station on-premise consumption) – Ordinance No. 23-09-27 

10. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance amending various sections of the Antioch Village Code regarding Boards and Commissions of the Village of Antioch, Illinois (Residency Requirements and Compensation) – Ordinance No. 23-09-28

11. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance amending Section 1-4-6 of the Antioch Village Code regarding electronic attendance of meetings for the Village of Antioch, Illinois – Ordinance No. 23-09-29 

VIII. Administrator’s Report 

IX. Village Clerk’s Report 

X. Department Reports: Communications, Parks, Public Works 

XI. Trustee Reports 

XII. Adjournment 


I. Call to Order 

II. Roll Call 

III. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely 

IV. Mayoral Report 

Citizens Wishing to address the Board (The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda) 

V. Regular Business 

1. Approval of the August 23, 2023 and September 13, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting minutes as presented

2. Discussion regarding a site plan for a new auto sales and service facility for Raymond Kia of Antioch located at the Northwest corner of IL 173 and Brown Avenue

3. Discussion regarding a site plan for 710 Anita Street

4. Discussion regarding a concept for a senior living facility located on approximately 5.90 acres at 991 E IL Route 173

5. Heron Harbor – Merger of Associations

6. Northbridge Church conservation easement agreement

7. Discussion regarding the window at the Café building

VI. Executive Session – Collective Bargaining, Personnel, Pending Litigation, Property Acquisition, Lease of Village Property, Executive Session Minutes

VII. Other Business 

VIII. Adjournment 
