
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Highwood Committee of the Whole met Oct, 3

City of Highwood Committee of the Whole met Oct, 3.

Here are the agenda provided by the committee:


1. Roll Call

2. Public Hearing

3. Review of Minutes to be Approved:

3.1. City Council: September 19, 2023

3.2. Committee of the Whole: September 19, 2023

4. Appointments

5. Review of Bill Warrant List

5.1. 10/03/2023 AP Warrant List

6. Unfinished Business

7. New Business

7.1 A Proclamation Declaring October ‘Domestic Violence Awareness Month’ in the City of Highwood.

7.2 Consideration of a Motion Creating a Landlord Notification Policy for Police Incident Reports.

7.3 A Discussion on a Request from Tapas Del Lago to Create a Valet Parking Zone.

7.4 A Discussion on a Request to Create an Accounting on Special Events.

8. Executive Session (If Necessary)

9. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session 

10. Adjournment 
